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Everything posted by HappyExpat57

  1. I wouldn't be too sure. He REALLY poked the pooch on this one, and the DOJ would NEVER have brought charges against him unless they knew could make them stick. The seriousness of some of the allegations (which he has admitted to on recordings and with witnesses to corroborate) carry very stiff penalties with minimum mandatory jail time. The pendulum has swung back towards "let's get real." He pushed his luck too far. He should have faded off into the sunset and counted his blessings. Now, he's squaring off with Jack Smith. If you have ever see that guy in any of the few times he has spoken publicly, you see "executioner" in his eyes.
  2. Exactly. We need more basically honest people like that running. However, that whole "mother" thing really creeps me out.
  3. Only temporarily. He went on to that phony NOT news network and backpedaled his tailfeathers off.
  4. FWIW, just about ALL currencies any more are fiat currencies, not backed by any physical assets whatsoever. Just a wink, a nod, and a "trust us, we're good for it."
  5. They say that AFTER they're elected. This guy is walking on thin ice and chatter like this will assure the military senators give him a "thumbs DOWN."
  6. Talk about painting a target on yourself.
  7. Agonized? Nah, mildly inconvenienced that I forgot to stock up and now have to pay an extra 10 baht/bottle.
  8. I was living in a 2-bedroom 2-bath on the water in Na Jomtien, around $750 US/month. A comparable in Zihuatanejo was $1600 and as I posted before, electric was beyond ridiculous, NO hospital anywhere near, no shopping center, no internet, and the nightlife was non-existent. So basically: No.
  9. That was the only thing I found very decent in Zihuatanejo. The seafood was amazing! Frequently a fisherman would bring a huge tuna up to the top of the beach and let people take pictures. And almost every night a woman would cook up two huge cauldrons of tamales, 7 for a US dollar. People lined up about 30 minutes before she started selling them and they were well worth the wait (if you were in the mood for tamales).
  10. Absolutely NOT! I got the seven-year itch living in Thailand so I pulled up stakes and moved to Zihuatanejo. I could not get back here to Thailand fast enough! The infrastructure sucks - you had to maintain a certain level of electric use, and if you went OVER it, your cost skyrocketed. We were living in a dark cave at night for fear of using too much power. You had to get on a waiting list for internet. Basically, someone had to move away or die for you to get their connection. There was one "mall" which was just a glorified 7/11. The mayor's wife died because she got thrown from her horse and they couldn't get a helicopter in soon enough to medivac her to a decent hospital. Gas station attendants had to be watched closely to reset the fuel pump or they'd just steal the money you unwittingly overpaid. Night life? HAHAHAHA - No! The day I returned to Thailand, I was reminded of the bureaucratic red tape bs here, but it was with a renewed appreciation and I could tolerate these foibles.
  11. Again, you affirm my suspicion you don't actually know any gays. I'm done arguing with you about this, you can't be convinced using logic on subjects you support with your "feelings."
  12. I knew we had haters, but the number of them is sad.
  13. You are clueless. It's a good thing you are not a lawmaker. LGBTQ's can NOT walk freely in the current climate, and it's a global shame. Once again, the tail is wagging the dog. The minority Christian bible thumpers thump THEIR chests and make laws that only hurt, and it's rooted in ignorance and hate. I am surprised at the number of haters there are on this forum. I understand cheeky posts, we're all guilty of those, but this topic has brought out a serious gay-bashing sentiment.
  14. So by your logic NO one should EVER talk to children. See what you did there?
  15. Again - climb back into the closet? Hide what they're doing? Blacks in America had to make very public protests to get where they are today, and they still have a LONG way to go before they will be considered truly equal citizens. The LGBTQ community is under severe attack by old white guys in power. These lawmakers are afraid of what they don't understand. I was raised Catholic, was a dutiful altar boy, switched over to Evangelicals, and became a worship leader in one of the largest churches in America. I was truly indoctrinated to fear and loathe gays. (Being a guy, I would privately give lesbians a pass.) Then I actually MET a gay couple. They are two of the most generous members of their community, donating time and money to many causes. This led to my meeting more people who have fluid genders and sexual preferences different to mine. They are just like anyone else - some are good, some are dirtballs, but the bottom line is they are just people trying to get through this obstacle course of life! Until they and all other folks who aren't straight white Christians are completely accepted, we can't call ourselves an evolved species.
  16. Even MK Restaurant is getting into the spirit. I saw this as I walked into a mall today.
  17. Bunk. The right to marriage is being attacked across the US. One gay couple I know told me "It isn't about the sex. You think we WANTED to be gay?" I's like be left-handed, you either are or you aren't. And the marriage thing equates to this - if one of them is on their death bed, and the two of them had discussed whether or not to pull the plug, if their marriage is not honored, then the family can countermand the wishes of the couple.
  18. I honestly doubt you actually know any gays. They are constantly under attack, and since the former president made it OK for haters to crawl out from under their slimy rocks, the attacks against EVERYONE who is not white have escalated. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-lgbt-violence-press-release/
  19. OH DEAR GAWD! Are you REALLY gonna start quoting "the biggest book of lies ever told?" If you really believe this drivel then if you've ever eaten shrimp or clams, you are a sinner. If you are left handed then you are a sinner. I could go on but it would insult my computer.
  20. So you'd be happy if they just jumped back in the closet? They NEED to bring attention to this problem because too many homophobes MAKE problems for them. They're not PLAYING the victim, they ARE victims.
  21. Honestly, they should let the little crafters go for it. The majority of them will be a dismal failure and peter out within the first year - making a great craft beer is an art. IF any are still standing, they will have a quality product and pose merely a negligible threat to the big guys. Everybody wins!
  22. It is a consistent point of comedians how insanely former 45 goes off track. He, of ALL people, needs a teleprompter to stay even remotely on track.
  23. C'mon, they all use teleprompters. You should know that by now.
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