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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. jomtien hostel. has fridge, also sink on balcony for food preparation/cooking. use to be 4500b a year ago. Now probably they will take it, if cash for several months in advance. Try to talk directly to owner, reception will not be that good. They have website, also contact by email
  2. only 51.4%, hong kong 54%, Qatar 25% (and many arab countries close to it) https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.FE.ZS?locations=TH&most_recent_value_desc=true
  3. I have paid a year ago, medpark does expect Moderna sometimes in September their first batch, but I don't need vax as I have already had 2 boosters. Their policy terms: "Nevertheless, if the hospital could not dispense you the vaccine by the committed dates below, you can request a full refund or wait for the next round of vaccine allocation: Those who reserved for MODERNA vaccine during July 2-4, 2021: April 30, 2022 Those who reserved for MODERNA vaccine during August 17-27, 2021: July 31, 2022" After writing to them several days ago, today they have replied, that there is not mandatory refund and they will try to find clients for my vax. That refusal is surely against terms, nothing was mentioned there about transferring my booked vax to somebody else, as condition for refund. Have anybody tried already with them?
  4. several days ago I wrote to medpark for full refund, as per policy terms. Looks, like they are playing game in delaying refunds: "We will try to find the customers who would like to get Moderna vaccine and transfer your rights to them. It is going to be taken time, please provide us your local account # that we can deposit the money to once we can find the customers. On the other hand, please attached us the copied slip transfer of 3,300 THB as the reference. Warmest regards, Patient Access Officer"
  5. question is what this bangkok cab was doing in ratchaburi/nakhon pathom in the middle of the night. He should give an explanation, for example who he took from bangkok to these provinces. It's easy to trace drivers movement by his sim card to check his story
  6. but smell was coming rather from some hotel room, he hasn't seen anybody smoking. So as smell of tobacco. As public ganja smoking is not allowed the only place tourist can get puff is hotel room (if indeed it's a smoking room). It's double standard law - tobacco is tolerated in many more public places
  7. I got reply from them (looks like they close office at 6pm). I have requested without dye. That is "self-prescribed" check up, before seeing gastro specialist booked for September. There is a possibility they make extra money by forcing patients to get dye + adding 25% to cost (and probably very easy profit for them). "For Upper Abdomen MRI. It takes around 1 hr for scanning. The radiologist requested use contrast injection for examination in every case to scanning. The patient cannot refuse. You need to do with Creatinine test (renal function test) from hospital first. If you not have creatinine result, our center we provide for creatinine test service an additional 300 THB fee. We need to use creatinine result before do an MRI with us." so it makes total 7200+2500+300=10k
  8. I have contacted them. While checking for a location of their clinic near my home on googlemaps I have spotted photo of an entrance to clinic naming their equipment "simens symphony". That's some 15 years old technology. All their branches have that, usually only one per clinic. They make money opening early morning, from 6am, and closing around midnight. Only at their HQ they have 2 machines Avanto (that one advertised on their website as the first in thailand) - that one is already some 10 years on the market. The newest one, which their representative called mistakenly "Amera", but it can be Amira or Aera. That ones are also some 7 years on the market. I have requested that machine, but so far I wasn't able to book it. They are all 1.5T. Here is a comparison chart of simens mri's - at the bottom of this article is a graphic (green one) which on clicking opens in a new window and is easy to read. https://info.blockimaging.com/siemens-mri-machine-models-and-reviews
  9. Issue put by you was about how females get money for shopping TV. I have added, that alcohol damages their stomachs and causing digestion of many sorts. Somehow they are able to get money. Even in rural isaan. I gave also an example of my friend
  10. isaan has the highest rate of young female alcoholism in thailand. somehow they have money for booz and can afford not being in full employment. I have one friend who damaged her stomach from excess drinking
  11. possibly for consuming handful of medicines, which were recommended to them by doctors, by also by family and friends. they don't have a clue about interactions and side effects each medicine can have. Look, how many medicines they have in fridge, drawers, purses, handbags
  12. so now he might teach her a lesson when he comes back from the hospital. He is stronger and he might have a larger (or sharper) kitchen tools. Beating somebody until loses conscious and needs a hospital ambulance is nothing to be proud of (as she seems to be), that is assault and possibly grievous bodily harm
  13. that is private lab. Many hospitals don't have mri. I went to a smallish private and they referred me to their thonburi hospitals network. I would think also medium size the governmental ones don't have mri. I have asked as such hospital for USG and they refused, quoting some 6 months waiting list (yes, that was cheap on their list 1800b full abdomen - just they refused my payment). So I think they don't have MRI or waiting list is even longer. In any way you need referral from doctor. To this lab you don't need doctor's referral. In fact they state on their website, they don't accept referrals from doctors or hospitals (not sure why, not explained on their sire, maybe something to do with poor quality equipment?). My thoracic mri cost me some 10k back in 2013, no contrast was needed. So this 7200+ b at the lab is much cheaper (also taking into consideration inflation). It also looks like mri is much safer than CT (no radiation and no iodine based dye). Many of private labs are located close to large governmental hospitals. Patients from those hospitals go strait the next door for fast tests. So choosing such lab next to the governmental or private hospital, just in case of emergency, might make sense. But I would think that those labs are also prepared and have a doctor on standby, and that's why they charge 2500b for dye. With tens of patients every day they must have sure emergency procedures.
  14. I think psa supposed to be compared to fpsa, to give more certain result. That test is only fraction more expensive (or plain average 360b in a package I have mentioned). Possibly a series of psa-fpsa tests should be carried over time to give a better picture how they change and correlate. Even ca19 and hcg can be indication of prostate. also psa/fpsa can be indicative in liver, lung and pancreas cancers. When compared to the other markers and tests they might give some indication
  15. After the last check up (that one was only for psa, afp and cea), doctor mentioned my hep B infection as first from my afp result. I did not make the other basic blood test at this hospital, as i did them a month earlier in another governmental hospital, which is primary and don't do any blood cancer markers. So it looks this marker was worth to have, even to make doctor aware i had hep B in the past. I don't think this hospital had access to my records from the primary hospital, which probably done hep B test as part of a basic check up. Possibly they had access to my sirirach hospital 2 check ups in the previous years, as they are affiliated (but, again, sirirach doctor never mentioned my hep B, as i recollect now). So in a month time I have consultation with a specialist, which happen to deal with liver issues (i have checked this doctor name on google and she published some research). Having hep B and being a carrier has up to 400x increased risk for liver cancer. can you mention for which cancers and what tests are usufull?
  16. They charge 7200b for body part. Dye 2500b. Plus films, probably 200b each. Full abdomen is 14 200b. full body 55k, dye 5k. Last 1h. all branches do charge same, so probably same outdated equipment. Worth to ask their HQ. At some stage, when there is demand, they bound to upgrade at least at their most busy clinic. For full body, they claim in their thai language version, they have as the first in thailand Avanto from siemens. Also they claim in thai version "create detailed cross sectional images or “slices” of the different body parts . It can also be proceeded as three dimensions image." (that is automatic translation). also in thai version they claim that chronic hepatitis B increase liver cancer by up to 340x, being carrier up to 400x. I think all hep B survivors carry virus all life. I did have hep B as a kid, with symptoms into my early adulthood. AFP cancer markers show i had infection, but are in norm. Ultrasound shows clear liver
  17. expected for August MA.5 wave looks like is not happening. Do some any other no covid vax (starting from flu). Each would temporarily boost your immune system and would prevent from co-infection (if you happen to catch covid)
  18. before covid closing time was 2am. Local residents need to rest. Also people working at those places should get some respect.
  19. Latex gloves are used by therapists when doing oil massages, most clients dont spot a difference. First of all they will be protecting themselves, they are most aware. And they can always refuse, if uncertain their client. I was refused massage for having a covid vax an h earlier. Thai are paranoid. if authorities find massage as a factor they will close them. most at risk are health workers, thats where patients go
  20. first of all it's medics dealing with infected, as well as all medics being in physical interaction with patients. Massage therapist can wear latex gloves, refuse to give oil massage and only offer thai massage (fully dressed). Even foot massage can be offered through a thin sock. And on average they have only some 5 clients per day, so very limited contact. At some stage females will be infected through trying clothes at shops when trying to fit them. There is no way for disinfection. I have never seen any guest house not washing linen. And after they are dried on sunshine
  21. which of them I should definitely exclude? I have done afp, psa, cea, occult blood 2x, abdomen ultrasound. All clear. Primary government hospital refused me any cancer tests (bar occult blood), even they forgot about psa. Also refused ultrasound, colonoscopy. Secondary doesn't offer more than those I have mentioned. As waiting time for a specialist doctor is 2.5 month, I would prefer to get private results before seeing him. At the rock bottom price of 4000b (divide by 11 tests so 360b per test) I got probably a better deal than the government hospital would offer. Also saving myself time begging the government hospital for any tests. I would think that those "not suitable" tests would give doctor some better picture if any of those "suitable" turn borderline/positive.
  22. very fast reply from Bria Test at Ladprao, within 1h. Looks like they are cheap, walk in possible. Some 11 cancer tests for 4k (special price), can be lowered by exclusion of some tests, if not needed. Path Lab is over 2x more expensive (slightly cheaper than RSU), and they do only 10 tests. CA19-9: 950.- AFP: 600.- CEA: 600.- HCG: 700.- HGH: not available CA 153: 950.- f-PSA: 1,200.- PSA: 950.- NSE: 1,200.- CA 125: 950.- Ferritin: 1,000.-
  23. Red Cross is cheap, but each test is done in different building, so full day. Around 600b. St Luis on Sathorn, only slightly more expensive, but fast 1h. Also 8 locations in Bkk https://www.pathlab.co.th/individual-blood-tests/ - I don't know prices, not listed on website. For cancer markers they have 8 tests. also Briatest at Ladprao, for cancer they have 11 tests, no price, I have send them mail asking cancer markers. Also RSU Healthcare - very expensive in comparison to the government hospital
  24. but there is not any monkeypox vax in thailand yet. So if smallpox won't work there would not be any effective help to those infected. Thai did order some monkeypox vax from the WHO but when it arrives and in what quantities is unknown.
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