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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We shall see, as 5 yrs isn't that far away. Battery prices are falling considerably, and when savings passed onto the consumer, EV priced will be cheaper, and range the same or exceed most ICEV. If they can perfect the Solid State batteries, then even better if produced at completive price. Electric motors have proved themselves as better. Why hybrids use them. Why I can't get my head around buying a hybrid. Seems redundant and expensive, unless you do a lot of long distance driving, and have no patience at all. Maybe outside of TH, it makes sense. But the charging network here, and the ability to reserve your slot at charging stations, almost eliminated any Q issues ... almost, with planning.
  2. NO, more like power to the people, as Big Oil has lost their 'total' control of the auto industry. Consumers are demanding better for their money, and CH is delivering. So the rest JP, then USA eventually, will have to adjust, or get left behind. To much competition / free market now ... thankfully and about time. A few more years, and hybrids will follow the all ICEVs,, into extinction, as BEV's range match & exceeds them, at an affordable price. Big Oil still controls the MSM, (obvious by the trolling here) but the wallet & competition will finally win in the end. Five years time, and I really can't see anyone buying ICEVs in the future. For those still driving, they'll be paying a premium for that dinosaur fuel, as it turns into a niche market for dinosaurs.
  3. As I posted earlier, elsewhere, we had an 'no start/motor engage' on our last O&A. Dealer suggested battery was hot, though now think it was the start up sequence. When the app has an oops, has happened a couple times, turn off, wait 2 minutes, then back on, and all seems to reset itself. I did do that, when the motor wouldn't engage after that charging session. After a few attempts to start, without any real wait time. Which the app, showed full screen/all info immediately, and not normal when starting the car first time. As app take 15 seconds to open up on the monitor. You can still select driving mode & drive, just the monitor display isn't opened yet. I rarely wait for that to finish loading when starting. Suspect the app wasn't completely shut down, and simply restarted back at previous point, not realizing my foot was now on the brake, and didn't engage the sequence to allow driving. Also contrary to the one vid, statng 'don't use anything while charging, we use the AC while charging, as the dog (all the time after her walk), or all of us will be in the car at some point. So the AC is on whenever we're in the car, charging or not.
  4. Beats talking about alcohol & hookers
  5. Family was chit chatting about that on FB ... suburbia Philly
  6. A testament to their building expertise. Even see some buildings completely leaning over, and the didn't fall apart. That was surprising & impressive. Shutter to think if a 7 pointer hit Thailand. Although one reason I live here, don't get earthquakes of any noticeable magnitude, and or other natural disaster weather. OK, a once in a lifetime tsunami, but that's about it, and that Typhoon way back when, that hit lower gulf.
  7. I hear the same all the time, when walking the dog along the 'main' road, almost every night, and not birds around ... trust me, or you'd have a photo of them. Google is your friend "why do power lines sound like birds chirping"
  8. as stated, agree with the 200+ too often, but 300+, that's a stretch. Sorry for you if it is true ... and time to move Time to move anyway, if consistently over 100
  9. Probably due to corona discharge/a spark or arcing across power lines/hardware and resembles birds chirping ... ... true Or ... time for new specs
  10. Ditto, same with our MG ZS purchase, 949k end of Oct 2022, and a bargain at $25k USD. Impossible to find same value in USA, or even import of anything from JP here for that price point.
  11. Well then ... there we have it, from the most trustworthy of sources
  12. I guess I should clarify, as don't want to ruin my squeaky clean, holier than thou image on the forum Arrests/convictions were for drug, (non-distribution), and quality was the issue, not quantity, along with firearms. Nothing predatory (personal use/victimless crimes) on our fellow humans. I despise predators of society and they shouldn't be allowed to walk amongst us. Only mentioned to show, the vetting process is anything but perfect, although as stated, repeat offenders would have a very hard time getting anything expunged.
  13. Hopefully it's also in the Thai press, as a warning to locals, due diligence when investing your hard earned baht. Always a good reminder to the ignorant folks. If it sounds too good, it is.
  14. It's the PM2.5 numbers that are the issue, when the AQI is deemed good or moderate;
  15. As much as I agree, CM air is bad, the vid is exaggerating, when it gets to the 'stats' part, and I stopped paying attention after I started typing. States AQI over 300 often, instead of stating rarely. Over 200 yes, over 300, no. And imply vehicle exhaust add a bit to it. As much as I despise diesel and ICEV exhaust, comparing BKK AQI to CM, and it points out, vehicle exhaust is far from the main issue, though if downtown along the sidewalk of bus & trucks routes, you'll be sucking in diesel fumes. Suburbia Krung Thep and you won't notice that as much, unless behind a trucks and diesel ICEVs on a scooter. Premise is true, but no need to exaggerate, as it's bad enough.
  16. Seems they are definitely feeling the squeeze from Neta V & BYD Dolphin pricing. Cheaper and guessing better car than than overpriced Mazda 2 and other entry level ICEV made TH, or even imports from JP, since all about the same price now. Seriously don't know why anyone buys an ICEV now, unless you can't charge at home. At least people should take them for a test drive. Stop listening to the troll types, on or offline, spreading the endless negative BS of EV. As stated earlier, and the reason why some of us even reply to the trolls here, to give EV positive, real life experiences they deserve.
  17. Daughter is in the need for a new car, in near future. I want to get her a Neta V or BYD Dolphin, as that's all she needs. But she wants to hold on to her Mazda 2 till it dies, which I think will be sooner than she does, as needed a few repairs already. Pretty sad for < 200k kms. On the Ciaz, seems they aren't selling well, as I've yet to spot one, since the discount was announced, new or older, and that's kind of strange, as I've been looking. Then peek on google, and seems other countries have discontinued producing, so maybe Suzuki TH is just going to follow suit and blowing out old inventory. That's a pretty inexpensive sedan, and doesn't have the ugly Celerio box look to it.
  18. Rainy season is my favorite time of year, almost. Clean, clear skies, if not raining. Though overcast a lot of the time, and welcomed, as it blocks the sun & heat, that being the favorite part. Hua Hin & PKK provinces is actually one of the drier provinces in TH. So less rainfall than most of the country. A good time to visit, especially extended / 3 weeks. You'll have a bit of rain, usually afternoon spritz and or overnight downpour. But don't expect too much to ruin your stay, unless very unlucky. Rare that we get a full week of daytime downpours, as we live just 100 kms south of, and pop up to HH quite often.
  19. Or ... if vetted, would not be allowed in. As they may not have or will not show, their criminal past. Even if having a criminal record, it may not stop them from entering. I have a couple felony convictions, that were expunged, but FBI still has record (illegally) of, and has popped up from time to time when security checks done in the past. Simply pointed out they shouldn't have record of, and all approved what I was applying for, though none visa application related. Although many times, almost all, when entering USA, Imm asked if I had any guns or drugs, and I don't think that is your typical question for a Yank returning. As don't know anyone I traveled with that was asked those questions, males or females. I knew the questions were coming, so I always stated 'traveling alone', as didn't want anyone to get tagged with 'guilt by association'. Do agree the visa vetting system is broken, especially with the computers they have today that aren't utilized. Non-expunged records should be accessible to all Imm offices of all countries. As rare someone's felony record is expunged after conviction, unless part of the plea agreement. And wouldn't happen for a repeat offender, keeping out the worst of the worse.
  20. " investing in Forex trading through an agent " A fool & their money ...
  21. I avoid going above Hua Hin 4-5 months of the year. Even here/PKK, an hour below Hua Hin, I limit my time outside for a couple months a year, and AQI is rarely above 100, although PM2.5 can be 5-20X the WHO's guidelines of healthy. AQI is 55 now, but PM2.5 is 17 (3.4X unhealthy) Hua Hin is 84 AQI & PM.2.5 is 27.9 (5.6X unhealthy), and only 100 kms away, mind boggling. My brother & wife were suppose to come to TH in a couple weeks, and I told them to don't bother. CM part of their itinerary. Canceled, and now thinking about reschedule in Oct/Nov. Stay South
  22. You had it correct, 2 females, hence the same sex marriage. The one can call herself what ever she wants, but she's a female.
  23. Yea, they are gay/lesbians, and simple enough. Although the 'mother' was, may still be bisexual. Son reads like a son / male. For me, trans doesn't exist in my vocabulary, as not transitioning into anything, as you can't add a penis, and get a woman pregnant, or man giving birth. You're male or female. Straight, gay or bisexual. Those are your selections, any other choice is ridiculous and imaginary. I didn't think it would squeeze by the Senate. Apparently it has, or it will. That's a good thing I guess, as same sex relationships, should know the pain of divorce. Be careful what you wish for ...
  24. This is the first roast beef I've done in over 24 years. Bit more done than I wanted, at the thin end, but made a tasty sandwich. Used a Picanha, which started at 1.7 kg, and ended up at 1.1 kg, after all the fat trimmed. Not a complete loss, as now have 400gr of beef fat. 24 hrs after trussed up from the frig, cooked, and on the bread ...
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