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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I was burgled 2 times in 1 year time... First time they stole all my jewels, money and safe..But European gold is nothing worth here, even my inheritage from my parents as a watch and diamond ring, but the police first asked how much I would pay if they found it....The second time the burglar was caught by my neighbour... He stole only a few bottles of whiskey that were leftover from my birthday party and some other stuff nothing very valuable.. because the first time they stole it already..But the thief had nothing with him so probably there was a second one, but no effort to find him/her. Only they made a proposal to release him if he paid the damage about 10k THB... I am not stupid of course and I told him I would do it if he brought back the jewellery from the first time, because if he did not do it some else and now they got the things there they" forgot" the first time in a way to speak.. my video and foto camera and they knew exactly were they laid.... But the did not know and he excused himself so many times and he even could not say where the 3 bottles of whiskey were... I said I have no compassion and he got sentenced to jail..... So RTP i don't have confidence in them
  2. It will surely do more damage to the economy than that it will benefit it.. First of all the requirements should be brought down form 70k a month to 35k a month and the bank account less than 250k....And the age of 16 should be 21... It would save a lot of money. But anyway the loan for the pay out is a burden that will take years to get rid of it with money that could be spend much better than a one time handout.. Pita is right it will be end in a catastrophe..Much better was to use money to get rid of the daily wages of 400 THB a day and change to monthly salaries of 15k a month.. More money to spend for the people every day will do much more than a one time sum
  3. Maybe they should do something for the Thai people so that they are going to be able to buy and own a house.. Foreigners okay, but the biggest market are the Thai people, but with the current wages, labour laws, and greed of gthe rich it will impossible for the Thai ever to own or buy something and get some assets..
  4. I can do a poll too, with questions with answers I like to hear, in a group that is against or just support the subject and the results will be amazing... It will always meet my expectations... or if not I manipulate them.. Nobody will ever check and it looks I am really very important.. That is Thailand
  5. If they are waiting for action of the RTP it can take a very long time..... better start with civil guards/watchers....RTP doesn't do anything as it there is not to earn for them
  6. And now instead of the 700 inactive generals they could all be retired tooinstead of the planned 300, which saves again billions of THB.. i
  7. The booking system crashed on the first day already...... The digital wallet will be like Mor Prom app, the 90 days app, and many more too..... crashing, not working because Thailand and digital apps are not working very well although Thailand is the hub
  8. Too many old and outdated cars on the roads, which contribute to the airpollution, and Thailand is doing nothing about it... They should start with all taxis in Bangkok and Chiang Mai change in modern EV vehicles, provide enough charging places and get rid of the very old trucks, and cars.. It will improve work facilities, and the economy.. Better give some subsidy to a project like this than a 10k handout
  9. The Ec is the only institution that rules Thailand.. They decide who can reign, who wins and will be able to form a Government and if the people or votes speak different the EC will prosecute them, disbanned them and find all kind of ways to get them to the constitution court to ban them with lies and false accusations. How long will the people of Thailand accept these people
  10. I never understand Thai drivers... They are too busy with other things than the traffic... talking, looking back at their friends, arguing with other cars or motorcyclists, tailgating for unknown reasons, suddenly braking or take a turn.... It seems that they think they are only ones on the road.... Results accidents like this.. too much ego I suppose
  11. I see many times these posts, but Phetchaburi province doesn't exists it seems....Almost never any mention of it
  12. Good Thailand is involved too now, as they always want to be involved in everything as the most important country on earth...
  13. Convienent yes, but I live in Phetchaburi but the bus will never stop in Phetchaburi although they almost pass my house...And I see many times that there are only a few passengers are in the bus... I don't understand as it would bring in extra money for them, but the hide that it is a rule that they can't stop and they are very very unfriendly on phone and mail....If they do it on all the routes it will cost more than it benefits
  14. Thailand is the hub of destroying things... Tourism, business, proper education, long term visitors/expats and now economy...first by doing nothing and secondly to borrow so much money that the country has to pay a lot in coming years to get rid of the loans...
  15. The whole railway and trains are third class and need to be totally replaced with modern railways, stations, and trains so that we can get rid of this 19th century transport... Good for employment, good for the economy
  16. Lottery is coming... Look what they will write next year if all money from foreigners is taxable in Thailand.... And the retirement people are willing to do volunteer jobs, they they are not allowed due workpermits and alcohol between 2 and 5 you only can drink at your home.... Yes once Thailand was teh place to be... but now other countries like Spain and Portugal and Panama are better..
  17. I think if you travel 2,83 times to Thailand for delicious food you can eat delicious too in China for that amount of money
  18. I agree with you, but a house is a one time purchase, and indeed much cheaper than my country too, but there is much more than a house, I have to eat and imported food whatever is because of taxes very expensive, That are costs that nobody calculate. In my country a jar of Hero jam is 2,5 euro that is 100 THB but in Thailand I pay 250 THB for the same jar. If you calculate probably how much extra you pay for all these items maybe you save on your house but you pay it by the daily groceries, and if that is not enough now Thailand is going to tax all incomes/wages/salaries/pensions from all the foreigners... and believe me the tax here is higher than in my homecountry... I am intergraded already here after 20 years, but still I see that Thailand is not the country anymore that is attractive to foreigners, but there are other options surely for newcomers and Thailand will miss them because of their greed
  19. One small problem??? indeed they don't have the money yet, but Thailand and digital things is another small problem.. 90 days reporting online, Mor Prom, safety at digital bank apps.....This will be no different, the app will not work is refused, doesn't get the money, crashes, just name it... This is Thailand
  20. Borrow the money means paying interest and pay back and that would harm the economy much more than not giving the 10k.. Besides the Government always has money enough... print a lot money it will raise the inflation but who cares, as long as the 10k goes on
  21. It doesn't matter ... withe no fail law in Thailand everybody will pass anyway every year.....Only need to have attending classes.. In some schools even teachers are not allowed to give grades lower than 2,5 even to the never working students....
  22. What a gift a boiled egg.... All poverty problems solved
  23. I live in a nice house with 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, fully owned and paid.... so I don't know what you are talking about.. I never have rented...But for a drinkable wine I want to pay but not for the crap here... and be fair, with all the high taxed products we don't contribute enough because with the tax law many will leave, as they will surely implement it.. The Government is in need of money and foreigners with their incomes can pay a lot..And Do you like to pay overcharged prices anyway??
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