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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Your friend has to have a reason to travel intraprovincionally and you would be just a driver. Need to register on the day of travel on application. Very small chance of being stopped and asked about travel, and even more so about vax. From 1st october big chance of lessening travel restrictions to HH. More places will be opened but also more expensive than now
  2. Its always 21 days. Yes, your second must and will be only pfizer, if you chosen it originally. My was exactly the same batch as 1st. Alrhough they are very close to expiry date. Some given in middle of august were dated till middle of september, as somebody has posted at that time
  3. Bangkok hospital pattaya. I was there today for second pfizer, but the great majority were first timers and rather no pfizer for them left (out of 4 options). They are still registering, but with limited capacity
  4. so far only 37% bangkokians are fully vaccinated. Targeted 70% is still remote. That's why now they moved opening bangkok to 15.10 https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2021/09/16/bangkok-tourism-reopening-delayed-to-oct-15
  5. Bank of Thailand lists 24.9 as special added holiday, but doesn't mention 29.12 at all. Probably the other banks will follow. As to December, they still might decide later on also include it. December is a much better option for holidaying because of lower temperatures and less humidity. Now it's raining daily. One of my neighbours already got sacks of sand in case of flooding. He was a marine officer so he might know well why he is doing it
  6. try asking the travel clinic in chula hospital, near victory https://www.thaitravelclinic.com/FrontNews/covid19-med-certificate-en-2.html
  7. what's the best time to be there, to avoid crowds? they are opened 9-14. After reading reports of hours of waiting for paperwork, I think I will go in the afternoon. If too long line I will come back the next day. If there is a backlog for printing those documents, they should tell people to go home and send by post.
  8. for international travel 270 days from the second jab (to some countries might be shorter). Might be changing in the future, depending on new dangerous mutations. For other purpose valid without limit. Again, until the booster shot become obligatory
  9. "Phuket Tourist Association President Bhummikitti Ruktaengam" That's a great honor for him to be there. Is he a sponsor of this independent research? Any official and unofficial figures are known?
  10. on iphone it's under mohprompt. Only 7k downloads and only 2/5 rating
  11. just money grabbing opportunity 15 000b divided by 3 tests = 5k per test Now for the same test they want 8k, so 3k can be pocketed. The standard price for 3 tests is 8k. So even now somebody is making over 7k profit on them.
  12. what time you were there? I have my in 2 days. Opens 9-14. What's the name of this appl in english?
  13. according to simon43 from laos, vax to expats was offered in the spring. You won't be able to cross to Laos and came back without quarantine/sand box. Moderna from private hospitals 1650 per shot. Probably in some 10 hospitals in the whole country. End of year. Try to register in every possible place and travel anywhere there is a first offer
  14. so thailand is paying 100b more per dose than market price. With that order it's 100 000 000 overcharge. And still, it would be coming the next year and doesn't say it would be the 2nd generation. If it was ordered in a timely manner, not as an emergency, and in proper quantities for 70mln country, price would lower. Moderna, as well as Pfizer, are hiking price up. So if contracted the last year it would be a large saving. Even if prayuth ordered it just after songkran,it would save hundreds millions, and vax would be already here
  15. does it look like a backdoor option to get Moderna to army hands, as was the case with yet another 1mln moderna requested by army some 2 months ago? they know it's good and they pinched it from private hospitals, with their patients forking up already in June. Why the government did not buy in June? Because they have still believed that locally made the AZ is the only solution? The government knows well, that medics will put up resistance and scrutinise attempts to give boosters to army. Simply because medics suppose to get theirs. Still many doctors and nurses did't get their pfizer in August, they had to draw a straw who will get it. Once vax are at military hospital, it's much easier to make up lists of bogus patients, that was the case in the Bhumipol Military Hospital in August. I don't know now how the affair ended, probably any investigation was stalled, but there is suspicion, they were to be sold "on the open market".
  16. simply because Pfizer is more remote to foreigners than privately booked Moderna, Sinopharm for 777b. Foreigners in thailand got pfizer (or french got johnsson), just because it was donated to thailand. Japan has also donated over 1mln Astra Zeneca, thai government felt obliged to give small part to expats. Don't compare israel to thailand, different planets in planning vax program. Israel has choice, thailand very limited
  17. bangkok is 24h city. Some markets operate only night time (as night market name would indicate), that would include flower and vegetable markets, but as well as street food stalls (probably they don't have to pay much to police and to the front shop owners, where they pitch). Also in the suburbs there are factories doing night shifts. With tens of thousands hotels, guesthouses it's should be easy to find one secluded in an alley where there is not any traffic or high floor in an expensive one
  18. because pfizer is mrna it would be wise to get not-mrna. The problem is that's very unlikely thailand will do booster for foreigners soon, so the only option is moderna. But I can imagine situation, that hospitals would refuse to give moderna as a booster to pfizer and would give you money back.
  19. it's going that 3rd world direction for sometimes, since military coup 2006 - human, citizens and workers rights abuse. But thailand is still semi-feudal country, that is pre-capitalism, and going in the wrong direction for many years, against human and economic progress. That's why kids are on the streets, pack social media with hate against state and why the majority wish to emigrate for political and economic reasons. The majority in thailand live very poor, wealth gap is growing, they don't prise much capitalism, nor do I - for reasons above. I do reasonably well, not because of capitalism, which I hate for exploiting my work and abuse of other humans and an natural environment, but because of my hard work. All those thai billionaires made they ill gotten money within one generation, just siding with feudalist order they were allowed monopoly
  20. the easiest way to skim cream is on emergency committees and aid programs. This money is from special reserves, not planned and done is haste.
  21. yes, in a third world country. who is behind all monopoly and who is the richest in thailand?
  22. but because there are very few donated left, it's for those with underlying. There suppose to be another 1mln donated coming, most likely from this part for kids.
  23. works in police structure, transfer to inactive duties at the HQ. They are still part of the gang, just out of public and media attention. In politics there is a limited quantity of ministerial posts. Because in politics all important is done behind closed doors, not possible to control, it was too dangerous for Prayuth to keep him. Also a warning. Still, Thammanat was a personal bodyguard to a certain person (as testified in an australian court), so he has a back up for his life. Also thammanat was/and probably still is a connection between Thaksin and that certain person.
  24. "Paranoid government under siege as coronavirus fury rises" investigative journalist article puts all light on who and why botched thai vaccination program. that includes: refusal by the very foreign minister multiple offers of help from an indian ambassador to supply vaccines in December 2020. The minister has replied, that it's not his ministries responsibility. Yes, it was part of covid diplomacy to counteract chinese vax advancement in the region, but surely sinovac was already on cards and ordered just a few weeks later. multiple refusal of pfizer offer from the end of 2020 to supply vax without down payment. Offer was turned down, as Prayuth later apologised to the nation at the beginning of the 4th wave "efficacy of this vax was yet unknown at that time". Moderna offer to build vaccination factory at eastern corridor. Their letters were simply ignored, never replied. "When Thai Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul met with Pfizer company representatives in Bangkok in late 2020, the businessman-cum-politician declined to place a Covid-19 vaccine order because in his words the shot was not yet proven effective on “yellow-skinned people”, according to government sources familiar with the meeting. In January, US vaccine-maker Moderna proposed to build a Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing facility in the government’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) industrial zone, created to lure high-end foreign manufacturers, but Anutin’s office did not deign the shot-making proposal worthy of a written reply, according to the same government sources." https://asiatimes.com/2021/08/covid-blame-game-spreads-like-a-virus-in-thailand/
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