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Everything posted by Everyman

  1. The Thai revenue department isn’t coming after you. You can check your closet and look under your bed before you sleep at night and I assure you they won’t be there.
  2. Thai “Sai oo-wa” sausage is strongly reminiscent of andouille. I don’t know if you’ve tried it.
  3. I have the Bangkok Bank app on my phone and it works fine, no problems, even though I am outside Thailand. However, I want to purchase a new phone and port over the app to the new phone and sell the old phone. Is there a way to do this from outside Thailand, or do I have to go through the same process I did originally to set it up on the old phone? I did it from an ATM last time. Is there an alternative? Thanks.
  4. Just wire yourself the money. You may need to show the money came from overseas during the divorce 😉
  5. If you have more than 2000 baht in the account, they won’t charge a “dormancy” fee, but your nearly ATM charge could put it below that and then it’s fair game. If you leave 5000 baht in the account and remember to do some kind of transaction every six months or so, you have no chance of losing the account. And given how hard they are to open these days, that’s a good thing.
  6. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn do peer to peer banking transfers in the USA?
  7. That never made any sense to me because Wise doesn’t do transfers from Thai baht to Canadian dollars. And don’t people send more one way than the other? I don’t get it.
  8. Probably one of the same Youtube <deleted> scaring everyone half to death about the “new tax law.”
  9. This exact thing. If neither of these two scenarios happen then it’s all piss and hot air. People are suddenly so concerned about the exact letter of the law in Thailand. And yet.., Its illegal to ride in a car without a seatbelt, to smoke in bars, to ride a motorcycle on the sidewalk, prostitution is illegal, bribery is illegal, selling beer at 3PM is illegal, vaping is illegal, street vendors are illegal, etc. Nobody cares about the letter of the law when it comes to that. Nobody is worried a cop in going to give them a 20,000 baht find for smoking in a bar in Nana. Yet a single announcement about a rule change and everyone has got a spring in their ass. Its Thailand. It’s not about the law, it’s about enforcement. And there is no evidence of any enforcement at all, so who cares.
  10. Why not just use the app or online banking? I think you can change it by phone too. Showing up in person probably won’t work because the branch in bangkok is not a retail banking branch.
  11. That is wrong. Most American banks are happy to open accounts for tourists, and people without social security numbers. My friend from the UK did it after being in the US all of 3 days, on visa waiver entry for tourism.
  12. I think we can be sure that non Thai citizens won’t be able to use these new banks at all. That may be cynical it’s probably right.
  13. It’s painful to read this thread with so many technically illiterate people talking about “locking down” their desktop and not “trusting” phone banking. Windows is the least secure platform you can possibly use, followed by your crap android phone from 5 years ago. Get an iphone also realize that what you “trust” and don’t “trust” regarding technology has nothing to do with reality unless you have some experience, which clearly none of you do.
  14. Only the most stupid, glue huffing morons think the fed will cut rates. Why would they cut? Inflation in above targets, there is still a huge debt bubble that needs to be resolved. Just wishful thinking by greedy wallstreet idiots who are always wrong.
  15. Wine connection is pretty good. It was an exception for sure (that i had forgotten about).
  16. my point was, if you are also a drinker of alcohol, you almost certainly have too *low* sodium rather than too high.
  17. Has anyone else noticed that western food in Thailand is usually under-seasoned? They don’t salt french fries at all. Even pizza needs salt. The only western food that has enough salt is fast food. I expect that some of you will reply that you have found the opposite to be true and that you are concerned about eating too much salt. If you are also a drinker, this should not concern you since you probably have a sodium deficiency, along with a deficiency of other water soluble minerals.
  18. You say your account is “offshore.” But that is a country somewhere, right? So when you die your assets will be distributed according to the laws of that country…right? Sounds you like you need a lawyer and a will…there.
  19. No No No Nothing Wow that was easy. Unless the banks start withholding a portion of incoming transfers or immigration starts requiring tax documents for visa extensions, then the “new rules” do not matter, especially for people in your situation. And it will be a cold day in hell before either of those two scenarios happen. The revenue department probably has a few Thai “bad actors” in mind that they want to go after. Uncle Somchai isn’t coming for anyone’s beer Chang fund. I also doubt they will try to tax incoming funds for condo purchases. It’s all a big juicy nothing burger with extra cheese, but the panic has been great business for dodgy tax lawyers peddling their own bull<deleted> interpretation of the supposed changes, and who have strong financial incentive to keep the panic going.
  20. I said it’s not worth having, not that “you will have a problem.” Perhaps I should explain. The OP can probably only get a secured card at best and there’s little advantage to that over the other forms of payment i mentioned it. Especially a foreign issued card with an actual credit line. So a Thai issued credit card “isn’t worth having” because it’s a poor choice among the other options, not because it is expected to be defective.
  21. If it’s in Thailand, use scan pay. If that isn’t available, use a virtual debit card provided by your bank. A few do that. Otherwise just use your Thai debit card. Even if you could get a credit card in Thailand it wouldn’t be worth having. Surely you can get a card issued in Canada, shipped to a relatives, address and then they can send you a photo of the card. Then you can add it to Apple pay or whatever and it use that way.
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