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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Another example of the drivers education... besides that you can wonder if it wise to let a 69 year old one drive a schoolbus and have the responsibility for so many kids
  2. Amazing article for something that is forbidden by law for foreigners... But Thais can do it as we can read And this is why THailand don't want to legalize it.... a decreased tax revenue.... The greedy Thai Government is doing nothing only things to enrich themselves as most of them have connections in one or another way with all industries...
  3. Peeing in the sea happened too and teh netizens were very upset and the peeing people were fined... This is Thailand, lack of common sense and greed
  4. No that is work and that is a word that Thais don't like at all....Better hire Burmese for it... because the Thai labour law will make an exception for this kind of work.
  5. No bathrooms available and even peeing in the sea is being fined... But that is were the RTP and TAT is busy with instead of invest in infrastructures, and clean air.. And Thais are doing the same all over the country, but Thailand is for the Thai is the slogan
  6. All votes are wasted as there is no democracy in Thailand and when people vote and the results are not in line what they must be, as we saw with the elections when MFP won, the party or persons will be prosecuted and banned or being declared invalid. I believe the big numbers of no votes and invalid votes these elections are the protest of the Thai people.. It is no use to vote
  7. Did Thailand not sent several Uighurs back to China lately???
  8. If this man will be PM the tourism sector and foreign businesses are doomed
  9. And a lot of people did not go voting yesterday, probably because they know the results already... I know someone from a voting commitee who dais that many people did not showed up.
  10. Not surprising by giving the handout of 10k to 60 years and older people just before the elections, combined with the hand outs everywhere. Other parties don't get a chance as the Government has nothing done yet so the opposition could not come in the picture.
  11. But if the higher person orders it will done.. It happened before but that news was deleted within the hour
  12. Single party rule is dictatorship and not democracy.... But he can do and say he wants because he is protected until the army finds it is enough.. Again a proof that Thaksin is using the country for his own and family benefit, and doesn't care about anything else, because when the army interferes again hell will break out...
  13. A new hub in the land of hubs..... Better should be a hub for infrastructure for tourism and a hub for clean air
  14. He is right.. and start with the people who are in the Government and also who staged coups... and several people who damaged the country.. A big clean up live on TV Many people know who should be executed
  15. While others are sentenced for section 112 for 20 years already and bails denied for others, this man is free to go and do as he likes.. Money is involved and I am wondering how long the Thai people or students will accept these double standards
  16. Nice measures the alcohol sales ban, but the vote buying is not illegal and will not be punished.. I don't know what is worse.. A beer or an envelope with 300 to 500 THB in it to get a vote.
  17. They can enforce what they want but they need an institution that will do the job and the RTP don't care about it, neighbours don't want to make trouble with their neighbours and Thais don't care at all and continue making wildfires for their trash.. The RTP should start working but we all know that will be a dream, unless it is is pocketfilling cases. An example.. tomorrow voting day.. the big shops are not allowed to sell the neighbourhood shops don't care and sell, but buying votes is no problem and is happening in all places all over the country
  18. Indeed states back to the 19th century...
  19. Again diesel railcars probably to tackle the air pollution... Why not modern electric ones?
  20. Does she have time for this?? Her father claims she is too busy with running the country, so he has to take over to recover the economy... A TV show is wasting time, but only good for extra money because of the advertisements....75% of the time..
  21. I agree with THaksin that the economy is suffering by mismanagement of the current and previous Governments. But He is not the person who must fix it it is the duty of the Pm and her Government. But we all know that she will be incapable to do so. That is she has her hands full in managing is the country is nice sentence, but explain than what she is doing for the country as till now nobody has seen or heard anything from her only from her father .... and she has no power than being beautiful and travel around
  22. Like in a good democracy the money is being handout already... 300 to 500 THB for a vote...
  23. The rumor is going on that all her grades are fake ... and that she could never be a senator, but apparently she is has soem friends who are supporting her....
  24. Whole Thailand is madness... you are being fined for vaping for 10k while accidents like this don't have a lot of consequences, same as many other laws.. There should be a Government that update all laws in Thailand, a RTP who know how to work instead of pocketfilling and laziness, and a justice system that i/s real neutral.. Last stupid action of a judge was that a man could get his tax paid without paying the traffic fines and was compensated for the lawsuit... In a normal world he should pay the fines first, should pay for the lawsuit of both parties get an extra fine and than he could pay his tax... Just to say..
  25. What are these red and white stripes on the roads?? decorations? Nobody gets a proper driving education so nobody will stop. I think 40 years ago in my country they said already that it is safer to cross the road in Thailand not over a zebra crossing but on another part of the road.. In 40 years nothing changed apparently, but if you want change things you have to go forward and Thailand stands still on all fronts although they want to be the hub of everything
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