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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Doubtful, very doubtful. I'm not going to list every place I've been to, as simply don't need to, so you can ease up on your pissin' contest. Here's a few for those in the area, NE that is: https://aseannow.com/topic/1298442-leaving-the-bar-stool/page/3/#comment-18740232
  2. Thoughts from another thread, and if inclined to explore the NE: https://goo.gl/photos/iCpU4Yke3KqczMLb6 https://goo.gl/photos/9Pucge6vP1rkTqcW8 https://goo.gl/photos/MfXh1ZpxoqBSvh8T9 https://goo.gl/photos/AySL2dndUD3nQmp6A https://goo.gl/photos/sBWNzMQc42YqDRXX7 https://goo.gl/photos/YwvK4478GiRgopfp7 https://goo.gl/photos/KX4cpHikYKbHrvub6 Certainly not inclusive, but should be accessible to most members
  3. Not sure there is anything, anyone can tell me about the NE, since living and exploring there for 16+ years. Nothing I'd make a special trip for, but if in the area, or live there, then regular O&As help to kill the time. Living in Udon Thani can be pretty freakin' boring by itself. Got to explore or you go nuts, or become an Alky. If not along the river, or in the hills, with nice landscape, during rainy season, and just after, then there's not much of interest in the NE. Ban Chiang (Udon Thani) Khmer ruins restored (PhiMai, Phanom Rung) Uncle Ho's house, (Nakhon Phanom) And only if interested in history, which I enjoy. A few unique style Wats.
  4. I got him beat, as I bought a 750cc, no license, never really rode before. Buddy showed me the shifter, 1 down 4 up, brakes, and best advise ever; ... don't freeze up ... push handlebar down to where you want to go if emergency evasion needed ... if you go over the handlebars, move left or right, as the MC will coming your way. "OK, now what do I do ?" Take if for ride, teach yourself how to drive it. Friends were betting how fast I'd kill myself ... bastards Drove one 350cc around the corner once, hit a house, a good thing, and scared the sh!t out of me, for 8 years, making me respect the power they had when I finally did buy one.
  5. Advised to give it pass, and no desire to sit on a plane or deal with airports, and then have to rent a scooter when there, which technically not allowed, along with the infrastructure a bit lacking, so pretty sure it would be a waste of time & money for us. Even as a holiday, recon for retirement. Watched some of Paddy Doyle's Nam YTs, very nice, but simply reinforced what I've been told & read. First couple days there, his travels were hindered by numerous landslides, and having to wait till they were cleared. Some lovely countryside though, but that's about it. Not a city person myself, so no desire to hit 'those' tourist spots or live at. And basically, just another SEA country, not really seeing the difference. No real retirement visa, so that kills it completely, since liking stability, and as I don't do rentals, I would want a house with all the toys. Not realistic there.
  6. Have sold & bought from FB Marketplace, and don't find it no more scam-ish than other platforms. Wee bit of common sense and research keeps the scammers at bay.
  7. You could file charges yourself, BUT, when you loss, you know he'd be suing you for defamation & win. TIT
  8. More concerned about what gender the cat is, as would hate to use the wrong pronoun
  9. Nah, that was many years, even decades ago, though last time driving through, didn't notice much has changed. There's a reason the NE isn't on the intern'l tourist trail Enough in the area now though:
  10. Cat kids should be taken to the vet, spayed/nurtured, de-wormed & de-flea'd /de-tick'd. Follow the science for a better home environment with animals. It's what responsible 'owners' do.
  11. Not sure buying a condo in a country without a proper retirement visa would be the best move. Everyone's opinion that I respect, and has spent lots of time in both (Nam & TH) tell me TH is better, much better. Some things in Nam are less expensive, but the infrastructure is a decade or 2 behind TH. Have the same air & water pollution issues of TH, with the added hassle of being closer to them typhoons that pop up over there during the 'season'. The weather teeters out by the time it gets to TH.
  12. Not a big fan of that drive, and think I would stop on outskirts of Krung Thep. Maybe overnight at Nakhon Pathom, Ratchaburi, or Samut Songkhram, as I would avoid hwy #35, and take #4 instead. Then after a nice brekkie, next day, drive the last 3 or 4 hrs and arrive at HH around noon/check in time.
  13. 70 yrs ago, this month, my parents were getting their freak on, as I was born in December. 'Beware the Ides of March' ... come to mind
  14. Nice idea, but 10 million people need to drive on the road, not walk or cycle. Might work in a couples small communities, or tourist districts, but Krung Thep isn't set up like that. Can't even keep the motorbikes off the walkways, so how do they plan on keeping cars out of the bike lanes. There are very few roads that can be closed to vehicle traffic.
  15. Every one of his posts are irrelevant, why he's on 'that list' now
  16. Kalasin, another 'white elephant' project .... That's one boring A$$ province, as are the others bordering. Think we spent 1 or 2 nights there, and explored the 'area'. Most interesting thing was watching the buffalos while sipping a few, while at a lakeside 'rustic' bungalow. Good R&R break as was non-stop looping around the are prior. Roi Et had a nice ice cream shop across from the lake, which did have an Aquarium and paddle 'swan' boats Yasothon ... Rocket Festival
  17. 41 cases across multiple states, and in FL: ... "Florida has 10 confirmed cases of measles. Nine of the infected people are children who live in Broward County and the other is an adult age 20 to 24 who lives in Polk County in Central Florida. Seven of the children are students at Manatee Bay Elementary in Weston." source Oh yea ... Trumps fault again, what isn't his fault
  18. Yep, it's in the IMDB plot, storyline, and in the trailer: "Jakub discovers a possibly imaginary giant alien spider, who becomes his unlikely companion" Not a Sandler fan myself, and after reading & checking out part of the trailer, gave it a pass.
  19. Not sure if the anti gun replies are about guns or Americans. Just another thread to bash Yanks. Par for the forum. People bring so much intellectual debate to the forums when spewing their bigotry: ... anti Thais ... anti Yanks ... anti EV ... anti CH ... anti RU ... anti TH ... anti USA ... anti guns ... anti alphabet folks Simply projecting such a happy life they have, and the disgust they must encounter when looking in the mirror every morning. Who and or what can I bash today ? ... IMHO on topic, as always ... I'm a firearm fan, the more the better in the hands of legal, trained citizens, anywhere and everywhere.
  20. They even have charging cables undercover in the mall ... what is the world coming to ...
  21. Another 'never going to happen 'what if' scenario. I doubt if CS will charge more than 2X the home rate, as they aren't charged that now. Some CS even offer 'off peak' rates. Unlike the petrol pricing, competition is allowed. And it only affect people when O&A. No matter what the charge, it will always be much cheaper than petrol.
  22. Some of these little scooter 150/160cc are looking larger with all the plastic fairing.
  23. Daytime, keep the house @ 26°C Nighttime, keep bedroom @ 26°C / 27°C
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