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Everything posted by Wobblybob

  1. Yeah, you'll be telling us all next that you are personally friendly with Shadrach, Meshach and Ebednigo. 😂😂😂 You are what you post!
  2. Start finding reputable sources and quit trying to find faux facts to justify your 'dislike' (⬅️am being kind) of Israelis.
  3. You have replaced AJ with another piece of garbage news. "The Intercept’s reporting reflected perspectives common in media coverage on the left, such as pro-union, pro-progressive, pro-labor, pro-democracy, pro-LGBTQ/social justice, and was sympathetic to Palestine, critical of Israel, and in general critical of figures in power, like the Biden Administration, major corporations, and other key U.S. government officials. The team did note, however, that contrary to its bias on Israel and Palestine, The Intercept’s past coverage of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict appeared to come from a more Center perspective. The team also noted that anti-elite bias shown by The Intercept is also often shown by some Right-rated media outlets and commentators." https://www.allsides.com/news-source/intercept#what-this-rating-means
  4. Whilst you invent ridiculous posts that bears no semblance to reality. Still with everyone on ignore you can say what you like and get away with the untruths. 🥴
  5. Tommy Emmanuel may not be the greatest guitarist in the world, but he is certainly in the top 1. Inspired by Chet Atkins.
  6. Breaking news: 7/10 is an 'all Hamas thing'! You are now blaming Israel for these attacks. Unbelievably disgusting post.
  7. Says the man that blocks anyone that dares to have a different opinion to himself. 😂😂😂
  8. Eating Corn Flakes without milk is like eating a cheese sandwich without the bread.
  9. Corn flakes with built in sugar. 😃 But Cornflakes soon become too soggy for my liking.
  10. You believe anything that is productive to the Palestian cause and you'll never see anything different ever!
  11. It could stop tomorrow if the hostages were returned and those mass murderers were held responsible for their demonic crimes. But you always fail to see what started this war, it was the Palestinians invading Israel and committing these vile acts of barbarism that was the catalyst that started the Israelis campaign to rescue the hostages and capture/kill the perpetrators of these awful hateful crimes against humanity. Israel must try and prevent these massacres ever happening again and Israels first and paramount duty is to its own citizens and not those they are at war with. The terrorists should have thought of the repercussions before committing their gruesome attack.
  12. Bit of an anti-Semitic post if you don't mind me saying so. "Zionist" used for effect! Of course it will go on forever, the Palestians don't want peace, all they are brainwashed to do is to kill Jews!
  13. Not just Morch, it is well documented! It might not bring Israeli's back but it will go a long way in preventing another 7/10.
  14. The youngest of the hostages is one year old today. 🥴
  15. Who claimed they were unbiased, not me, I correctly stated that compared to their Russian counterparts they are like a breath of fresh air and they are free to print what they like. I wouldn't pay the BBC in 3/8" flat washers.
  16. When I try to download the BB app I get the message "app not compatible with your device" newish Lenovo tablet with Android 12. Annoying.
  17. A nice slice of whataboutery to start the day! Which ever way you care to look at it is, Russia's media is total ruled by the Kremlin propaganda machine and will tell the populace what it wants them to believe, Western media are truly independent and can print or say whatever they chose to report without interference from our governments etc, Western media is not always perfect and sometimes get it wrong, but they are still a million miles from the lying Russian bile that continuously is pumped out by Putin and his crones. You have not made a point by citing the Guardian, only left wing loons subscribe to this garbage!
  18. You may want to look at the Russian word 'vranyo' it means and I'm sure you know what it means judging by your wording of your maligned post, it means.....you know your lying and everybody else knows your lying, but the Russians go ahead and lie anyway, it's part of their culture!
  19. The anti Israel mantra, "innocent children", given to you by the 'free and democratic government of Gaza'. Here's an idea, stop bombing Israel, give back what's left of the hostages and surrender the scum bags that committed all these vile acts on the 7/10 and there will be peace, but as we all know the terrorists don't want peace, only their rabid supporters want peace, and I'm sure that if the tables were turned and Israel were to be losing there wouldn't even be a mention of peace, IMO!
  20. The only way some people would like the Israelis is if the Israelis laid down their arms and allowed the Palestinians to slaughter them, and I would like to think that with the history that Israel has they won't allow that to happen. Once bitten twice shy!
  21. The usual suspects on here are only too happy to believe the death rate that Hamas and AJ are banding about, I wonder why that is. Do they really hate Israel so much that they want the figures to be more than likely overly inflated lies.
  22. Au contraire, them that start wars don't have a choice how it ends and bear in mind that Hamas has no intention of giving up their agenda of killing Israelis. Hamas has pulled pin out of the Israeli grenade and where it explodes is all down to the Palestinian terrorists.
  23. Seems the Israeli tactics are working then, and wars are not measured by tit for tat.
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