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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You'll never know unless you disclose where you're from
  2. Since when has an authorised FA's professional investment advice, that hasn't worked out as planned, been a criminal offence or made the FA liable to a civil action?
  3. Seriously....you don't detect a hint of humor in the idea he might know where you are because you live near a 7/11.......or are you winding me up? Seriously, you don't detect a hint of humour in my "you think that he thinks that he knows..."comment and the "we all live near one" part?! Come on...
  4. They're not "copy Ray Bans", they're branded but, that apart, what makes them so good? Bu the way, many Ray Ban models are made in China also.
  5. He might have good take on you............he knows you live near a 7/11 You think that he thinks that he knows that I (may/may not) live near a 7-11! Don't we all live near one?
  6. i usually do not encounter these types in Monaco. seems that Thailand attracts more than its fair share of uneducated low life's fyi, my father was born in Zurich and is a prominent eye surgeon in L.A. "...my father was born in Zurich and is a prominent eye surgeon in L.A". Er, so? "seems that Thailand attracts more than its fair share of uneducated low life's". You say that but you don't know what "fourth world" means (meant)!
  7. Would that be Liverpool, New York? ???? Your inkling let you down again...back to Google for you!
  8. Your username gave me an inkling. An inkling that my neck of the woods is which Liverpool?
  9. You have an odd opinion of Switzerland. You don't understand the meaning of that phrase you like to throw around so much, "Fourth World", either.
  10. Except: he got booked for ganja... The mind boggles The mind boggles...he wasn't in possession of methamphetamine, he was in possession of ganja.
  11. That comment doesn't surprise me from your neck of the woods .... What makes you think that you know where my neck of the woods is?!
  12. So buy something Thai like Deestone? I don't need tyres, thanks, I was responding to a poster who wouldn't have anything produced in China!
  13. It rained on Greenland glaciers for the first time. https://youmatter.world/en/rain-fell-on-greenland-sheet-for-the-first-time-on-record/ On your wider question, climate change deniers are an endangered species lately. So what if Greenland got a bit of rain? I didn't ask a "wider question", I asked a specific question! Who said that people with a different opinion to yours on this subject are an endangered species? Any evidence of that? You lot are very good at making unsubstantiated claims!
  14. Guess massive acceleration of global warming. https://climate.nasa.gov/resources/global-warming-vs-climate-change/ No mention of massive acceleration of anything in that link.
  15. Thailand, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, USA. Any international brand name in the tire business more than 20 years. Michelin, Pirelli, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Continental and Yokohama are produced in China, so they're off your list?
  16. Where would you like your tyres to be produced and how old does the manufacturer have to be? Michelin, Pirelli, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Continental and Yokohama are produced in China, are they off your list?
  17. What's the point of a free "nitrogen" top up? You can get a free 80% nitrogen top up anywhere!
  18. Like all skeptics, if you can't see it, it's not happening. Obviously you will never have cancer until you actually feel the lump, even then you will probably contest the diagnosis. It is the basic principle of autopilot, if the rate of change is accelerating unless a reciprocal action is applied the outcome will become uncontrollable. A principle that has unfortunately been proven time after time over decades. I'm well aware of what "acceleration" is but I asked a specific question, what "massive acceleration", massive acceleration of what? With evidence.
  19. sorry but there IS a consensus Where? Why can't anyone quote it...with the source?
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