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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Just because the fact that prices rise for good reasons with certain industries, services and products, in certain countries, does not mean it is automatically true or justified everywhere. This also applies to Thailand, the changes are far more than what has anything to do with prices increasing. I know for a fact dozens of places that still pay the same rent, put at least half the amount of chicken or pork in dishes, while charging near double the prices, all this while the overall cost of other aspects such was gas, ingredients and wages, are maybe justifying a 20% price increase. That means a 40 baht meal should now be around 50 baht. The same with coffee, let's say the cost price has increased by like 10 baht per cup, just random figure, they increase the prices here by 30-40 baht. To compensate on having less customers as a result of earlier radical price increases. Not buying into that, specially not if i know that I can be served the same thing in like south europe, while people there, even with poor wages, earn much more than Thai staff do, and pay more for rent, utilities and ingredients too. Please explain that to start with, you would notice very soon it doesn't make any sense how things are priced in Thailand. Even I can easily afford everything X3-5 in Thailand, doesn't mean i am very pleased with it, specially knowing that the quality and service lacks on top of all this. And often quality is inconsistent as well. I know when I am being taken for a ride.
  2. So what is your question? This is how women behave, they are like that and as you already know it means nothing when they scream things when angry. Just leave them a while instead of throwing oil on the fire and life moves on. And no, you don't bring it up again later on for debates.
  3. They had an reputation upgrade already to India Town, i believe for China it is now China City.
  4. In CM you need to know who and where to ask.
  5. You can do it with colonel visa for like 1K baht within a day, they send it by grab to your home too. Just need to send photo of copy passport and visa page via LINE.
  6. Ehh yeah right, well you must live in some bubble then because I can assure you that the main factor was that it gives more value for money. Which became much less already than it was and is at that thin line. That is also the only reason people accept all the nonsense that comes with it. Thailand would otherwise be a fun place to visit for holidays, nothing much more. That's actually already the reality of today too.
  7. To be honest, it is a thin line in my opinion right now. I don't even mean the exchange rate as that is still better than it has been in recent times. I mean, nowadays to just sit down somewhere for 2 coffee's and lunch is costing easily 300-350 baht and that is mid range. With the exact same money I could basically also get that in many smaller towns in western europe, let alone in southern europe. The difference however is that these places look way better, the service is better, the staff also earns much more and the place has much more costs. Yet for some reason they also make a profit in Europe doing this. Anyway this was just one simple example, even tho the visa's (for now) are easy again, the new tax doomsday now lingers... Generally speaking the quality is also way lower, even it can be good quality and service at even more expensive places but that is exactly what you get already in average places in europe. Also if looking at things like buying a second hand car in south europe, renting a decent apartment or house for under 500-600 euro (hard to find even places here unless it are shoe boxes or old and remote houses), groceries for the most part less or same too. It's all cheaper and easier + you can own whatever you want + you can do whatever you want + work whatever you wat. Not sure how much longer Thailand has the benefit of the doubt to be honest. Makes it hard to decide anything in life here now too, in terms of buying any properties, even to send over money, buying a(nother) motorbike or car, improving furniture at home, not knowing I might need to leave over 180 days from next year, and if so, likely just not live in TH at all except for a holiday each year. Thailand is just easy as many long stayers live here since decades, it is well established and catering for that. I personally just think it became very boring, except when its a weekend in pattaya, still good fun there. But prices are out of the roof too, hard to enjoy. Is even cheaper to get a girl in europe for short time nowadays too than what they average quote in Thailand lol.
  8. Amazing how 9 people laughed at this topic, as if it is something fun or you could blame this retirees on. It's 100% theft and unfair.
  9. Damn, that must be the worst nightmare. They do anything here for more money.
  10. Did it a few times before in CM but lately they pulled it out by not having appointments for months to come (no by accident for sure). You would normally need: photo/scan front of passport (the actual book itself), photo/scan bio page, photo/scan both pages of which on 1 of the 2 your visa stamp is, TM30 that is valid until the extension runs out at least, photo copy/scan. They dont say this clearly, if you miss any of above you will end up with delays and a mess with emailing them or updating the system. When approved they send you the few pre-filled documents that you simply print and sign, arrive on appointment in and out 10 mins.
  11. https://thesessionbangkok.com/en/pipe-tobacco-page/ Pretty sure you can order some via LINE and get it sed to you, they open since like 2017.
  12. Can't wait for it, Thailand is just nonsense priced in so many ways. Same they make you believe it would cost up to 30,000 USD for a piece of <deleted>ty land, barely 600 square meters, while it is still 30-40 minutes outside of a city like Chiang Mai. That while there is no economy at all, and there is like infinite land available and unused too. This while you can buy acres of land in western countries for it, that you actually would own legally too. Let a crisis start then I will be cash ready to buy something at 50% off.
  13. I just buy crypto from my euro or dollars and the sell them P2P on online exchanges for THB, this also makes it a domestic transfer that is not taxed. Aside from that it takes like 5-15 minutes on average and zero fees. Do that since years.
  14. Will be better again within next 3-6 months.
  15. No you have to start with zero
  16. Strict on what? I fly twice a week with both my normal day pack as well as a small hard suitcase. They do not even check weight as you can check in yourself nowadays, I always have much more than 7KG. Stop spreading nonsense, it's allowed in the first place to carry 2 items (a day pack or girl bag doesnt count as the main one). Even they make a issue you can always put your day pack temporary in the small suitcase and take it out after again.
  17. CM became a crappy + quiet boring place if it comes to the expats and nightlife. Same with the super slow slow thinking and acting locals, if they think at all. It always shocks me when going to like Hanoi where it is completely packed and has this vibes that Thailand once had. The climate itself is also kind of a big mess: very long rain seasons, then the extreme hot months + after that the extreme pollution months. Essentially Chiang Mai is a horrible place to stay except for maybe 4 months a year. People I know still living here are looking to relocate or even leave depending on tax situations too. Many just switch between Vietnam, south of Thailand and 1-2 months up north aside of a visit trip back to their home countries. I'm personally ready to move out too but kind of waiting for these tax rules updates, kind of senseless to move domestic beforehand.
  18. So you are wealthy and have a very decent pension? Or not? If not you likely never understood how money really works. Many people who are against debts or credit, and not have any debts / credit, often are also living super frugal as they never made good money as a result.
  19. Seems you miss out on discounts, promotions, cash back, air miles and more. On top of that you miss out on leveraging your money, which would over time create more wealth, significant on 1-2 decades especially. There is a difference between bad and good debt but most oldies never learnt that. If you have 100K in the bank and a new business idea that is 70% sure to succeed, the profit is 10% per year and you can borrow the 100K for 4% as well, you would obviously borrow the money and not risk your own capital.
  20. Guess people here are new with the Rich dad Poor dad concept
  21. Yeah it's just this overseas tax thing to become real and there really is almost only Pro's about moving to Vietnam for 6 months a year.
  22. Yeah it is, it's like 2-2.5 USD now depending where you drink it while the same average costs 50 cents to a dollar in Vietnam.
  23. These things come in all kinds of variations, some are with a battery intended to bring along on holidays. I used to have the same in cambodia too back in 2016, i could just bring my router with me hehe.
  24. Yeah the idea is to still have wifi as well indeed, in that case, I would just use a SIM router from Lazada together with a 1-1.5K monthly local sim. If you could resell to your neighbors you could consider a Starlink from Philipinnes with global access at 100 USD monthly.
  25. Ehh unlimited data for 150 baht per month? Right, at 56-128kbps speed lol.
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