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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. islam does have a tradition of tolerance in past times.
  2. I once heard a Protestant Christian say "It makes me laugh when I hear a Catholic say 'I find that hard to believe'" It seemed to me to reveal a total lack of self-awareness.
  3. This would of course be a devastating rejoinder .... except I didn't post that., I don't know how you cut and pasted that together but it isn't my post. Easy to check by looking at my posts on my account page, (I guess you didn't know about that when you faked this post, or what ever you did). That post is nowhere to be found. I don't know if you are a fraud or just very incompetent.
  4. "You little man are the epitome of an imbecile, and, this comment above proves it Mr 0. " 3 insults in one sentence! Extra points for using a 4 syllable and a 3 syllable word. But still pretty much standard schoolyard; no originality. Also, good use of the word "retarded" above, that always signals a well-thought-out position. Do you do a lot of professional writing in addition to posting on AN?
  5. Nor does the corpse read the AN forum, so I'm reasonable sure the post was directed at the survivors who would make the arrangements who might care.
  6. Maybe be thankful for the good years?
  7. I think a thumb war match would be about right just guessing at the significance of the disagreement. It ought to be taught in schools. "One, two, three, four, I declare thumb war". Would save some lives if this became the go to method of conflict resolution.
  8. It was explained to you correctly by Polar Bear and you rejected the answer. Possibly you are too smart to learn, or the other possibility.
  9. First reply should end the discussion. Ajarn.com
  10. Maybe the questions is put the wrong way around. Maybe a better questions would be: "Why do western men feel the need to try and act so macho and affect so much swagger?". I have not noticed that Thai men are effeminate.
  11. "While Mr Cezard has since made a recovery, Mr Thonghor remains in a more critical condition and is currently intubated" If the article is accurate and Mr. Thonghor started it all off by throwing a beer bottle, it sounds like Mr. Thonhor "effed around and found out".
  12. "My advice to you is to NOT seize a woman, but seize something more substantial." If I need advice, my first thought is NOT, "what would GG recommend?".
  13. I hope so. But Trump has a way of appealing to the know-nothings, he has mastered that.
  14. Go ahead, watch it, I bet you will like it.
  15. "Everyone has a theory but bottom line is there's no more evidence for the big bang, evolution etc. than there is for God, garden of eden, virgin birth, coming back from the dead etc." Possibly you terminated your education prematurely if you believe this statement to be true. The Big Bang and evolution are both attested by voluminous evidence, if you are unaware of it that does not mean that it doesn't exist. Seriously, watch "Cosmos" and you will learn about the evidence and be entertained as well.
  16. You might enjoy the series "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. I think you would learn and enjoy.
  17. "I don't know, in Thai prison will he get 3 hots and a cot?" This is what is called a question.
  18. I don't know, in Thai prison will he get 3 hots and a cot? Might extend his life.
  19. " I never wasted 3 years of my life in university" Reading your posts no one will doubt this.
  20. Sorry no one has explained this to you. Google "red shift big bang" that should help.,
  21. Installed Google wallet, going to Starbuck's to try it out. Luddite no more. P.S. Didn't work. No one waiting behind me so cashier and I tried to process it several ways. No joy. Paid with my card, same card as is on the Google wallet. Starbuck's is cashless so you would think they would know but it didn't work. As far as "using my phone properly" I just read the Google instructions on line and followed them but it didn't work.
  22. Sorry to say this is pretty typical of AN responders. Sometimes you can get useful info amid the wiseguy responses. Not always.
  23. Resorting to an ad hominem attack indicates that you lost the argument. It indicates you have nothing of substance to say.
  24. "devilishly evil music" The obvious place to start. Let's find a way to replace it with some good old "Hey nonny nonny" tunes. That'll fix things.
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