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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. How can you fall of a big bike? You are holding the driver I suppose,or were they playing as I see them often do? Speeding, watching eachother, telephone..... Maybe better get some sense, a decent education before riding a bike
  2. David against Goliath. I hope Pita can break the power of the army and elite, as they are withholding the country and its people from moving forward. Because they will not give up their wealth and profits that should be in fact given to the Thai. Pita has balls to fight them
  3. Mistakes are being made everywhere. Unfortunately for this man his pension is frozen, however therr are again questions. He could get his pension till May, a ridiculous low amount. But ok...why now suddenly a lack of food and not 2 years ago? I must be missing something
  4. Therefor a real revolution is needed to stop all the stupid laws an regulations made to keep the army in power, but unfortunately the Thai population is not ready for it yet. But with the upcoming ideas you can feel the change is coming
  5. Give it to Phuket. The police like to control there, so no problems to be expected
  6. Thailand never dare to face the truth as they would loose face
  7. I hope that the case is strong for the news outlet, as many people believe/know that Red Bull paid a lot for his son. Every normally thinking individual knows that it is under normal circumstances impossible not to be arrested on 12years time, without any help. Red Bull must pay for it
  8. I have always be taught not to wear expensive jewellery on holidays, so make him proof he bought it and check his tax form
  9. I know it is difficult grom dcratch but you have to start somewhere. The money for the 10k digital wallet scheme could be used in a better way. Thai government has no idea who lived wjetr is doing what and earn how much. How can you help people if you don' t have the complete picture. Same with this idea, people who don't have enough money already can gamble for the future. Thai people never think a week ahead, what about 10/20 years?
  10. By gambling which is forbidden in Thailand..they better should start with register everybody in the place they live and let everybody fill in a tax form what they do, how much they earn how many savings etc. I think there is much more to het to create a social security system
  11. Make people addicted is agood idea indeed. They have all laws to prevent gambling but this is om
  12. Amazing the taxidriver took the bag and drove off....Praise him?
  13. Stupidity of world level. Gambling is forbidden, big issues to open casinos, only lottery allowed by Government and no a lottery fo the retored who don:t have enough money? A normal person can not get such ideas. Get rid of this government as soon as possible
  14. They invented the capital punishment. So please use it as Thailand doesn't help people with menyal issues. It cost too much money, better can loan money to pay everybody 10k
  15. 2 things, what is 14 yr old doing on a motorcycle and secondly should he not be in bed for school?
  16. Maybe start to attrack more tourists instead of al kind of measures that chase them away. Welcome them, but than you must get rid of your conservative ideas
  17. That is no allowed foreigner. Only Thais are allowed to do that
  18. Maybe start first to implement the normal traffic rules, as helmet, speeding,no driverslicense, tailgating, wrong side driving or the use of the emerengy lane. And many more
  19. I am wonering how to pay tax at 5 thb. They don't have the coins for it. Nor even it will cost more of papers stamps and officials than the revenue
  20. 1billion thb..... Where does that come from? Government officials, army people, international CEO? It seems that never eant to pay any tax anywhere, while the most low incomes have to pay more. Double taxing is impossible
  21. Same with alcohol taxes. They have been cut but nobody pays less. Would this be different?
  22. But if e-cigarettes are forbidden, where do they come from and if the tabacco law has an age of 18 who bought them. And last but not least how long it take before no checkings anymore
  23. Sure tourism will surge, but it shows again that Thailand has no clue about tourism. In the Western world casino's are legalized many years back, so influence on tourism will be not much, or only for the rich Chinese. It is more the profits of the owners that will be skyrocketing
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