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Hamus Yaigh

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Everything posted by Hamus Yaigh

  1. What if you actually have 7 seats like mine ???? I assumed tea money for the BiB, by deliberately making the laws vague and unintelligible.
  2. She's probably made the journey hundreds of times already.
  3. I had a US credit card from Citi for over 20 years I maintained with good standing. Out of the blue with still 18 months validity on the card, I was told account would be closed without notice due to a lack of activity. I had not used it for 20 months during the pandemic and my lack of travel and wasn't expecting this. I was not allowed to reopen the account as my full time address was now in Thailand (retired). I always believe that any set back offers opportunities, so I decided to close all my dealings with Citi and opened a new Credit Card with a Thai bank. The service is much preferable and I haven't looked back.
  4. That's true if no ones heard of them before. Jussie Smollett case in point. This was different and as obvious as the nose on ones face.
  5. I don't know how anyone could think it was staged? Makes me wonder how gullible some people are with today's news and distorted social media points of view.
  6. But foreigners can own their own condo in 49% cases? Why must the sale go to a Thai?
  7. What happens if the agent goes out of business?
  8. What's gold and silvers inherent value? Are they currently undervalued or overvalued? ????
  9. Stock markets usually go up when interest rates rise so buy shares in profitable value driven companies. The boring companies like Berkshire will end up higher than any cash left under the mattress.
  10. TWo serious crashes in a year. The guy cannot drive. Lifetime license ban and get the idiot a driver, he can afford one.
  11. What's wrong with using a courier like Fedex? I've bought several laptops and had them shipped to Thailand, takes under 4 days.
  12. Those way-point markers are about 2km wide in the image! If you zoom in you'll find few to none compared to available petrol pumps. Bangkok is only suited to EV's in the outskirts, people should use public mass transport in the city where traffic is jammed already. If you go Thailand wide the situation is much worse for charge points, so people would need two cars, one EV and one petrol. Make sense?! Whatever you buy in EV today will be obsolete in a short time like the evolution of computers and smart phones in the early years. People with money to burn and smug Eco-warriors will buy EV's, for the practical its a trusted ICE for years to come.
  13. We've got sliding frosted glass doors and curtains to close with them for added coziness and lets one room stay light whilst other dark.!
  14. So buy your own property and pay the gov rate? Landlords can charge what they like, and tenants can accept it or leave.
  15. Idiots of this nature should not be covered by insurance. Our premiums are high as it is.
  16. Guess he means the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia but too embarrassed to say it?
  17. I'd say a fair assessment and you got off lightly. You are both at fault and both need to reassess your driving habits. At 2:15 even tho the motorbike was cutting in your path, it looks like you were lucky not to hit him by just tooting and carrying on regardless. Then to not stop and hit him when he 'brake tested' as you say is worse.
  18. Price seems a bit steep. We pay 10USD /m for over 3000 channels all in English.
  19. And unless you are American and from the correct party, no one finds them funny or cares.:-)
  20. It doesn't work for me unless you use a VPN - been like that for several weeks. Pretty sure its ISP related, we use TOT whereas other ISP's I have tried do not need a VPN.
  21. Your post makes no sense, you haven't explained why a 13 yo kid, too young to drive, is being given a motorbike she doesn't want? Why should we vote on such nonsense?
  22. An you are qualified to make this judgement? Over 142m doses of Moderna already gone in arms. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccine-doses-by-manufacturer?country=~European+Union They all say that.
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