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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. People still use WU ? Possibly the most expensive way to transfer funds. Do consider a different route. I believe all you need would is your Passport to verify who you are, at a guess. Though if having any transaction info would never hurt, if available to present.
  2. Apparently 'the voters' do ... and how's that working for them ... Roe vs Wade .... gone ... silly inflation ... housing prices out of reach ... expensive healthcare ... higher taxes ... higher deficits & national debt ... decline in college enrollments ... more households on food stamp program
  3. Only to idiots, (most voters), who haven't a clue of the issues, the laws, the Constitution or who they are voting for, or if it even matters. Who ever has the best commercial, that a voter relates to, gets their vote. Most people have a hard time knowing who their local, district, state reps in their local & state legislature are, let alone on federal level, or know their voting record. Or even how the president is appointed. Trumps opinion on 2022 midterm, along with most things he states, if fairly irrelevant to reality. Since Roe vs Wade reversal, should only affects state legislation.
  4. I suspect, not even close to meet your needs, though would depend how many people actually at home and using during the daytime.. We have an 8kWh system, and on crappy days, it barely meets our needs, and we're only 2 people & 1 dog, at home most of the day, with well built house, with solar in mind when built. Although we do need an additional production of about 6kWh during the day, to recharge battery, for overnight use. On low production days, with conservative use (no ACs) it has taken all day to top the batteries back up. ฿400k is a silly price, IMHO, for 10kWh system with no battery back up. Our system (installed) cost ฿445k, and ฿185k of that was the ESSs/battery back-ups, for overnight use, to be 'off grid'. Our most conservative months, around 350kWh, being our lowest, Aug, Sept & Oct, not owning an EV (car), as E-MB uses very littler per day: Our most abusive month, and we were out of town for a couple days: We use 6-8kWh overnight (14 hrs), so 180-240kWh monthly, is during non-production hours.
  5. That's a bit of a negative view, of some products, and old solar components, cars & tyres can be recycled, repurposed, in some many countries. Solar panels definitely are being recycled in some countries, not sure about TH. Battery packs are being recycled. Inverters probably repairable, or can be scrapped for parts. Cars & tyres are being recycle, down to the last bits. If I had a few solar panels crap out, and not worth or couldn't find someplace to recycle them, I'd have myself a pre-made wall or roof panels, for a storage shed Anything can be repurposed in my world. Buying quality components, will lasts years, possibly decades, hopefully. Everyone trash is another's treasure. My cousin had an excellent income from other people, trash. ROI will depend on many factors, and solar probably not for all, whether practical, convenient or affordable. Size the system correctly, and ROI should be 3 to 5 to <10yrs. Depending on use. The OP is going to require a massive system, or multiple smaller systems. Another poster asking the same query, could probably get away with an inexpensive 5kWh tie in, as just asked about supplementing the cost of running their one smaller AC unit.
  6. I owned a new Vios 18 yrs ago, and I wouldn't own a new one today, unless that was all I could afford. Bought as a 'throw away car', incase I decided not to remain in TH. Only invest what you can walk away from thingy, in case needing a quick sale. Silly to own a new one today, and I'd just buy a Neta V, as cheaper and out performs any Vios/Yaris, new or old. I owned old POS when I was a youngin', because that's all I could afford, and they served me well. I prefer comfort & performance now, especially when on the road, with no worries of the old clunker needing a replacement part while O&A. As long as people are happy with what they have or can afford ... ENJOY
  7. As does your thoughts, but feel free to comment what you don't know about: Apparently footwear also, hopefully more than what someone took a photo of:
  8. Yes & Yes, with legal permit to carry concealed. Never really needed, even living in some crap neighborhoods, or putting myself in situations, most would not.
  9. One so far ... and you ? Bit too old for a 2nd, as don't think I'll be around till they're an adult. Having a child avoid the trauma, of the loss of a parent seems a good idea.
  10. News about someone opinion, or not having one yet, that is completely irrelevant to the issue. NEWSFLASH: States laws decide the legality of abortions, not presidents.
  11. When did parents, stop being parents ? Why are schools tasked with teaching children the basics of living. Firs thing I did when on holiday with daughter was teach her to swim and float in a pool. Schools need to teach manners, sex education, and now, some folks lean toward have sex with the same sex partner. Didn't our parents teach us a few things, and the rest we picked up on our own. If waiting for the gov't to help you, you're already too late, as with all things, and that's if they ever get pass of just talking about it. What happen to people taking responsibility for themselves and kids.
  12. Yep ... I'm starting to ignore so many threads, news especially. Even threads I used to have an interest in, and why I even joined AN. If not the silly news-blips, it's the silly trolls, who argue about things they have no interest in. Quite sad really.
  13. Don't know where that came from. Now you're projecting. Done with trying to explain things to children. Back to using the ignore list. Keep giving your money to petrol companies, and driving your under performing cars requiring regular maintenance. Stop complaining about the low level urban air pollution you cause. IGNORANCE IS BLISS "A closed mind is a dying mind" - Edna Ferber BYE BYE
  14. I didn't know every ICEV got the same kms per liter, and all had the same size full tank. All mine were different. Question was answered. I can explain it to you, again, but I can't make you understand it. I'll talk slower, with different info, you might be able to relate to. Don't know why you care about EV, since you can't seem to understand the basic info we provide. EVs & ICEVs simply use a different energy/fuel source, but still have different variables with different makes & models. In that aspect, they are the same, no 2 are alike. Same with EV, different kWh per 100 kms, different size batteries, and accept charges at different amounts of kWh per hour, some <50, some >50, >75, >125, >175, some even higher. Pull up the info, of the make & model EV you are interested in, and read the info. Your question can't be answered, too many variables, same as with ICEVs. How many liters will a petrol car with 1L / 3cyl car need to go 400 kms, or a 2.8L Fortuner, or a 3L Dual Cab 4X4 diesel pick-up. Do they all get 20 kms per Liter ? I think not .... variables. The Celerio get 20 kpL, so will only need 20L, I'm sure something else gets 10 kpL, so will take twice as long get enough petrol to go 400 kms. Same with EVs ... it's not rocket science. Sadly, if you owned an EV, I suspect, you would be one of those folks on the side of the road, getting charged by a service vehicle with a generator. READING COMPREHENSION ... second time explained, I won't explain it again. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND
  15. That's one opinion, though I disagree with it. Only can speak for 2 countries, USA & TH, and sales are good. Don't know or care about the rest of the world, but from my reading, BEV sales worldwide are UP.
  16. Like it hasn't been posted enough times already. And many cars take different times, different ranges, accept faster charging. Charging cables range from 11-22-50-75-125-175kWh. Depends on the vendor, and how much your car will accept. I can't speak for other makes/models, but MG ZS info has been spot on, if anything, negative numbers and performance is better than advertised. Most cars will accept 50-75kWh, ours will accept 76kWh. If researching, go by the WLTP rating, not the NEDC rating for range. More accurate, and we actually get more than the WLTP rating, unless on the highway at speed, then a bit less (10%) and only if maintaining 90 kph, which is hard to do in TH. It's like asking, how far will an ICEV go on a tank of full. At least 2 variables are not the same with every EV.
  17. Yea, I think till 2025, or until the fund runs dry. MG offers 240k (ZS) & 247k (EP) on 2 models, and I think the rest, MGs and other makes are in the 100k-150k range, though don't quote me. Even the Wuling Air (car) & DECO MBs get incentives now.
  18. Correct ... excess solar doesn't cost me anything extra. Not an early Adopter, as waited decades after EVs were on the market, hybrids & BEVs. Been available in TH for about 5 yrs, and only bought in when govt incentive offered, and my preferred EV was upgraded, or I would have simply kept my ICEV that I was very happy with. When you already have solar, and the govt wants to give you 240k baht to buy a new car, that will cut your operating cost to 90% less than you present car ... well, what can I say, that's a no brainer for me.
  19. PTTs & 7-11s, way too convenient. KFC, who doesn't like Wing Zaps, and a food court, usually has one good vendors, along with fruit or treats from walkway vendors. Other fast food vendors don't interest me. Since we don't know when, what or where we're going to be, till we're almost there, then finalizing the hotel stay while charging is too convenient. Snack, coffee, pastry, no matter what we're driving, that just doesn't change.
  20. I'm happy for you, enjoy. Isn't it a beautiful would, we all have options that make us happy But unlike you ICEV folks, we don't scrutinize your choices. Let that one sink in, don't hurt yourself. Or did I miss these anti ICEV threads: ... why buy non Chinese Legacy cars, because they are expensive ... Everything that's wrong with ICEVs ... an endless list ... would you buy an ICEV- fire hazard ... is there a future for ICEVs ... bye bye ICEVs, hello EVs ... The problem with ICEVs All anti EV threads, with modified title to ICEV instead of EV.
  21. Most have food courts, which is no different than any ma/pa shophouse offerings. Many have KFC, McDs (no thanks), Burger King, or even Black Canyon. That's if on the main roads, and not near town, in town, or have vendors & restaurants near the CS station. It's a pitstop, and some offer no more, or no less, than we might pop in and eat at, while walking around town, just happen to conveniently have a charging cable at same location. Our we could be picky, for what ever reason, as some restaurants, coffee shop, most malls, and hotels offer charging. I'm sure all you ICEV driver's never let the wife & family out of the car while topping up
  22. Our system, linked above will easily handle monthly usage of 350kWh (if conservative) to 1000kWh, (if abusive w/ACs) and be off grid if wanting to be. We run a 13k BTU, almost 24 hrs a day, and the 24k BTU runs about 9hrs a day when needed. Along with what ever other electrical kitchen appliance. Along with charging the EV, such as most of today, drawing ~2.3kWh. Only need to be careful if both ACs are on, EV is charging, and using more than 1 appliance in kitchen or if hopping in the shower. That's rare of course.
  23. The car is charging in between 'plug in' & 'unplugg'. For most, they are in for the night and sleeping. You have to 'unlock' the car, to unplug, or you can't unplug. If topped up (MG ZS), then unlock, and unplug. 10 seconds, if that. If not topped up / 100%, then app has to cycle, and press 'finish charging'. Hence the 30-45 seconds. Only time you are actually physically waiting for it to charge, is when O&A, on the road. After 3+ hours, it's welcome break, and takes about 30 ish minutes to get back up to 90+ %. Which allows time to stretch the legs, take dog for a walk, hit the toilet ourselves, browse the PTT Park shops, vendors, food court, KFC, Amazon Coffee (no thanks), 7-11 for snack, brekkie, or stock up before getting to hotel. Me, I'll check local hotels on internet, and make a final decision. Many, most times, the car is done charging before we're done, especially if I haven't picked a hotel before charging, as that can be time consuming. Very rare, we're waiting for the car to add another 5-10% more charge, to be in the 90-95% range. Last 5% loads slow, so not waiting to get to 100%, unless preoccupied, and it tops up. That last 5ish % can take 20 minutes, so I need to quite busy if we get to 100% before leaving the CS. Or if another EV shows up, and no slot open, then we won't bother to top up further than 90% and simply unplug, so they can get started. We're in no hurry to go anywhere, or need to be anywhere. If having an ICEV, the stops wouldn't be much different.
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