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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. I get the 5 mg Talafil daily for BPH with the nice side effects. Just tried a different BPH medicine for about 3 days, experienced side effect of retrograde ejaculation (one of the possible side-effects my MD warned me about) in the first week. No thanks, going back to Talafil. But I always get the Talafil at the hospital where my doctor prescribes them. Can I ask for my prescription and shop for the best price, or do I have to fill the Rx at the hospital where I got it? Thanks for any knowledgable replies.
  2. The mooner is just a weirdo as far as I can see. I do wonder if he was intoxicated. Stange and unpleasant.
  3. Depends where you are. Never smell dope where I live and work. Bangkok eastern suburbs.
  4. I had a Thai lady indicate to me that a group of acrobats performing in the street were Chinese, she used a visual aid in case I didn't understand; she put her index fingers at the corner of her eyes and pulled up and back to simulate Chinese eyes. This made me laugh as this was something that I have done as a kid but had been taught was "politically incorrect".
  5. May I be the first to say... who cares? (Or maybe I am already too late to be the first.)
  6. "Prevention is far better than cure. " True enough, and when the doctors tell patients that they need to exercise more and eat healthier do the patients run right home and do that? It isn't all the fault of doctors. People aren't enthusiastic about the changes required and would rather get a prescription, easier.
  7. Is that what you say to cancer patients as well?
  8. But you were convinced by the absurd slanders from Yagoda, Source? Pulled out of his A$$. Great critical thinking Cowboy.
  9. This was in response to my post: ["a radical Socialist organization that hates the USA and promotes censorship, genital mutilation of children, adoption of children by Homosexuals, terrorism, Hamas, socialized medicine, Orwellian vaccine mandates and DEI. " One great thing about having this discussion online is not getting hit by the spittle spray when certain types spew statements like this.] The claims are completely unsupported. The poster simply went down a laundry list of their own trigger points. No support at all for their claims about The Committee to Protect Healthcare. This is roughly equivalent to calling individuals one disagrees with a Leninist with nothing to support that claim. And as you point out any moron can call someone a Leninist effortlessly without even knowing what a Leninist is. From the website of The Committee to Protect Healthcare: "The Committee to Protect Health Care is a national mobilization of health care professionals who are building a pro-patient health care majority in Congress and the States – holding the line for health care reform that works for patients, so that we can live in a United States where everyone has the health care they need to thrive."
  10. I have my doubts. No doubt a lot of everweight guys here. At 300 kg, that's like the weight of a hog, not many humans get that big.
  11. "A stronger U.S. that did not just walk out and show how weak it was in Afghanistan created the doubt tht the U.S. military and leaders were clueless." Do you think a final and lasting "victory" in Afghanistan was right around the corner ? I'm not convinced that staying longer was the answer.
  12. "a radical Socialist organization that hates the USA and promotes censorship, genital mutilation of children, adoption of children by Homosexuals, terrorism, Hamas, socialized medicine, Orwellian vaccine mandates and DEI. " One great thing about having this discussion online is not getting hit by the spittle spray when certain types spew statements like this.
  13. Your only source appears to be James Roguski: James Roguski is a researcher, author, natural health proponent and an activist. Me too, I am a researcher, author, health proponent and activist. Just like him, because I say so. He is a self-published author, Lulu Enterprises and Substack both self-publishing, for-profit entities. I looked at the links, they are a random assortment of articles related to your claims but none are asserting what you assert. There are unanswered questions about mRNA vaccine after effects, that much is true. But when you use hysterical language like "Crime of the Century" and "Covid-19 poison jabs" you undermine your own believability. Like all true believers nothing is gonna shake your conviction.
  14. She certainly is careless about the fit of her cap!
  15. The wildfires are God's punishment upon America for stealing the melody of "God Save the King" and using it in the song "America the Beautiful", Really surprised the US haters on here didn't realize that.
  16. Good point. Recall that the vaccine had to be temperature controlled (kept cold) to avoid disintegration of the mRNA at room temperature.
  17. Both of these girls received the mRNA vaccine. Clearly the mRNA vaccine makes kids smarter
  18. Compare this drug seizure, (not specifically cocaine).
  19. OK, so the US is now the measure of sensible sentencing for crimes. I stand corrected (thanks for that conversion to ounces, so helpful) at 206 grams she is the kingpin (should I say queenpin?) of SE Asian drug trafficking.
  20. And if she didn't would you call her a liar when she accused him of abuse?
  21. Small amount of cocaine really. Seems like shouldn't be a big deal.
  22. I know, I know you asked for internet resources but even still.... There is o book by Raymond Murphy called "English Grammar in Use" from Cambridge press that covers language essentials with a presentation on the left page and exercises for the language point on the right page. So volume of lesson is not overwhelming. Very little grammar terminology just teaching by practical examples of use. Ready to use lessons. Do you have a printer? This book would be an investment of course but your wife will be charging her students right? Of course there will be criticisms, there alway are, but this book is better than a CELTA to get you teaching LOL.
  23. "Not sure why you went down the kindergarten route, as the CELTA course is specifically for teaching English to adults." I read far enough to know the answer to this one, no job offers.
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