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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Neither, obviously. What makes you think that he shot at the police?
  2. Classic. Where was it reported that he shot at police?
  3. "Maroon 5"? Is that something associated with Covid 19 or monkeypox? With the advance notice, presumably vaccines are available?
  4. Another lame attempt to apportion blame in the wrong place as the vast majority of Bangkok's buses have been fueled with NGV for years, not diesel which is responsible for black smoke!
  5. Where did it state that he was wanted here or had been in a position needing to give kick backs to Thai authorities?
  6. The OP made no mention of his being wanted for committing crimes in Thailand... "...Chinese authorities named him in a warrant for supplying workers to call centers in Cambodia and Laos". Doesn't "sound like" he was freed at all.
  7. What a coincidence...I "have a friend" also, just like yours but he says the exact opposite of your "friend"!
  8. all U.K. income is taxable. That's not correct, not all UK income is taxable.
  9. Exactly who do you think is going to return their waste to the supermarkets and 7-11s?
  10. "...nowhere solar panels to be seen" Installation of solar panels is up to the consumer, not the government but there are plenty of solar panels to be seen in this country. Even in this tiny forum there are a number of solar users. "a lot blacksmole cars". Where are you seeing all these significant numbers of black smoke emitting cars? "...electric cars loading points only a few available". There are thousands of EV charging stations throughout Thailand.
  11. Yes i am aware of that,just pointing out to him the possibilities of modern banking. I hope this does not confuse you even further. I'm not confused, it was your irrelevant reply that was confusing. If you were aware that he is to receive money, why did you give him suggestions on to to transfer money from his account using his phone or an ATM?... "money can be send using an ATM machine or even better from your own chair using a bank app. Maybe next time your are at your bank you can ask them to install the app for you and explain to you how to use it".
  12. Only if the pension exceeds the Personal Allowance. UK state pensions are taxable but are paid without tax being deducted
  13. What about them, what's your question?
  14. Some online bookings/places/vendors do not accept debit cards. Some protections with products/services paid for by credit card?
  15. Your OP suggests that you are the receiver, you are not sending anything, that's correct, yes? Unless you are sending money to the other account you do not have to do anything, double-check anything or deal with any paperwork.
  16. The OP is the receiver, he's not needing to send anything.
  17. Sorry, forgot to say that I have a dread of this particular branch. It's constantly packed all day, every day. Also in a hot, congested, busy part of this small town. Want to get out of going there.......and also my own bank tbh! They're transferring to your Bangkok Bank account, you do not have to do anything or go anywhere.
  18. (a) No, you do not have to be there. (b) Yes. They will probably have to sign a withdrawal form for the amount going to you and a credit form for the Bangkok Bank credit.
  19. "...won't let them change their money so they can spend it!" Yes, they do let visitors change foreign currency.
  20. "...[USD] currency that would be accepted without question in the US". Would US banks accept beaten-up, dirty, scrawled-on Thai bank notes for exchange?
  21. Nonsense. They just want clean, unmarked notes. Why they want them like that is irrelevant (it could be BoT requirements).
  22. Well done on finding something so seriously wrong and worthy of criticism as that. What the OP reported was factually accurate (obviously at this time) while your critique was based on "probables" and "most likelies" and contained no verifiable facts.
  23. That's true. But that doesn't excuse his defense of the purchase. In fact, by defending it, he took responsibility for it. If you say so.
  24. Yet he managed to defend the purchase of them and their effectiveness. He or his government did not buy them, as some poster claimed, that is what I was saying.
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