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  1. They didn't say when they knew it was real. More relevantly, no one has shown that these 51 ex intelligence persons knew anything about the FBI's alleged verification in 2019.
  2. That's what a couple of IRS agents claimed. So they knew about it but William Barr, the Attorney General, didn't? The man who lied about the Mueller report and got castigated by a Federal judge for that, didn't know about? Or, if he did suppressed it?
  3. You may know that these officials "signed the letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hoax." But those of us with a connection to reality know differently. This is from their statement: "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case." https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000175-4393-d7aa-af77-579f9b330000
  4. If only the opponents of better equipped armed forces would play fair and not adopt tactics that exploited their strengths and their enemies' weaknesses. That's just plain bad sportsmanship!
  5. That's you not claiming that they won the war. According to IDF, Hamas has been reduced to just being a terrorist group. Apparently, it's just a terrorist group with a police force that the UN and other aid groups is relying on to get supplies to the Gazans. That's what most people would call governance.
  6. Yes I have. But we're not supposed to name names. Maybe that person will be conspicuous by their silence.
  7. Well, there is the IDF. IDF assesses Hamas defeated militarily in all of Gaza, is now a guerrilla terror group The Israel Defense Forces assessed on Friday that Hamas has been largely defeated militarily in the entire Gaza Strip, and it is now effectively a guerrilla terror group that will take some more time to dismantle. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-assesses-hamas-defeated-military-in-all-of-gaza-is-now-a-guerrilla-terror-group/
  8. After Israeli troops stood down when a cease-fire came into effect in the Gaza Strip, Hamas began sending thousands of its forces onto the streets to establish control. The deployment—envisioned by the agreement that pauses the fighting while the combatants exchange hostages for prisoners—highlights how the U.S.-designated terrorist group remains the dominant power in the territory. Israel hasn’t been able to destroy the group or empower an alternative... The open show of force after months of being pushed underground was a signal that aid groups and governments will need to cooperate with Hamas as reconstruction efforts get under way in the coming weeks—an outcome Israel has hoped to prevent. https://archive.ph/BNaHZ#selection-2747.0-2767.242 Strange. So, Israel hasn't won that war?
  9. The rules only allow a quote of 3 sentences. Ttry reading the entire article before you make any further comments.
  10. I think you need a reminder about what you wrote: "The deal involves giving a 2 year old baby back to its Parents Palestinians will be handing back a baby that they have been holding for 15 months . Palestinians will not even let the Parents know whether they baby is dead or alive . They don't know whether their baby will be dead or alive . That is the people whom you are dealing with . Inhumane ."
  11. Actually not illegal in all Western democracies. The US, as least, affords its citizens has very strong right of free speech, thanks to the 1st Amendment. But your main point is correct. The opinion voiced by Nick Carter would be unremarkable if voiced by a Nazi. And, unfortunately, not at all uncommon nowadays among Israelis. Even before the Oct 7 massacre.
  12. More nonsense. What this study doesn't address, and there's no reason it should have done so, is the epidemiological evidence about the cardiac harm inflicted by an mRNA vaccination vs the cardiac harm from not being vaccinated. And of course, even if it turns out that that vaccine harm is greater, the most salient issue is about the mortality rate of those vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.
  13. For their study, Dr. Al-Aly’s team utilized databases within the VA to identify nearly 450,000 veterans who had been infected with SARS-CoV-2, as well as healthy controls. They divided this cohort into era-specific groups based on the SARS-CoV-2 variant: pre-Delta era (no vaccination), Delta era (no vaccination), Delta era (vaccinated), Omicron era (no vaccination), and Omicron era (vaccinated). They followed each group for a year to identify which one was most at risk for developing Long COVID symptoms. The researchers found that the rate of new Long COVID cases declined with each variant, and that the numbers of cases were significantly lower in the vaccinated cohorts. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/covid-vaccines-reduce-long-covid-risk-new-study-shows#:~:text=The bad news is%2C the,vaccinated people (primary series).
  14. Epidemiological evidence shows that they will be more likely to dance on yours. Is there any particular dance style or song you'd like to request?
  15. What you ought to be thinking about is the English language. Since when does "gradual deterioration" mean complete disappearance? There is nothing in what you originally quoted that means that vaccines are ineffective for the elderly. It just means that they are less effective. This is not news. https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/11/09/israeli-study-shows-how-covid-19-immunity-wanes-over-time/
  16. "But now, some of those who praised Trump in both Israel and the United States are trashing the hostage deal he is championing as he reenters office — and in some cases, they’re criticizing Trump himself. The wariness comes after reports that Trump and his incoming Middle East envoy, Steve Witkoff, turned the screws on Netanyahu to get him to say yes to the ceasefire deal. Upon the deal’s announcement, Trump called it “EPIC.” Alongside Malka, a user on X named Nioh Berg, who has 185,000 followers and identifies as “Anti Woke,” has spent the past couple of days railing against the incoming president she only recently adulated." https://www.timesofisrael.com/they-love-trump-but-many-on-the-right-loathe-the-israel-hamas-ceasefire-deal-he-demanded/
  17. First off, in the article there was a link to the study. The reason that Cato uses Texas is because it's the one state that classified convicted parties by immigration status. It's also the second largest state by population and has a mix of urban and rural populations. And what makes this particular study extremely compelling is that it just focuses on murder rates. Other kinds of crimes can be underreported depending on the priorities of the local police forces. But homicide is the one crime that pretty much has to be reported. Here is an excerpt from the study with a link: "Criminal conviction data for crimes other than homicide are included, but readers should interpret them with caution because the quality of the data is suspect. The conviction and arrest rates of illegal and legal immigrants, separately and together, were lower than those of native-born Americans for homicide and all crimes in Texas during the 2013–2022 period." https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/illegal-immigrant-murderers-texas-2013-2022 I see that you offer no defense of your bigotry in regard to the 2 reporters.
  18. Thanks for the bigotry.You know the authors are immigrants how? Because their surnames look strange to you.. I remember not long ago Vivek Ramaswamy was being blasted by MAGA supporters who berated him for judging Americans on the grounds that he was a foreigner. And of course there was the campaign by right wing loonies, led by another loony, that claimed that a guy with the funny surname of Obama was born in Africa. If crime levels are the problem that needs to be addressed, it's best search where the highest percentage of native born Americans can be found. They have a higher crime rate than do undocumented immigrants. New Cato Research Shows That Illegal Immigrants Are Less Likely to Be Convicted of Murder in Texas In a new Cato Institute policy analysis released today, I examine data from Texas on homicide rates for illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born Americans. Over the ten years from 2013 to 2022, the homicide conviction rate in Texas for illegal immigrants was 2.2 per 100,000, compared to 3.0 per 100,000 for native-born Americans and 1.2 per 100,000 legal immigrants. Accordingly, illegal immigrants were 26 percent less likely than native-born Americans to be convicted of homicide, and legal immigrants were 61 percent less likely (Figure 1). This general trend also holds for 2022, where the illegal immigrant homicide conviction rate was 3.1 per 100,000, 1.8 per 100,000 for legal immigrants, and 4.9 per 100,000 for native-born Americans (Figure 2). https://www.cato.org/blog/new-cato-research-shows-illegal-immigrants-are-less-likely-be-convicted-murder-texas
  19. President-elect Donald J. Trump’s advisers have spent months trying to identify a disease that will help them build their case for closing the border. He is likely to justify his plans to seal off the border with Mexico by citing a public health emergency from immigrants bringing disease into the United States. Now he just has to find one. https://archive.ph/1NxfC#selection-861.0-865.28
  20. You should bring that to the attention of g_money
  21. Undocumented Immigrants Pay More Than Their Fair Share of Taxes https://itep.org/undocumented-immigrants-pay-more-than-their-fair-share-of-taxes/ Trump says undocumented immigrants are an economic burden. They pay billions in taxes. https://www.vox.com/2018/4/13/17229018/undocumented-immigrants-pay-taxes
  22. Hitler was one of the people Time named Man of the Year. So was Stalin. Well, given Trump's predilection for dictators, he may well consider it an honor to be ranked with them.
  23. Your point of view takes no account of the meaning of words.
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