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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If you actually put your cursor over the graph, the labels/info will appear. I simply took screenshot, of 2 of the peeks, and put them side by side for easy comparison. No deception. You can pick any corresponding points you want, on those 2 years, before and after vaccines were given, and I doubt if your numbers would show much of a difference. Less deaths per 100k before the vaccines were distributed. All things being equal, you'd expect the opposite, since weakened variants, and better knowledge how to treat the virus. Yet higher deaths per 100k after being vaccinated. Now who's cherry picking ?
  2. Best beaches I've ever been at, on & in: ... many of Phukets ... BUT ... during the pandemic they were clean & empty (now-I wouldn't bother) ... Ko Chang, Ranong (at high tide, 20 yrs ago) ... Southern FL, USA, from Boca Raton down to Key West ... Puerto Rico (west coast) ... Bimini, Bahamas (best, but 35 yrs ago) ... Walker's Kay, Bahamas, and a few others ... Cozumel, Mexico ... Yucatan beaches ... Grand Caymans ... St Martins
  3. I didn't cherry pick anything. Picked 2 graphs, one before vaccines were available, and the virus was more of an issue, along with less known how to treat it. The 2nd, after vaccines & boosters administered, during a weaker variant, after they knew how better to treat, and death per 100k increased, some age groups dramatically. As you say, science doesn't lie ........ neither do the numbers. Just accept the truth is finally coming out, and people have woken up to the BS ... IMHO Have a nice day. BYE BYE
  4. I'm not surprised at all... No surprise the cases went up, and to be expected, but the 'Deaths per 100k" in some age groups a considerable amount, even 50% in one.
  5. I was expecting the MG ZS to go an sale again, since Atto 3 got discounted. Seems the ZS goes on sale every other month.
  6. It hasn't been 'officially free' for years, more than 10 at least. As stated, most charge about 500.
  7. If you can't be happy here / TH, chances are, changing location isn't going to help.
  8. Life is boring without hobbies, retired or not, especially if you didn't have kids prior to retirement. Which I didn't, as never really had a partner I thought was 'mother' material. And a bit too selfish, with my time and money to raise kids. That sure did change with retirement, and raising the daughter has be a highlight of my life. Plenty of time & money surely made that a lot more enjoyable, than attempting that with someone you don't like living with, and working at the same time. Actually commend people that can pull that one off. Hobbies hasn't change, added one, drones, perfected another, photography, sort of. Rest is the same, O&As, scooter rides, though no more long distances, scuba diving, though not much here, as the diving is mediocre, and I'm being kind. I excel at being a LPOS ... so all good.
  9. Hell NO ... I couldn't wait to retire. I would have retired earlier, but I worked for an airlines, and really enjoyed all the travelling on the cheap. I knew that would come to a grinding halt when I retired, left, as no way would I pay to fly first class anywhere, and flying economy, just didn't work for me. Talk about spoiled for ever. I was actually having a bit of fun the last 13 yrs working, well, last 10 years, as rarely at work. Everything I did was geared to retiring early, though slow pace, so could enjoy the moment, and not stress myself out. Just wish I learned my investment strategies a bit earlier, as I would have had retired at least 10 years earlier. I can't imagine working another 20 yrs till I hit USA Soc Sec retirement age (66), and company retirement at 65. Past 20+ yrs have been some of the best, though TBH, can't really complain about any time after I became self employed, and investing. Working a salary job only, both boring & low pay, and I would have had to work till 65/66, and not be as financially comfy. Far from rich, but comfy enough, and that's just fine. Seems I might be round for another 10 yrs, since my check up this week was better than expected. A couple more years, and I will have lived here longer than my adult working years in the USA. Retirement has been anything but boring, and don't need friends or a routine.
  10. Apparently Tesla is back at the table chit chatting again. ... other source quoting a Reuters news-blip
  11. Some interesting numbers, Deaths in USA. Number of deaths per 100k by age group, before & after vaccines were available. Considering the virus had mutated down to a milder form by 2022, that's not looking very good for the vaccines. Except for oldest group, every age group had increases after the vaccines were available. source
  12. Do those numbers compare to all the billions big pharma made, telling all the healthy younger people to get vaccinated that were probably not at risk of any ill effects from covid ?
  13. Actually MRPB in the Pattaya forum gave me pause to think ... "isn't that in Rayong province?" So opened in Gmap, to see if another beach, with same name was in Chonburi province, as can be in TH ... apparently not. Then opened Gmap MRPB Rayong, to see if any current photos of trashed beach in 'latest photos' and again not. Then simply Googled for images of 'MRPB Rayong trash dirty' with time frame of 1 week, and got the oil slick story. And yea ... I'm bored, so now you have a window into my thought process Still working my way through the last 10 hours or AN while talking to my daughter on FB, as it's her birthday, and how blasphemous it is for her to have to work today.
  14. That didn't take long ... Trump seems to arrive in every thread Even the measles in FL thread, and the "American Man Found with Bullet Arrested at Phuket Airport" thread
  15. Yes ... We live on other side of the Gulf, below Hua Hin
  16. The beach at Rayong province ? Think I'd be more concerned about the oil, although the trash seem to be a constant problem also.
  17. Apparently not smart enough to ignore the trolls OH CRAP ... does he reply to this ... or not
  18. I hope you're not from a country that is part of NATO, as you been on a murdering spree this century, and we're only 23 years in to it. Think you need to 'give a damn' a wee bit more.
  19. I don't try to understand the why of other countries or cultures, just accept that's what 'they' want. UK ... wants the Royals... fine Muslims ... want Sharia Law .. fine Yanks ... want guns ... fine Their country, their culture, they have to live there, not you or me, as it's voluntary once an adult.
  20. NO ... simply posted a couple highlights, that came to mind. I don't waste time, trying to explain things, especially when doubtful, anyone is headed toward Kalasin by the time the thread dies a death. Have a nice day
  21. Unfamiliar with the brand, but if going that route, then I'd go with 48v, in case wanting to add a battery pack to the system later. 6.2kWh should suffice, for granny charger, plus running something else off it, when producing extra, if wanting. Carport will need to support, panels & bits, (about 400kg) in addition to roofing. Twelve 540w panels would power it, needing about 40m² of roof, as most panels are about 2.6m² each (X 12 = 36m²) We used 540w;
  22. NO ... places that you think I have passed, simply because I didn't list them, when not knowing anything about me. Those that do know me, know I'm one of the more 'travelled' persons here, and been around most of TH ... a few times. Don't need to prove that to anyone, especially strangers.
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