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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Saying that soil is full of living organisms is not the same as saying that soil "is a living creature". Semantics are important in academia!
  2. Certainly not.
  3. Garden soil is not a living creature.
  4. Are you an "academic"? I thought you washed hospital floors for a living? Most academics would be perfectly capable of googling "domestic abuse in Thailand" and getting all the facts and figures that they could possibly dream of.
  5. I find it difficult to avoid; usually they will speak to me in Thai first so I can't just ignore them. I try to respond in Thai and then also translate to English for the husband but that can be tiring and also difficult when a conversation is flowing.
  6. It depends what you mean by "best". If you define a good job as one that will enable you to drive around in a BMW and have multiple holidays per year (after having pugged enough away to secure your financial freedom in retirement, of course) then no, running a market stall is definitely not the "best" business. If you mean it might occupy some time in the last few years of your life, leaving you with less time to sit around doing nothing whilst still having the freedom to choose to not bother opening up shop when you don't feel like it (or maybe when you just have something better to do) then, I dunno, maybe it's a "good" job. Personally I don't fancy the idea of sitting around in the baking heat for 14 hours a day just to make a few hundred baht. Of course it's mostly irrelevant - as running a market stall is a protected occupation that neither you or I can do, anyway.
  7. X is a single letter. I don't believe anybody is putting that term into Google hoping to encounter a festival of debauchery-laden websites. To put the "renowned IT influencer"'s mind at ease I just put X into Google myself and the first page of results were almost exclusively from a single social media website, along with a couple of results about the BMW x Series. So even if people are using the term to search for porn, they're likely being disappointed by the results...
  8. The sale ban is on the Friday even though Makha Bucha is on the Saturday? edit. Never mind.... I should stop trying to read with a hangover! Of course those times indicate that the ban is indeed on the Saturday.
  9. I acknowledge that you have since clarified your position.
  10. It was literally right there in the post that you replied to. He says that the tattoo is disgusting, and not the story.
  11. So you're fine with what allegedly happened?
  12. Ahh. Now I feel stupid. Ahh.... Now I feel stupid!
  13. Yes it was expected that we might enter recession, although the level of the contraction has been a bit of a surprise to everybody. Yes growth is essentially flat over the course of a whole year. But I still don't understand what point you were trying to make..?
  14. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make... Are you disagreeing with the definition of "recession"? Or are you claiming that, despite being in recession, the UK should be proud of having an economy which has "grown" at the mammoth rate of 0.1%?
  15. We don't "still" have to open a SIM slot in that manner; this is a relatively new development and an intentional design decision by manufacturers. In the not so recent past, SIMs were far more easily accessible in phones.
  16. If Reform dilute the Tory vote that has the effect of increasing Labour's majority, not decreasing it.
  17. Many women, from all kinds of background, want to be in control. Of those women who manage to achieve it, very few seem to have any real respect for their "partner". Letting your girlfriend ride your motorbike once every now and then, however, is not a sign of losing control...
  18. This doesn't happen to most people...
  19. This thread prompted me to move one of my sims to an eSim, in order to free up a slot for a third carrier and I need to make a correction. Unfortunately I have now found out that my current phone does not support the two technologies, as slot 2 is disabled as soon as an eSim is added. So I don't know if there actually are any phones that support the use of both dual sim and esim technology simultaneously.
  20. That has nothing to do with the quote I posted and commented on, in which you called out the author of the article for apparently not understanding the difference between an increase or a decrease... (don't worry, by the way; You're not being cheeky...)
  21. No it is not. Dual Sim capability and eSims are two different methods of achieving similar results. Dual sim capable phones have two physical sim slots. E-sim capable handsets are capable of running with no physical sim card at all. Usually they support both a single physical sim and one or more esims, so once the phone is configured it works in the same way as a dual sim handset. Some phones support both technologies; my current phone has dual sim slots and also supports multiple esims.
  22. It may be that there are multiple generations of the system that work differently, but when I believed that there was a possibility that my bike fob had been compromised and possibly copied, I took it to my local dealer for reprogramming. They took a little card out of the bike's battery compartment and replaced it with another (I presume this is the master lock...) then gave me a new fob. They also reprogammed my original fob to the new master lock. It was 500bt for the new fob and 200bt to replace the master lock. So a total of 700bt if you can't find the barcode tag :)
  23. Very confusing post. The limit is 80. The proposal for the new limit is 50. To me that appears to be a reduction of 30kph...
  24. It is no longer possible for British passport to live full time in Spain without a visa, no. Without a visa, the longest a British passport holder can stay for is 90 days within any 180 day period. I don't know how easy it is or isn't to get a visa for a longer stay.
  25. All applications are separate as far as I'm aware; documents are not shared between applications. The reason that you had to provide less documents on the second application is that the requirements have eased recently.
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