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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Are immigration offices closed that day too??can't find anywhere on internet.. And the whole alcohol sales ban should eb reviewed for the tourism industry...
  2. yes I have seen and heard it as a few years back it was in front of my on a Wednesday.......and gambling and noise whole night... and that in country that doesn't want gambling... Amazing
  3. Nobody needs to be hospitalized for high bloodpressure.....and all the other sickness disappeared as soon as he was free.... More proof needed??
  4. Bull races are always in the night.. That should be forbidden, people need their sleep too
  5. Nothing will happen, Thaksin got a certificate for good behaviour a few months back... and with his friends in the army and higher he is untouchable...
  6. What are the Human Rights in Thailand???if you open your mouth you be jailed....and than there too many inmates in a too small cell, with bad quality food, kids are being hit with sticks for minor offences in schools, and the corruption is only protecting the rich...
  7. So the UN is untrustworthy too now....
  8. Does Thailand has Human Rights??? How about the overcrowded prisons? protestors in jail without a bail possibility for nothing? No freedom of speech, reading and writings?? No equality for LHBTQ community, and hitting teachers with bamboo sticks in schools?? Underpaid work and not allowed to stay home for sickness or even burial as we could read this year, and that are not all cases but just a few. And the list can go on
  9. The Government said no flooding in Bangkok so, now maybe a bit of water in the streets but don't worry we will never solve the problems as in a few weeks the dry season starts and all problems are solve then.. And next year we do the same ... We predict no floodings anymore but we don't do anything ever about it.. It are only the common people who are affected..The rich and elite are always safe.
  10. Which countries do you talk about?? give some examples please..And besides that.. how many Thais have any knowledge of the history, the sightseeing of the countries they visit or even understand some English
  11. It is not about qualifications as a lot of Thais lack it ... It is that it is not allowed to do a job a Thai can do, and as all Thais can do everything, you need almost a university degree and dozens of copies to hop that you can get a job...
  12. I am wondering when Thailand will end this silly law that a foreigner can't do a job that Thais can do.. It would be much easier to get work permits, but the outdated protective law makes applying for work permits very difficult, Even volunteer work with no payments need work permits.. so please review the law to the 21st century.. Now wonder the economy stays behind.. Thailand is not an welcoming country
  13. Common practice in Thailand.. If not paid the police won't do anything... why can they afford their big cars for family and themselves, their houses pay from?? Not their salaries
  14. Is this the 21st century or still living halfway the 20th century?? Thailand wake up.....make no problems of things that are no problem
  15. Where the money is there are the people,although they don't have anything to do with it.....
  16. Now it is a hot item because of this tragedy but as usual in Thailand, nothing will change, as you need a good policeforce for it that knows how to do their job instead of just checking the payment of taxes... an non corrupt institution that checks all vehicles and doesn't give the papers to pay taxes, and the willingness of the Thai people to stand up against others that bring lives in dangers, for example crazy minivan drivers, taxis, etc ..So nothing will change because nobody will start to do something
  17. The results of the perfect driving education in Thailand and the efforts to get the F1 to Thailand.. Not enough crazy drivers already here
  18. It is one of the many tragic malfunction examples of the Thai army.... The instructors or so called higher ranked will show their power and abuse everyone who resist... Reforms can't be done as they are in power of the country too and we all know and saw what they do if people come into the streets... Punishments will not be given and everything will laid off as a misunderstanding... I don't like torture, but I know a few good punishment for these guys so they will never do it again...
  19. You never know where you can be fined for in Thailand... The laws and rules are being invented instantly ... It doesn't mean it is a stupid action of the man, but he was relaxed so nothing the mattter. If he got in trouble it could be another story
  20. No need to push... every day I see car racing on the road or I hear motorcycle races at my house on the highway.....Don;t bring more dangerous ideas to the Thai people
  21. What can you expect over overloaded schoolbusses even older than the one of the fire, or just open vans crowded with kids, standing in the back of the van,, no seatbelts, no protection and even a bench in the middle of the van for more kids that is not even fastened or screwed for safety.. they will swirl through the van ... But nobody cares... as I wrote yesterday the mai pen rai attitude is a distaster for Thailand and nobody really nobody will take any responsibility for what so ever... Always others to blame, the weather, the road, the brakes, the cellphone, the wind, an other driver .....
  22. For the tax paying you need your car being inspected at a station.. Last year there was an old car with a lot of blacksmoke, a broken brakelight at the back but there was no problem, he got his paper and could go to pay the tax.. That is what only counts in Thailand... pay the tax, but don't check vehicles decently... and that is only 1 I was witnessing how many other with more problems are being approved?? Besides that let your car check at your dealer and they only renew/replace some parts, but never check the profiles on the tires, the brakes, the pressure of the tires and several more unless you ask for it and than they still don't do it... No wonder so many dangerous vehicles are on the roads
  23. In many countries it is common to show that the nation support the victims
  24. Like botox can make people younger and beautiful,,, here a new color and you have a new bus....Looks new outside inside rotten...
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