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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Since around 8 months for restaurants and bars. So never for shops, which is what is being discussed here.
  2. "It will most likely be killed and eaten unless it's leg can be repaired". Did you rea the link? "The driver will not be punished in any way, of course". Why should she be punished?
  3. From the link, your question would be answered...she wasn't driving in a field.
  4. TAT is right ? Not sure what your question means. TOT is the state communications company, TAT is Thailand's tourism agency.
  5. Hmmm! The big question is. Are you suggesting that I am suggesting that? No, it was a question. The bigger question is why did you not see the question mark?
  6. Plenty of countries seem to think so. https://etsc.eu/issues/drink-driving/blood-alcohol-content-bac-drink-driving-limits-across-europe/ Don't think so. The majority that you linked to have a normal limit of 0.05, you really think that one beer would cause that?
  7. Why should he be? Since when has drinking alcohol been an offence?
  8. He did say "served". When was the ban on shops serving alcohol to their customers introduced?
  9. I suppose that you can drink a bottle of beer through a mask, can you?
  10. Yes, the effect of those telephone engineers from TOT is something to behold.
  11. How is attacking a foreigner in the circumstances of the OP considered racist in your mind? What did the Thai say that made the attack "racist"?
  12. One Thai, that's all. Unless you're suggesting that all Thais are drunken, knife-wielding thugs?
  13. He was having a beer at 10.30pm, that is not "late at night" for an adult.
  14. Yep. Blame the victim why don't you. Victim? Victim of what? Nothing happened to him except maybe spilling his beer!
  15. That may have made sense if it was true. There's never been a ban on buying alcohol in shops, nor drinking alcohol.
  16. I made a comment saying it was poor parenting, you gave me a sad face. Is this mockery? I said "so many posters", not all posters. Regardless, I don't know how you come to the conclusion that what happened was a result of "poor parenting", perhaps you were there to witness it? Did you ever have any incident or accident as a child in which you were temporarily hurt (I doubt that any child didn't) and, if you did, were your parents condemned as being guilty of "poor parenting"? I was not mocking you, God knows how you drew that conclusion, I was suggesting that it was "sad" that you jumped to a conclusion about the mother's parenting skills, someone of whom you know nothing, because of one single incident that you read about in the media.
  17. Odd how so many posters find a young child's trauma to be a suitable subject for mockery,
  18. "House and Land Bank" [sic], who's the one who does not know what he is talking about?!
  19. I know. It's clear from his comments that he is referring to being able to withdraw more than his card limit currently allows, not what the bank sets their ATMs dispensing limit at... " unusual for me to want to take out more than 20k but maybe a one off ie a wedding. Most of us would love to every day but most can't as not got a pot of gold".
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