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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. But are they on retirement & marriage visas ? Or studying Thai or Muay Thai
  2. I would guess less than the numbers that left, considering covid did a number on people's finances / retirement plan. Tourist came back with a vengeance, good thing for the locals. Well, those vested anyway, though not so much for me
  3. THANKS So 150k ... all of about 0.2027% Somebody want to tell us again how important we are With covid, world economy, and tax law enforcement, that number may be lower now or in immediate future.
  4. I'm past my expiration date, so all that extra protein, fat & sugar I loved, didn't kill me yet. There's always another study in the future, that will debunk the previous study. Article seems all for not "Clearly, long-term human studies are needed to impact dietary guidelines but the take-home message is that blindly eating more protein in your diet for overall metabolic health is not a cure-all," Razani said. "As a cardiologist, I still recommend people to abide by USDA nutrition recommendations which closely follow the Mediterranean diet, with roughly 15 percent kilocalories of daily dietary protein coupled with healthier fats and complex carbohydrates, and constitutes one of the most balanced diets for the vast majority. "In addition, do not take the results of our study to drastically change your diet without consulting with a physician, especially if you already suffer from cardiovascular disease. Our study should increase conversation on this topic and stimulate the nutrition, metabolism, and medical community to conduct mechanistic studies such as this to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of our diet's role in heart health." The purpose of the article ... to SELL SUPPEMENTS ... after your understanding of diet in heart health. I await all the new ads for supplements now that I clicked on the article
  5. Now it's too much protein I thought it was too much fat or too much sugar. I'll wait till the next study comes out, that matches my dietary intake, so I can feel good about myself
  6. I don't go to the popular, overpriced, over crowded tourist ghettos. Rare to find a hotel full, unless you only use booking sites, and they only show rooms 'they' have available. Hotel site or simply phoning hotel and we find there's availability. If a couple hotels are full up, that's enough to tell me, I don't want to be in that area.
  7. Considering a new car this year ... then you die hard ICEV owners really need to peak at the EV offerings, as the 'Price War' is on ... big time. Matching, even less expensive than many entry level ICEVs 'made in TH', especially if not settling for the base model of the ICEV. Many less expensive than imports from JP. NETA V starting @ 499k BYD discounted across the board, I think MGs discounted every other month it seems new entries in the market
  8. Reading reviews shouldn't be a challenge, as more than enough across different platforms. Many reviewer provide photos to back their review, especially if negative. Only take minimal time to sort through them. Due diligence saves a lot of headache. If a vendor has limited or no reviews simply avoid, unless someone you personally know & trust recommended. I've rarely been disappointed, and usually impressed, as I tend to read the latest mid to low level reviews. Don't need to read the "OMG'" reviews. Bookng.com is good, as have to be a verified customer. Gmap (my 'go to') is good, as plenty of photos from visitors, along w/streetview, and you can judge the reviewers, by how many reviews they've done. Even cross reference, to see if you and reviewer have the same mindset, if been to same places you've visited. Takes a little time, but you won't be disappointed with your choice. Hotels, never book more than one night, if you book ahead at all. We rarely do, but self drive, so options abound, if we didn't like the room when peeking, "before paying". It really isn't rocket science. Don't forget to make your own review, w/photos if needed, and real info. ex: don't just state pet friendly, let people know how much the pet charge is, if there is one.
  9. Agree with poor surface prep before painting. Possibly using watered down primer & paint. Never add water to either. Also agree above roof may not have been properly waterproofed, and chapping on side of upper wall poorly waterproofed, primed & painted. That the rest of the wall doesn't show the same damaged means moisture is not being retained in the wall itself as it is in the ceiling and beam. You see this quite a bit at the bottom of walls on ground level floors, when no moisture barrier was used. Ground moisture seeps up through the cement & block and paint peels from moisture behind.
  10. Agree OP should seriously consider taking a peek at the BYD Atto 3, if wanting an SUV. Not just kick the tires, but a short test drive. Pretty sure he'll be impressed. While there, peeked at the other BYD offerings, to see if the tick most of you boxes.
  11. What ? No need to wait for the future. Use what's available now, and improvements when they are available in the future. Everyone seems to be waiting, and why things are as screwed up as they are. There are trash to energy plants in many countries across the planet. That there's not enough, simply shows, people simple don't care. It's not a good look on humanity, or the planet. But they are happy to complain, just not help or do anything. Plenty of solutions to most problems. People just don't care, maybe just a wee bit too inconvenient for them, or don't want to pay a few more baht for a cleaner planet. Yea, that hypocrisy thing again. You can't complain about the noise or air pollution in the metro areas if your still driving petrol, especially diesel fueled vehicles. Imagine standing on the corner of Sukhomvit rd & suk sor 4, and all vehicles are EVs. Just the noise of rolling tires & no exhaust to smell ... BLISS You could probably even walk a km or 2, with smelling and feeling dirty, wanting to take a shower as soon as you get home. People complain about all the trash, but continue to buy processed and packaged foods, instead of home cooking from scratch. Trust me, it taste better and even saves you money. Yes, it takes some effort. And your scraps. what little there is, along with tissue, paper towels, (biodegradables) all go into your compost pile, to feed your garden, instead of the landfill or seas. And you get to eat better, healthier food, no pesticides. Generate less trash that you complain about. Recycle some things, and hope the gov't does the right thing, though sadly not, most times, but you tried. All that seems to be too inconvenient for most and would solve many issues ... but they enjoy complaining about it all. I lost respect for most people, Why I'm a bit anti social. Do it because you care what goes into your body, or care to simple eat better, or just save money. No need to try to save the planet, as less contribution to the trash simple will come naturally. No real thought or effort involved. Take away your packaged foods, (boxes & cans) and your trash bins will take a week or 2 to fill up. Not overflowing and need to be picked up once or twice a week. As long as it's picked up and taken away, now someone else's problem, or even better, ship it to another country as long as it's out of your sight, but is it really People seem happy to live in and swim in trash, and only complain about it. No respect for themselves or their environment. Oh well, som nam na. Much is being sad ... but nothing nothin nothing is being done ...
  12. Just think how much more stuff they could make, if they actually kept their plastic waste:
  13. Likely UN-reused. Less than 25% of collected plastic is actually recycled
  14. A beach you have to pay to get, pay to be on, enter from the other side of island, and then, when you get there, you can't swim in it ... One of Best Beaches in the World ... to avoid Oh yea ... Lonely Planet
  15. Nothing that we do or don't do, is to save the environment or the planet, as it doesn't need saving. We have solar & EVs, simply to save money, and they perform better. Solar provides enough energy for all EVs & house (24/7). Only time we use the grid, is when we're away from home, and most of energy in TH is generated by natural gas, especially where we live & go, mostly south of us. Our closest, new neighbor is about 150 meter away. Prior to 6 months ago, closest would be 2-300m away. We're almost 3 sided by pineapple fields & coconut groves. Quite lovely, and vids posted before. I doubt if we burn a kg of trash per week, as we simply don't generate much. Most food is from scratch, so what ever the raw ingredients come in, usually a plastic bag is about all the trash we have. Since most everything else goes in the compost piles, or to recycle vendors, about the only thing left is single use plastic bags, which don't weigh much. So 1 kg a week is a stretch. No way am I giving them to the municipality to dispose of. Even if I only save 1 turtle. Besides, there's no trash collection on our dead end soi anyway. I'm not going to buy a plastic bag to save trash (plastic bags) to take to some roadside trash can. Which they may or may not be disposed of properly, though is there really any proper way to dispose of it. Burning ... no Dumping, land or sea ... no Even trash to energy isn't good, I wouldn't think. Better, but not perfect. Best not to use single use plastic to begin with, but I have no control over that. It is what it is, the planet will survive no matter how much humans trash it up. Human will survive, no matter how much trash is burnt or spread about. Burning ours, is simply convenient for us, and safer for them turtles ... If folks think CO2 is a problem, then you might want to research how much of the atmosphere is made up of CO2, (about 0.04 percent) and how much of that is contributed by humans (and humans have contributed only 3% +/-). It's good for chuckle Plenty of TT or YT shorts if you need a visual instead of actually reading. And before anyone spouts any more BS .... "Carbon monoxide is present in Earth's atmosphere at very low concentrations. A typical concentration of CO in Earth's troposphere is around 100 ppb (parts per billion; meaning one hundred out of every billion air molecules is carbon monoxide), although especially clean air can have concentrations as low as 50 ppb."
  16. Not a good idea to post that on open forums, as they may not want the attention it may attract from the authorities.
  17. I use my own meter, and not the app, as ours don't have displays. Now outside: Inside:
  18. Or ... other farangs who actually know what they are talking about and provide source of info, to back it up
  19. Yes, or worse, dumped in seas. If it's not recycled properly, then where do you think it is going ? source "Thailand is the sixth-largest contributor of plastic waste in the ocean. Every year, an estimated 87 per cent of recyclable plastic in Thailand is improperly recycled or disposed of, leading to an estimated 322,000 tonnes of plastic in the ocean. "
  20. We have original, and v2, only one of each. Original in the smaller bedroom (23m²), and v2 in the main room (83m²) of the house. And door between left open when ACs are on. They will actually take the PM2.5 level down to -0-, if not cooking anything. The ACs have air purifiers built in also, but don't do much on their own.
  21. Sadly the tech is there, it's just not implemented enough now. Apparently it's cheaper to burn or dump trash on land or at sea. Trash to energy plants are real, work well, but more expensive. TH only has a few, and so successful, they turn trash away, as they can't handle the capacity, as other areas want to use their plants. A few not in Krug Thep area, restrict use to more local trash collection, as max'd out on what the plants can handle per da. As stated, a slow work in progress: Thailand plans to build 79 waste-to-energy plants in upcoming years, Seems most realize they are a good idea ... just not in their back yard.
  22. Does seem to be about the messenger, and not the message. I'm use to it, and thick skinned when it comes to forums.
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