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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. each airline has it's own policies. As I know all international airlines from thailand do require pcr test
  2. In preparation for travel to europe I am searching for antibody laboratory tests. Some countries do accept them for entry and others might follow this trend within months. MedConsult charges 1300b for 24h results. Anybody knows any other place, which can give same day results, so I can go for antibody and pcr at this same day? And possibly in West bangkok. I do prefer my pcr with same day results, test in the morning, flight in the late evening. The same clinic does them in 10-12h, so pretty fast. I have read that those same (I think) antibody tests are 900b in Pattaya, but I won't travel that direction
  3. I don't know about the usa, but the EU doesn't recognise any vax applied in thailand, that includes pfizer, imported to thailand AZ from korea, japan, uk or j&j imported by french. So this passport book, and especially in hard copy version, might be of little use to foreign states, because it's impossible to check validity through electronic means. I think only Switzerland would recognise thai issued certificate and pass. They would also accept mix and match. I don't have the first hand experience yet, but as soon as thailand opens a bit more in november, I am going to do short european break
  4. I have tried to register through both websites. The first one, vpassport, at ministry, gave me an appointment. But they don't give any address or map. Google maps shows only buildings 7 and 8. the second, urban institute, gives only 1.1.1970 date and no way of checking, if booking for my chosen date was accepted. No way to check or cancel appointment, as on the first website. But when I tried to re-register, it says they have already my record. So far I haven't received sms confirmation of appointment, maybe on Monday. But it should really be automated, it's online registration. Not sure how good this pass turn out, but for 50b and 1h of travel up and back, maybe worth. Maybe later on they will have digital upgrade, application, as more foreigners and thai will start travel internationally. So far those 2 places take 24 applicants per hour, total 240 per day between them. Too little for 14mln aglomaration. It's interesting, if anybody has first hand experience, how airlines, european immigration and health authorities do react to this pass. Surely, it should have QR, barcode or even e-cheap for easy scanning. Also on the ministry website they state, that from november registration would be only through Mor Prom application, so they are integrating their systems and possibly e-pass will be included in this application later on
  5. problem with vax certificates, not any country in EU recognises those issued outside EU, with an exception of USA and UK. I think only switzerland started to accept them for the last few months, if just only transiting. Those thai certificates, even with 2 pfizer, can't be converted to european covid certificate. That's what my consulate told me. If I can pm you the next week how was your experience. I can't fly directly to my home country in europe because of stricter covid regulations, so I have to use switzerland, or germany, as an entry point, do local pcr test and travel onward. Travel clinic, which I have contacted in bankok told me, that ATK tests with fit to fly certificate are not good enough for Etihad and definitely need PCR Probably they have good experience in recent regulations.
  6. antigen test kit sorry, they don't have application, just an online form https://covid-19.in.th/en?fbclid=IwAR3xLmKNyT-Xx-j-yfahPz6Gs6c9N3QgsaJ0WWQY0363bu69TiteODPKVLQ
  7. more countries have adopted mix and match policy. At least for incoming travellers. However, thai issued vax certificates are not honoured in the EU, even for pfizer, AZ made in korea, the UK, Japan or J&J given to french. Looks, like they don't trust authenticity. Consulates in bangkok don't want to confirm this certificate, as if they have suspicion they are very good forgeries
  8. all his pictures are already online, taken from cctv. one of pictures is naked and without mask
  9. my reply was to your question: "how else do you meet govt std of then possibly leaving / returning ( Phuket or Thailand) with one AZ jab ?"
  10. there is an application to record interprovincial travel. Has to be done only on the day of travel. Get record of vaxc, even if it was only one. Even an appointment for future will do as an explanation. Carry with you atk's and do them on the spot, if required.
  11. I did write: "activate it using this number and your mobile phone number." this 14 digit number starting with 6000 is your id, and your pass is your phone number
  12. you do atk, pcr tests, do quarantine 10 days. Some countries do accept just 1 jab, each country is different
  13. you can refuse, ask for full sinovac. you can get sinopharm for 777b or moderna for 1350b (people who are already vaxed will be selling their own payed already or you can get for yourself but will be coming the next year). in hua hin they are already doing half dose of AZ, with same booster planned later
  14. another sanook article published just 1h ago. There is an arrest warrant, so name is known, but not included in article https://www.sanook.com/news/8451626/
  15. probably you have appointment record for the 1st and for the 2nd - email, sms, paper, application. Might be good enough
  16. sanook has also an article with video from the scene https://www.sanook.com/news/8451346/
  17. according to this poster that was rape and attempted murder. She is still in ICU, 4th day after attack. Full pictures of him from the cctv, including the second one without a mask and full posture (without any clothing)
  18. not deodorant, but plain hospital alcohol from 35b/litre or more expensive alcohol jelly for disinfecting hands. Fill up any diffusing bottle. I have one constantly on my computer desk. Another one in the car, that one is also used for car disinfection. For scent you can use essential oils (which would also enhance disinfection effect) or aftershave. Same would freshen up your face, clean hands before meal
  19. yes, after the 2nd shot you should get paper certificate. You should note your registration number, if you lose this certificate. Just in case I would download mor prompt application, activate it using this number and your mobile phone number. It will show your certificate, which you can screen shot, save as a picture, forward to your email or even to your wife (just if she will need it for some purpose - for example when you are taking ill for side effects or hospital or authorities need it in some situation). After that you can hide this application or even remove it completely from your smartphone. But it's always good to have some info in digital form. pcr and atk tests, antibody tests can be automatically added there, as well as record of illness from covid. That would allow you to travel without having to show several papers, certificates.
  20. yes, those pcr tests should be far less expensive. In private clinics in bkk you can get them from 2500b within 10h and come with fit to fly certificate. Tests done in bulk in sandboxes by the government and not for profit should be around 1500b. ATK tests would certainly lower costs. Yes, there should be only one name for all this scheme, "sandbox" is already widely used, no point of changing and confusing tourists. All project is under the same rules. Possible details will vary depending on situation in each province
  21. yes, I do have large family, but I have also told my neighbours and friends, if they need ATK in emergency I have them to hand out. I am going to be tested with them around every week, so will last me for max 25 weeks. They are named Lepu, you can search on them how decent are they. I have told my trusted pharmacist I need the cheapest bulk order and the best quality. Probably she has many another brands. Judging by price is not good enough - in europe atk's are for less than euro and even you can get them free from pharmacies in limited quantity. Schools and factories are handling them 2x per week to all
  22. symptoms of common cold (very easy to get during rainy season and floods) are similar to those of covid. In my case I went to air con office for the whole day and became unwell. ATK's are also good for pre-testing at home before going to pay minimum 2500b for PCR before flight. Might also be good when having high temperature you won't be allowed into office or shop - in 15 minutes on the spot you get negative and you can show them. Most probably I got covid several times, starting from May 2020 and later when majority of my neighbours were positive for a month in June-July during the 4th wave. I never had symptoms and ATK's were not available yet in Thailand. Also I did not get my pfizer yet at that time and didn't want to be hospitalised. I also have another 7 months of my yearly covid insurance, with a windfall 200k only on getting positive result. If I don't test often, I won't know if I am positive
  23. some expats, who got recently pfizer, will be selling off their moderna - that one might be coming already in october, albeit small quantities yet. you can still order moderna for the next year, that would be second generation. Coming between january and july. In august british chamber of commerce were handling out the AZ, that including thai citizens. Check with them if they have any left. I thing they were doing it only in bangkok, but that is just a few h drive from HH. You can do it in one day even by public transport
  24. you are flying from thailand, you would be covered in the usa, not much in thailand. From their website: "If you’re flying on a one‑way trip, the cover ends 48 hours after you arrive at your final destination. Cover for emergency medical expenses and overseas quarantine allowance expire 31 days after arriving at your final destination. *Expenses require pre‑approval. Subject to terms and conditions."
  25. still, bulk buying at large pharmacy will assure we don't run out of them, when they are most needed in the next wave. I got my 25 tests for 1975b. Some people are forced to buy at around 250b if bought by single
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