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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. And a pressure cooker would turn the time into minimal. If single or married here, people really should invest in something like and Instant Pot 7 in 1 cooker. For slow & fast cooking. Expensive here, but worth it, as does a lot. That and a toaster/convection oven/air fryer (call it what you want) would just about be all you need, and small footprint on your kitchen counter. Even for you condo/hotel room dwellers. Worth every baht.
  2. Simple tax burden would be enough for me not to live there. Silly RE price would make it almost impossible. If you could afford a house there, you wouldn't have much pocket money to enjoy life, unl a millionaire. Fires, earthquakes, droughts, water restrictions all add to ... 'why bother'. I lived in TN 5 yrs prior to TH ... -0- state income tax Pennsylvania before that ... 2.3%, I think, at the time, now 4% CA at 12% ... would have meant $6k a year, $500 a month, from my salaried job. I live on that here Add the sales tax ... California 7.250% 1st or 2nd highest state gasoline tax Highest gasoline price
  3. Don't need implants, just have to say you're a woman now. Compete, win, get the product endorsement.
  4. That certainly has changed since the days I attended, about 20 yrs ago. Compare now to then, and the past rockets seem like bottle rockets ... If not for the crowds, almost worth visiting again.
  5. Stopped reading at "Women of Color" ... labels and division tactics of MSM
  6. Trumps not senile, bit of a narcissist. He doesn't have Congress behind him, as both parties don't like him, but Reps have to kiss his butt. If appointed again, he'll have to use executive orders again to get anything done, as Congress will again be doing nothing but fighting with each other. More distraction and nothing accomplished, till budget time, then fill their coffers. Distract distract distract ... steal steal steal. Politics as usual.
  7. There's the difference, as most Yanks, like myself, probably couldn't match 10 world leaders up with their country, even if given both names, OK, maybe 10, but not 15. Let alone, heard any of their speeches, or who their political opponent is, when's their next election or even what office they hold, president, PM, elected or appointed, what party ... nothing. Not that non Yanks understand USA political system, how it works, but then again, many Yanks haven't a clue. Y'all know the participants, even in the primaries, which I didn't know, along with the party they're in.
  8. Don't think there are any trans men in men's sports, as they know they can't compete or win, so why bother. Trans women in women's sport will dominate, or should. If not, they're really losers. Men go trans woman, so they can win, since they can't in men's sports. That seems to be a bit obvious. Since they've repeatedly lost so many time in men's sports. I won 1st place by beating a girl half my size ... how does that boost your ego. Aside from stealing product endorsements they, the real women deserved. Worse than that scumbag. lance armstrong and his tactics for couple decades.
  9. Amazed how obsessed some are with trump, especially non Yanks. Not a day goes by they aren't posting, blaming or accusing him of something. Pops up in completely irrelevant threads. Seems to be on their brain every moment of the day
  10. He's EOW is a bit uninformed; ,,, Ora Good Cat EV model is built under China’s Great Wall Motor Co (GWM) auto brand but all of its parts are domestically made, in TH. ... FOMM ONE is a small 4-seater EV developed by FOMM that meets the light vehicle standard. Manufacturing takes place in Thailand. ,,, Energy Absolute (EA) has launched Thailand’s first electric mini truck, aiming to help businesses reduce transport costs, the MT30 ,,, another low spec'd truck is made in Bangkok, though I forget the name
  11. I couldn't do all keto, as it leaves out too many things I love. Plus I'd probably have to take supplements for other nutrients, and a multivitamin & vit C is all I take now, or need. Take a multivitamin, as I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies. I notice most people pushing keto or vegan diets, are pushing supplement with them, as apparently not getting a balance intake of nutrients from either. 90% of our food is in house, from scratch. Shopping & cooking is quite enjoyable and fills in our day. Eating healthy is a great hobby
  12. My eating 'lifestyle' is working just fine. I don't diet, as they simply don't work. Using common sense, and moderation, along with eating 'whole foods', not prepared, store bought foods full of crap. I eat anything I want, moderation & portion size, since older & less active, it doesn't get burned off. Don't eat nearly as much as I want or used to, as I'd be huge, and for me, that would be more than 100kg. As I won't burn it off through activities, as pretty sedentary of late. Heat takes any motivation away from me. Happy with my weight, 75+/-, and even at 100 kgs, I carried it rather well, as a lot was upper body muscle mass, which has diminished considerably, due to muscle attrition. Don't use it, lose it. Been same weight for about 10 years.
  13. No prob ... as Bang Saphans, you have to self entertain here. Not like a weekend break, where you enjoy the peace & quiet, sounds of the surf and lazy day relaxing. It's everyday, and that wears on some people. Closest real town to PKK, as you know, with anything, is Hua Hin, 100 kms north, which I'm really not a fan of. From Bang Saphan Noi, Chumphon (90 kms) would be a better option, which I do like very much, even has a swimmable beach, when cooperating. If Ban Krut had a Makro, we would have move there. If daughter not in Bangkok, maybe even Chumphon, but prefer PKK, as less than 4 hours from her.
  14. So I should have not eaten half my intake today or yesterday 😂 I don't think so, can't live on air & water. Besides, the meat & cheese, helps with the digestion of the bread/carbs. What, when & how you eat things together makes a difference in your insulin resistance. An example of that: https://www.facebook.com/reel/792498645582827
  15. I quit buying tins of beans long time ago, though not the biggest fan of. Now just buy the dried beans and make our own. With all the beans we cook, mostly soybeans (natto), and black eye beans, you think she would want a pressure cooler ... nope. @scubascuba3 Butter, buy by 5 kg box, much cheaper, and cheese, also bulk, though only mozzarella & parmesan (healthier), cut out the American & cheddar. Less on the cheeses, as don't make as many pizzas at home as use to.
  16. I agree to that, to some extent. It burns calories, but not enough for the effort, in my opinion. Aerobic will boost you metabolism, and that sticks with for a while, I think. I lost a lot, with just 20 mins bike riding (stationary) more if not. and only 5-10 minutes floor exercises, more for back than anything, stomach crunches & back stretching. Throw in a couple 'walking the dog', and not really something I'd call exercise, except the 'bike' Don't use the bikes much now. Add intermittent fasting, and it's a game changer. For me, that's 2100 hrs till 1200 hrs the next day, so half while sleeping, if I could get 8 hrs sleep, and more like 6. Wake up, at sunrise, morning coffee, Read internet, troll AN, stay busy till around 1000-1100, walk dog, <1 km. Then first meal. Today; roast beef sandwich, sauerkraut, natto, kefir, till full. Next meal will be around 1700 hrs, since first was full up. Snack later on, maybe 1900-2000 hrs, as I can't sleep on an empty stomach. May or may not be a pastry & coffee in there somewhere, as there was yesterday, since first meal was lite, just scrambled eggs & toast. Dinner was lite, tomato, mozzarella cheese, lettuce sandwich. And orang & papaya later on, as got the munchies smoking a doobie. No real exercise, heavy or lite munching (depending on mood), and intermittent fasting, seems to work for me. I was 100kg, now 74, same weight as when getting out of US Army boot camp. Stomach not as flat though, as loss some upper body muscle over the years. Cutting most of the sugar & carbs of the past, helps a lot, since no longer that active, and the sugar & carbs gets burned off when active, instead of turning to fat. Need to do one or other, cut it out, or be a lot more active.
  17. Yea, but could he 'see' the air ... @ 27:27 of the vid He shows PM2.5 meter at 250 ish, @ 27:57 of vid and y'all are breaking 300 & 400 during the day. Time to move, seriously. You're killing youselves.
  18. I like him, as he shook up the deep state, and exposed the swamp for what it is, along with MSM. I don't want him as President again. Might be better than Dem candidate for the USA, but not me and the exchange rate & COLA. Might mean loosing 25% on the exchange rate, and 50+% on COLA. NO THANKS Voting for Biden, if he gets the nod, will probably mean a Harris presidency also, before 2028. Even scarier for the USA & world, but great for me.
  19. That would solve it, but don't think anyone would care to watch open categories.
  20. You don't seem to understand the economics of it & everything. Without profit, product exposure, with sponsoring, they wouldn't exist.
  21. Not necessarily concerned about just cancer, but it's the PM2.5 &10 that are deposited on your lung tissue, lower & upper. Possibly causing a bunch of problems, when expose long term: heart disease asthma low birth weight COPD A strong immune system can't fight everything. Or anything, without the proper tools, like sufficient oxygen.
  22. Sponsor funded / $$$ for product exposure. When people stop watching, they'll stop sponsoring, and it will come to a grinding halt. On a small scale of what happens when sponsors pull out or downsize contribution, the Hua Hin Jazz Festival used to be excellent, Heineken sponsored (largest), and then came the 'no alcohol advertising'. Now the HHJf is 25% of what it used to be (4 stages vs 1 now) & sucks in comparison.
  23. Notice today you got a few 3 & 400s showing 😲 That's mind boggling, beside totally F'd up
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