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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Because he, allegedly, didn't do the killing. But he did get additional time for charges of bribery and possession of a rifle.
  2. Funny how so many people promulgate the myth that there are special cells with perks in Thai prisons. There aren't. Thai prisons do not have individual cells except for those punished with solitary and those are only "special" in their grimness.
  3. Probably on their way there... "All will serve their terms at Thong Pha Phum district prison".
  4. He had a valid visa, really? I thought he had exceeded his permission to stay by three months and I'm pretty sure that invalidates the visa.
  5. You're the exception that proves the rule! My theory is that everyone else likes them because they're big and the drivers think that they're intimidating.
  6. A widely debunked theory (except by tonneau manufacturers and sellers) apart from, at one specific high speed, 136kph, when it saved 1mpg.
  7. All other EVs are taxed so why should these EVs escape the same tax?
  8. So you'd allow some overstayers to claim "accidental oversight" but others whose overstay was also "accidental oversight" would not be allowed that privilege. Brilliant logic.
  9. And Mastercard has nothing to do with, nor any responsibility for, making keeping their clients aware of the status of their accounts Yes, they do, Mastercard has a direct link and a direct interest in keeping their clients happy. IB has no connection to, nor any responsibility for, "keeping the wealthy in Thailand", their only obligation, being police officers, is the enforcement of the law.
  10. Nah, he didn't pay that. Any other inaccuracies/exaggerations in your story?
  11. Immigration Bureau has nothing to do with, nor any responsibility for, keeping the wealthy here!
  12. What's the difference between his overstay and anyone else's overstay of the same length, why should he be shown special lenience?
  13. special Thai 'elite' pricing? ???? Special embellishment by the OP!
  14. Don't flatter yourself. there's no way I'd ever feel that I'd need recognition from you in your life or in any other circumstances! It does appear, though, that you feel that you are of greater importance than reality bears out!
  15. Those full on evening sessions just make my wrist ache in the morning.
  16. Well, if I do not yet represent the farangs who have been here for many years, and this is debatable, then, surely, someday I might. No, it is not debatable, at all. You do not, and you never will, represent Thailand's foreigners here.
  17. experience tells "How do you know that this alleged case WAS ALL ABOUT MONEY???!!!!!" You had experience with this specific case that the OP is whinging about? How come?
  18. The full report clearly states that he's back in police custody.
  19. A football analogy...brilliant. Got anything else that means nothing?
  20. Me too. He got red carded anyway. What does that mean, "red carded", and by whom, someone with any significance? Does it mean, perhaps, that someone with a different opinion to mine didn't appreciate my being factual?!
  21. Or how about...We can explain it to him, but can't understand it for him. Some posters (not you, of course) are unable to explain anything rationally!
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