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it is what it is

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Everything posted by it is what it is

  1. i usually go bts to mo chit then taxi, as getting there early can save time in the long run. as i'm time rich, and not tight, i take a bus back into town.
  2. a friend in the uk got approved a 60 day visa with departing flight 90 days after arrival, if it's fine with thai ministry of foreign affairs then assume this will be fine the airline
  3. unless your mask was rated N95 or N99, and by far the vast majority of masks i see worn aren't, then you will receive very little protection from urban air pollution particles.
  4. excellent, maybe they can get some decent banking and consulate/immigration web sites built, instead of ones that look like they were designed and built by students doing a high school project
  5. she should be complemented on her choice, london is one of the world's great cities. i lived and worked there for 11 years and loved it. my life's moved on but i still visit every year. there is plenty of work available, you don't have to share a house just get a decent job with a decent salary. there are certainly more opportunities in london than most places in thailand.
  6. back in my backpacker days i spent many a happy night sleeping on the deck of ferries around the greek islands
  7. as i remember there was an attempt at, very sensibly, banning carrying people in the back of pick ups and trucks. but the people didn't like it, so the government backed down. populism before people's lives
  8. pretty much the same as a mosquito bite anywhere...
  9. the girl is very attractive, apparently. well attractiveness, going by the thai women most foreigners are involved/end up with, is very subjective. she is young, probably naive, inexperienced in the ways of the world, impressionable, may not have many options in life, may see that getting away from mum and dad will be an exciting new life... sadly i don't think this will end well. she needs some mates to give her a good talking to.
  10. it's pretty easy to work out if a car is new or not.
  11. just create another email address and start again
  12. this is true, as is a person able to swim never drowned. however, learning to swim does reduce the risk of drowning and when learning to swim basic water common sense/safety should be included. but in the end of the day children will be children and dangerous things are often the exciting things. at my school the swimming pool was covered by a thick plastic sheet to keep the water warm when not being used, we used to sneak into the pool area and enjoy swimming under the plastic sheet- i shudder to think about it now.
  13. i never understand this argument, coming from the countryside there are no street lights, country roads are often completely dark, tractors, trucks, cars can be parked on these roads, cows, deer, sheep can be roaming, non have lights! that's why vehicles have headlights! of course as well as switching on your lights you need to pay attention as you ride/drive, especially at night.
  14. both are good choices, personally i find qatar generally has newer planes, i prefer their food and entertainment system
  15. am trying to help a friend with his e visa application in the uk. he will be applying for a single entry visa and then extend for 30 days, his flight booking is for 90 days, will this be ok when he applies for the e visa, or does he need to show a flight out of thailand before the 60 days are up? thanks for any advice
  16. but is it appropriate with a working girl? does a sex worker does she not deserve respect? just because someone is a sex worker is it ok to go up and touch, grab, behave inappropriately with them? don't sex workers have the legal, moral, basic human right to decide who they conduct their business with?
  17. most countries need to take a long hard look at their anti intruder/stalker/burglar legislation and learn from thailand. these criminals deserve all they get.
  18. unlikely i'd say. the best option is keep it and pay it into your uk bank account when you return, or get a mate to do it for you.
  19. trying to help a friend sort out his e visa from the uk, wonder if anyone could help with a few questions; - how long does it usually take to process the application - applying in the uk - does he need to provide proof of accommodation booked when applying - can he apply for an e visa two couple of months before arrival in thailand? thanks for any advice
  20. haha, i kind of agree, i don;t drink so on the odd occasion i'm in a bar i have a soft drink and this over clinking does get a bit monotonous and increasingly meaningless the more it's done. back home we'll maybe say 'cheers' when we first sit down with a drink but that's it. anyway OP, it's not something i'd get too worked up about, i have an approach that seems to work; everyone to their own, live and let live.
  21. if the report is true how about the 'journalist' pointing out how ridiculous the driver's claim is...
  22. same as people from scotland who 'make it'
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