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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Every night almost, while walking the dog, I'm thinking ... "hmm, might rain tonight" ... but nothing. Waiting impatiently for some of that rain Come on already
  2. It's all about the money, and can't see a 'trans' sport organization being profitable. If the trans keep competing in Woman's Sport, that will soon become unprofitable, as fans want to see woman competing against women. Along with with younger woman, will soon develop a 'why bother' attitude, as knowing they simple can't compete against men. Losing competitors to attrition. After a few more years, then they can simply rename the non existent "Woman's Sports" to "Trans Sport", until it goes belly up.
  3. I never really appreciated how clean the air is in USA, especially since they use to talk about the USA's pollution on the news Talk about fear mongering with no substance. Moving to TH can be very hazardous to your health ... or ... beneficial Choose your location wisely, and can actually keep around 100+/- a couple months during smog season, although PM2.5 is usually too high, but ... vs .... pure HELL
  4. I rarely use either, and usually only if making a sauce or marinade with them, which is really rare. For spicy, I use powdered Cayenne pepper. For salt flavor, well, just salt. I eliminated all 'added' sugar, and don't even put it in my bread. Knowing I get plenty with my pastries or ice cream. I prefer a little honey as a sweetener anyway.
  5. Interesting that some of the 'new car' manufactures are outselling manufacturers that have been around for decades.
  6. I can't go all keto, but was surprised when peeking at what is Keto-ish foods, and most I like and are available. List of for me, as I omitted the one's I don't eat, or not really available in TH, or where I live. I still need my pastry & bread, so all Keto just wouldn't work for me.
  7. Simple solutions, keep the 2 'sex' competition, birth male/female, OR, everyone compete against everyone, if really want to be fair. Best person wins.
  8. Same every year. They need to move the 'Water Festival', to June or July, some month in rainy season that doesn't have a major holiday. Start celebrating Songkran, the traditional way, before it turned into an embarrassing drunken water festival.
  9. More fear mongering. Gays have been tolerated/accepted in TH way more and longer than most countries. Getting married is just another step of realization, and a way for the ignorant folks to finally take the blinders off. Live & let live Like GOD, gays always have been here, and always will be. Just accept it.
  10. Eat less, burn more, while taking in the proper nutrients. Not exactly rocket science
  11. Hour south of HH, and why we make sure our storage tanks (8) are always topped up before the yearly 'drought time' / water shortage warnings ... JIC Everyone should have at least 1 tank. Along with a very basic solar back up, if only 3kwh system w/small battery. Or an EV you can plug your frig and a fan into. Simple, inexpensive preps for living in 3rd world country.
  12. Dune 2 available. Although I gave up after an hour, as less interesting to me than the first one, which I did manage to finish. I even smoked a doobie, but it didn't help.
  13. Reading comprehension: I can not confirm nor deny, if eggs served on burgers in Calif, as never went to burger shop in CA. Never offered at vendors I visited, in Philly or east coast. And Philly is a sandwich, steaks & Hoagies. When at CA, I dined on seafood & Mexican.
  14. Sniffer dogs are always/usually at the checked baggage belt, when being loaded out of sight of passengers. We use to have a flight from Amsterdam, and almost every flight, they'd find ganga in at least 1 bad.
  15. the 30% would be on fund transferred into the country as income, with income tax due. As far as the purchase, it would be the same as the locals pay. Will put a crimp on large purchases, if money not already in country, and taxable if brought in. I transferred in ฿6M one time. Glad it was way before they started paying attention, and now enforcing the tax code. Imagine paying 35% on that, although I wouldn't have bothered if I thought that was going to happen. Will put a stop to many large purchases, though with the few expats here, don't think it will even be noticed in grand scheme of things. Anyone thinking of, need to transfer over now, before having a long term visa, and meeting the 180 day staying window.
  16. Nah, though can't say I'd do it again, as didn't know at the time, if true, security X-ray, if paying attention, can actually identify money. Though did make sure all notes lined up, so the strip was all aligned, not sure if good or bad Idea Did have paperwork/signed contract, justifying the amount. I've carried large sums, in manila envelops, bottom, with folded paperwork on top. Multiple stacks in briefcase, and would appear to be nothing but paperwork. Only a couple times. All irrelevant, but since you asked, as I know how authorities in USA like confiscating people's money ... unjustly.
  17. If you're prone to loosing things, I guess not. I've travelled with more than that before. To each their own.
  18. THANKS for clarifying as I wasn't sure, and violated that one a few times
  19. Correct, as stated below, no eggs offered 24 or even 18 yrs ago, from any vendor I visited, or even fashionable. Last time there ... 2006 ... for a long weekend. Had to pop in to personally pick up a check. Hopefully never again need to return ... unless picking up a nice check, as that was worth sitting at airports & on planes for 60+hrs.
  20. Don't own either, but sports car, no, doesn't make sense, as roads suck for high speed, along with too many hazards want to commit suicide on your car. I won't even own a bike scooter (750cc & up), as I know I'll kill myself, as not will power not to push the limits. Premium... how can that ever be a bad thing.
  21. No different, actually better for us, as we lived in Udon Thani then, and consistently hotter up there than PKK. Past 7 yrs here, thanks to El Nino and Global Warming, it seems cooler than 7-6-5 yrs ago. Loving this Global Warming ... Well, not today, as brutal out there, though a few degrees less than yesterday. It is that time of year, every year. 2 months of W T F
  22. Personally, if you are going back, I would simply carry it over as cash. Make the declaration when leaving UK, if required. Don't need to entering TH, I don't think, and deposit it. This way you won't get hit with an income tax on those funds, as guessing getting taxed enough already. First time, Imm office dependent, I don't think they care where the deposit comes from, although you could surely show paperwork, of UK withdrawal. Saying this as my extension bank paperwork got screwed up a bit, and deposits were off for my marriage extension. Imm officer asked if I had 400k, told yes, but would rather change to retirement, again, do you have the 800k, yes. No prob, gave me a 60 day extension, and told me to deposit the money that day. Returned, seasoned 2 months and approved. Money simply withdrawn from play money account, (wife's name) an deposited in my account. Not showing from out of TH. Do ask at you Imm office to verify they'll accept.
  23. What y'all waiting for ... ... OK, maybe just the younger expats, who know you'll be here for more than 5 yrs, and settled in. Added plus if you know you will or have an EV, now or soon. The saving are amazing, if you'll be home during the day. Especially since solar is already inexpensive here. We save 3-5k a month on home electric use, and an added 40-50k a year with charging the EV with excess solar. That's a system that was designed for the house only, as having the EV wasn't planned at all, since still expensive, (for our motoring budget), and we just bought a new ICEV. Our system just meets our needs, for being off grid, on the crappiest days. Producing just enough to supply the house for about 10 hrs, and recharge the ESS/batteries for overnight/non-production time, of 14 hrs later, till producing again the next day. We do use the AC overnight in the bedroom, all night. So plenty of excess most of the time, for the EVs. On the sunniest days, like now, easy to abuse the AC, all day, as needed, and charge the EVs.
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