The telescreen was blurting out the usual propaganda. "A million school drop outs, time for a new education system." and "Crazy man takes drugs, time to ban weed again." Suddenly an emergency broadcast flashed across the telescreen. "Big Brother is watching. There is a lockdown in place. Remain in doors and await further news."
I wasn't surpised. There was already talk going around of another mass conscription. I finished the last drop victory gin and walked over to the closet. Monday... everyone must wear yellow on Monday. Oh well, not as bad as the officers uniform on Tuesdays. That thing chafes and is baking hot. Poor Cracknell.. Martin Cracknell. What ever happened to him? He came in with an unofficial yellow shirt on. The party emblem was missing. A student in one of his classes spotted it and reported him. We never saw him again.