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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It is normal in Thailand to drive on the wrong side of the road, just because there is no police to enforce the laws...the fines are too low and because of these two things Thai people seems to be very stubborn to learn anything, how many accidents like this occur...
  2. The Thai driver education......
  3. And how about the local criminals??? Example the robbing ladyboys???
  4. unawareness is a hub in Thailand... as the boy as the driver in this case.. The boy should know that sitting at the truck bed is forbidden but because of a lack of enforcement of laws he was in it.. A driver should always check everything while driving especially when you have passengers.. rear view, and watching what they are doing in the back.. The boy probably was unaware that it was dangerous to stand at the low bridge over the road... Rip to die so sadly ....loss of life that could be avoided
  5. Buddhism and monks should be protected... not possible to become a monk if you committed an offence or as a kind of penance for mistakes...as we have seen in the past...Than monks will be respected too and those who misbehave must send away immediately and being punished as a normal civilian. Rules must be followed.. so no gambling, no alcohol or drugs and smoking, no sex, and surely no money....
  6. result of changing sentences and thoughts...:)
  7. A school is for educate people... All after school activities by teachers should be forbidden..After regular lessons, many children have special classes, even in the weekends and in the holidays.. parents pay for these classes and the kids are being learned nothing but because of the payment the kids have special treatments and grades...I know from several schools and parents.. in reality it seems more that they do their homework than learn, but the kids in fact who really need extra classes, often from poorer families will get behind further and further as they can't afford the lessons or are living to far from the school
  8. Modern Thailand ... medieval believes in the 21st century
  9. She is not Lisa....... so no tax payment and not allowed now... just to promote tourism is even pulled down
  10. Pheu Thai won this election because they had a pay out of the 10k wallet... As it was not shortly before the election, it still seems to be an influence ... otherwise the Pheu Thai did not achieve anything yet in the Government or with laws to improve the country and for its people
  11. Yeah Thai people are never to blame, but the foreigners... they must come so we can fine them for all kind of silly mistakes .. Long live the Thai tourism industry with expecting millions of potential arrogant foreigners..
  12. This is Thailand... no enforcement of laws, no educated drivers, poor maintained vehicles, Vehicles that are too old already, but with new paint look new, as no investments but greed of profit...lack of responsibility, too much hurry and night fatigue, and bad luminated roads.... and than wondering why accidents surge..
  13. Always something to blame, but the real reasons are the polluted air, expensive THB the alcohol restrictions, more expensive tickets, double pricing and standards, and so on.... but nothing to with the Russia Ukraine war or the Israeli war.. Thailand should stop finding excuses .. They ruined the tourism sector several years ago already and it is very difficult to rebuilt it as no investments are made, of course in words but not in deeds..Welcome tourist with a smile and treat them as guests instead as potential criminals
  14. why watch it if you don't like it??
  15. Pheu did not do anything for the country yet but only a handout of 10k.... and that is what brought them their victory this time.. they are smart as with delaying the other payment they hope they will win other elections too... But it is shortsighted
  16. How long are you married with a Thai if I may ask?? It seems you have more experience than I have
  17. Marrying in Thailand is different than in western countries.. Here a foreigner is same as a jackpot, Many Thais don't care about age as long as they can get enough money to spend, as in Thailand everything is about being rich and beautiful. That also means that you have to take for the rest of the family too, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents even cousins....They ll want to borrow money and will never pay it back as it is seen as your duty to help the family. If you don't do it they will not like you and it even could be dangerous...There are many stories known that foreigners died at suspicious circumstances. The best thing to do is that you don't live close to the Thai family... You will get a more private life. Another thing that is a threat is that Thais are very jealous. If you two are happy, they will start to gossip, telling lies, and try to ruin your relationship. It is real as Thai friends don't like it when somebody has a better life than they have. I had similar problems and I know several other with that problem too.. Even when I lived in my own country. The Thai population is gathering and are your friends, but in the meantime they start to destroy the relationship. Nobody who my partner knew in my homecountry is still married, but all divorced because of that.. and in our relationship I stopped it in time.. Not allowed to go to casinos, not allowed to drink with them, not allowed to go out with them as they all were hunting for a one-night stand, and see the result.. we are still in love and together and they are all divorced. Just to say. Same now we are living in Thailand we live away from the family, but if needed we help them, but they can't come over and don't know anything about our life and it is quiet... so after 23 years we are still happy together, what is almost a special case in Thailand, as mostly relationships don't hold as long. So yes marrying a Thai can be good, but you have to careful not to let you take into the Thai culture of adultery, drinking, gambling and moneygiving,,,, just live your own life together
  18. From 35 to 34 is in my opinion stronger and that in 2 weeks time
  19. Estimates is not a hard number... I hope to win the win the lottery too and with a vague number of 60% surge in the first 9 months... compared to which period?? And be fair Thai news is unreliable
  20. And the THB is getting stronger and stronger....I wonder why because you don't read a lot of positive news about economics of Thailand
  21. What is it???? a Miss election??? Beautiful woman but not natural looking....and what have this kind of pics to do with the things she achieved??
  22. Which costs??? he never really stayed there maybe 3 nights
  23. Of course it needs to be blocked... suppose it would be confirmed that he was never in the hospital treated for any disease....and all the information about it was fake... That would cause problems
  24. Nothing to do with Rome the protestants are even bad and in all religions it happens...
  25. How can you bring up kids with no money and only debts? how about the love you got when their kids themselves?? Parents are mostly dumping their kids with family or send them to school for a whole day and weekend, so that is a nice life they can look on back when they grew up..
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