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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. 4 or the top 6 auto makers in CH are state owned. So won't be going bankrupt. TH does NOT have a lack of charging infrastructure. If can charge at home, and not on the road taking long trips every week (150+kms away), along with being impatient. EVs fit most people's driving styles.
  2. We own 2022 MG ZS, and quite enjoy it. If totaled or stolen, I would replace it with another with no reservation.
  3. He must be smokin' some good sh!t They have a hard enough time getting folks to use the present airport @ HH. I don't know how many "high-net-worth individuals traveling on private jets" he thinks comes to HH, or TH for that matter, on holiday. Haven't been to my old haunts, probably all ruined also, but HH and TH don't make my top 25 or 50 list of holiday destinations, especially for a 'beach' holiday. When I do pop into HH, quite often, and even stroll over to the beach, rare, it's look left, look right ... 'hmm...looks nice today' ... OK, I'm done, where next. Can't ever remember spending more than 15 mins on HH beach, unless I was flying my drone, or the Jazz Festival was there, and they rightfully screwed those all up to hell, as was great for a weekend visit.
  4. They seem to have blinders on to their own fellow countrymen, (and themselves) doing the exact same thing. Aside from the ones using agents dealing with Immigration for them, which seem to be fine & recommended, and yet, the Ruskies shouldn't be allowed to use and do the same
  5. Some of us have been here the whole time, and watched the silliness, unfold. With not so short a memory, so the people it directed affected, surely aren't forgetting. They're just scared sh!tless, as they know if everyone's plate was wiped clean, and there was and free election tomorrow, they know they'd be on the outside looking in.
  6. The opposition seems to forget, they were both well liked by the masses. How the coups were not the last straw is more a question for me. Forgot, those with the guns rule, and I probably can't give opinion & criticize their heavy handed control of things. The people did speak up, and were put down. A bit of selective memory, as didn't those behind the airport takeover just get a pass themselves. Big Brother gave the masses healthcare. While making a few baht in the commination game. Lil' Sis gave them a good steady price for their rice, when it was plummeting. That her cronies abused that scheme, somehow is her fault. Her other high crime was not predicting a long, heavy rainy season. Shame on her.
  7. Don't need to be a citizen of USA to collect Soc Sec as long as you paid into it. Not sure how renouncing that citizenship would affect it... there's always google for the answer. I'll google it ... Answer
  8. Another Oriental Honey-buzzard overhead today
  9. OK ... recedes way way way out there ... ... low tide: High tide:
  10. Whoa .... brain freeze ... I actually meant Ko Phayam. Holy crap, don't know how I had Ko Chang in my head. On that, Phayam, only 1 resort on the bay when I was there, now there's at least 3 on each side of the those bungalows, with more behind them. Hope they have proper septic & waste water systems, and not piping into the bay or khlong running into the bay. Though it would be kind of obvious, as low tide, and the surf disappears for 100 meters or so.
  11. Great, another anti Russian thread, just what we need. Shouldn't the title be ... '"What are some stories about Foreigners trying to make $$?" Would imagine the same as everyone else, working legally, or, having a proxy, husband/wife/GF/BF, and business in their name as they work in the background. No different than anyone else. I could be accused of the same, with our RE investments, in wife's name
  12. Was never a big fan of the Gulf side. Use to almost live at Clearwater Beach, and never went in the surf. At the beach a lot, but never ventured in. I could easily live in FL, especially after living here.
  13. What would his ailment be ... PTSD from running over and killing someone
  14. So a privileged lad, living on mommy & daddy's quid. Do parents no longer teach their kids to be responsible. "While still living with his parents in Brent, London, Riyan realised he couldn’t afford to rent a place of his own in the UK, prompting him to explore other options. Having visited Thailand thrice before, Riyan developed a deep affection for the country and bought a one-way ticket from Heathrow for £500 (22,750 baht)." So this child, has taken 3 international holidays (at least) to TH, before he has met the responsibilities of living on his own. I think having your own place, starting a career and building equity, instead of holidaying while living with mommy & daddy would be a priority. Guessing he doesn't have a partner, male or female, as if he met someone, where would they go. "I still live with mommy" No mention of being in Uni to better himself, and working a part time job, a real dreamer ... WTF I guess this is holiday #4 in TH, on mommy's quid. Must be nice. Wait till they find out he can't get a long term visa to stay here. There goes there hope of finally getting rid of him
  15. You trying to say nanny states don't have air or water pollution I know USA issues advisories / closes beaches when the fecal count is too high, and you've obviously never been at north New Jersey, near EWR airport, as the air is rank due to chem factories. I have to tolerate a couple months of not the best air in cool season here, as opposed to staying inside during the wet & cold season of say, the UK. Which would be more enjoyable during those months ... hmm. Inside our house the air is not polluted. The PM2.5 where I live now, isn't much different from where I lived in the USA Granted, I couldn't live north of where we live, year round, but I also don't need to.
  16. If you haven't tried, then you wouldn't know. 50 yrs ago, not sure if you can do with today's cars, and that car was 10 yrs old to start with. "You see, back in the day, some of the first automatics had the pump at the rear of the transmission – and those you can push start. All automatic cars through 1958 and some into the mid 1960s were push startable, some examples are GM’s hydramatic through 1958" "Used to be you actually could push-start an automatic. Some of them, anyway (mid-60's and earlier Torqueflites that I know of for certain, and at least one other make). But when tranny rear oil pumps went the way of the dinosaur, so did the ability to push-start automatics."
  17. It is possible, as I've done it, and correct, a few people pushing won't get it going fast enough. On topic ... the only manual shift vehicles I had by choice, were my work trucks. Any car, and it was because it was cheaper or, it loss too much power being an AT, so MT was preferred. I never owned a stick, for the pleasure of the 'driving experience', though fun to beat the hell out of one at times, I prefer to relax when driving, and shifting, especially in rush hour, city traffic, is not relaxing.
  18. 'Us' don't have nothing to do with keeping the population uneducated. And trust me, they are far from uneducated. Maybe not as book smart or well informed with all the useless and unimportant information that we possess, though if taking some AN members as examples of, then 'educated' is a stretch. Maybe it's the west that is just overpriced, and silly labor cost/salaries, are part of that problem, though doubtful the main problem. More like price gouging, because they can. Labor unions priced themselves out of jobs, and why most manufacturing is done outside the USA. Flipping burgers at $15-20 an hour now considered a skilled job. Don't cry about your $10-15 burger. That's an entry level (teen work experience), supplement retirement income job, not a career. That the USA (my only reference) charges silly prices for some things vs TH has nothing to do with us, or being educated. Should an EKG cost <$6 here/TH, but start at $525 where I used to live in USA. Same machine & education to administer.
  19. As I stated, and obviously true, some charge and some don't. Lucky you that they didn't. I've had 3 transferred, 2 free, 1 charged / 500 and issued a proper receipt.
  20. Too many to list, and really don't remember paying for most national parks when first visiting them in the early years here. Also don't remember any of them actually being worth paying for. Some had entrance 'guard' shacks, some didn't. Most were unkept, and nothing special, maybe a viewpoint or a waterfall. But nothing more interesting, usually less so than surrounding are or view from balcony of the bungalow we were staying at. Remember first time I actually paid ฿100 entrance fee + parking free for a waterfall, at Nakhon Nayok, and thought, this should be nice, better be nice. It was nothing but a slight downhill stream, with a 1 meter drop, and I think I'm being generous. Nothing more than a creek behind the house where I grew up at, and thought WTF. That was with present wife, so 2006 and onward. Prior to that I don't remember ever paying, with exception of Phang-Nga Bay boat tour, which included the 'fee' in ticket price, and was a joke, since I chose not to get off at Ko Khao Phing Kan (James Bond island) or Koh Panyi. Scratch that up to one of the most overpriced tourist traps in TH. On waterfalls, I've seen better, a local ones in Udon Thani, and many other places, roadside or just off the roadside, that were nice, quite nice. One at Ranong, was a regular nice break 2X a year (when going to Phuket), chicken & rice vendor there, and here in TH, considered huge waterfall, free for years, although now charges ฿100. Though don't know why anyone would pay, and didn't see anyone paying, as can still see the same from roadside. Being 50 meters closer isn't going to give you a better photo. That was strange last time I passed through, and just last year. Maybe some fake guard in uniform with nice official looking signage up, just collecting money from idiots. After a few parks, where I did actually pay, the Thai price, and always disappointed, I simply stopped thinking about entering any of them in the future, and that was years ago, when ฿200 was the 'high' farang price. Seen much more impressive things just driving around. Why we enjoy our O&As so much, not that staying home doesn't have great views, but see it everyday.
  21. I'm finding that very hard to believe, that he was administered 7 shots per month on average. Yet they can only seem to confirm 130 of them, still a silly number. What professional would administer that many,. Doesn't speak well of the distribution system, and wreaks of a system ripe for billing fraud. Do people not need ID to get the shots & boosters. If standard 2 shot/3 booster regiment, that would mean he needed 40+ fake IDs / registrations ... hmm And was he really buying the vaccine, or someone pulling a scam on him and giving him a saline shot. Why would he have frozen blood samples stored anywhere ... all sounding a bit suspicious to me.
  22. Now who's cherry picking ? I picked 2 peaks, you pick one of the lowest valleys. I'm surprised you didn't pick Jan 2024 Just like now, older, unhealthy people dying of respiratory infections. Low valley before vaccines: Low valley (yours) after vaccines
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