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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I make a batch of Kefir every day. Actually starting to make more than I can drink/eat in a day. Use Magnolia 100% fresh milk, to make Kefir, as does a better job than my preferred (taste wise) DutchMill. Milk powder milk doesn't seem to work good with my Kefir grains. Make every 24 hrs for 2-3 cups yield of Kefir, using about 700ml of fresh milk. Kefir is really thick, yogurt thick, after 6+ hrs in frig. Next day, and I can't even poor it out of the glass. Kefir packs more nutrition than yogurt, especially the very desirable K group (K1-2-3-4-5), K2 to keep them blood vessels clear of calcium build up. Natto providing even more K2, along with good gut bacteria, same as Kefir.
  2. Hydrogen has been around for at least 20 yrs, so any wonder why it hasn't been developed. Personally I think all the 'talking' about hydrogen cell is a ploy, to delay people from buying BEVs, as long as possible. As they haven't, and I don't think they have any real plans to use hydrogen for personal vehicles, as seems a really stupid idea. But by delay ignorant people from buying BEVs, they make more profits over the next 5-10 years. Especially if they buy yet, another petrol burner. As once someone does buy a BEV, now or next couple years, they'll be asking themselves ... "damn, why didn't I buy one sooner". I consider it one of my best purchases, even with selling the only 2 yr old ICEV, as nothing really loss on the higher depreciation of short owned car. If anything, nothing but gains, thanks to TH & solar. Even if having to pay 5 baht at house to charge, it's a thrifty buy.
  3. Yea, that was a shocker, as I was there just last week pricing Dairy Rich, to work out best buy. And it was 265. Thought I'd check Makro online before posting the above, and yikes, glad I did. A 12% increase in 1 week. Still see it online for 228-ish, but they add about 40 baht shipping, although as stated, some if ordering 2, it's still the same shipping charge. When I keyed in 3 or 4, shipping increased, but not doubled. And ... delivered to the house. Wife found LAZ or Shoppe vendor, 2600 (corrected price) for box of, and called them direct. Same price, but no shipping charge, so worked at best, and we'll use 12 pcs with no problem. Expires next year anyway. Happy Shopping
  4. Appears to have one close to mass production, maybe, in the coming future with impressive specs:
  5. Why would you pay extra, assuming something that last 100 yrs instead of 25,when after 25 yrs, its not longer usable. You're at the doc, he gives you a choice of pacemaker, at 75 yrs old. You can have pacemaker A, proved to last 25+ years, or pacemaker B, known to last 50+ year, but one cast 2x as much. Which do you chose ? OR ... if all things being equal, you pull into your carport, pug in your BEV, takes all of 15-20 seconds, and unplug when topped up or simply ready to leave, another 15-20 seconds. That vs making a stop at hydro station, Q'ing, waiting for staff then paying, still takes 5-10 minutes, same as petrol. Whether station is along your daily or weekly routes, (not for us, as a special trip needed, due to U-turns), it would still be less desirable to have hydrogen. Only advantage when O&A, which most don't do regularly. Total time in a year, BEV still less time spent topping up. NOT seeing much of an advantage, and simply another fuel using too much energy to produce, transport, store and delivery to end customer.
  6. Makro carries the Diary Rich milk powder, and makes 7 L if following directions (860gr w/160gr DR). I haven't found it cheaper online, with shipping added in, unless buying a box of 12. Which the wife found. Some vendors charge same shipping for 2 bags, so works out cheaper than Makro. Last time at our local Makro (฿265). Just saw it on Makro website, for ฿300, and a silly price. Good for test run, see if you like it. I think it tastes great, compared to store bought fresh.
  7. That would be impractical, unless it was universally removeable, and able to put in another vehicle, universally, and not just the same make car. BEV batteries will probably outlast the rest of the car (aside from motors), for most people's driving habits. But can be repurposed to solar systems. Not many people put 500k-1M kms on a car, or want to keep one that long, whether it lasts or not. On the low end, that's 25 years for my wife, and she's 47. So unless she gets bored of it, that's probably her last car. No way she'll be racking up 20k kms a year after I crap out. Lucky if she'll put 10k kms on a year.
  8. Not only does it taste better, but only ~฿32 per liter when buying a box (฿2700) of 12 one kg bags of Dairy Rich (full cream milk powder), and , delivered to your house. ~฿38 per liter if mix the ratio like I do. Get 6 L from 1 kg bag vs 7 L recommended ratio powder/water.
  9. Hasn't progressed very far in the past 20 years. In the movie 'Who Killed the Electric Car", it was being pushed as alternative to BEVs, With countrywide (USA) promo tour,& car demo performing. Arnold test driving (2004) H Hummer. Screenshot from that movie, 2006, and yep... Toyota was pushing Hydro, even back then. Almost 20 yrs of progress since and ... Hard to believe ignorant people believe anything the fossil fuel conglomerates are pushing is to benefit anything except their profits.
  10. Reads like some countries universal healthcare is literally killing people (letting people die) from delayed treatment ... IMHO 5 months to over a year for treatment, what could go wrong. Great system
  11. @nikmar At this stage, not too much to be concerned about. At 16 and depending on weight class, they really can't do much damage. Make sure they use proper head gear for training & bouts. He'll either love it and excel at it, or realize it's not for him. Only if he continues, he'll need to educate himself with the risks of repetitive concussion. May want to download the movie 'Concussion', have him give that a watch. Not familiar with Muay Thai weight classes, but Yank boxing, and no major damage for youngins till 160 lbs, and then it's classed Super Heavyweights, and they pack a punch, as do Heavyweights, but 160 being the limit, unlike SHs.
  12. They've been around for decades, just most people are smart enough to avoid them.
  13. You must have missed the memo ... indigenous folks are now allowed to move, and millions do. Even them older folks, as wife has 8 siblings, and only 3 remained in same province, and most of their offspring are now in the larger metros. Our daughter left Udon Thani ASAP, and doesn't even live with us, and chose Krung Thep to live at. We actually don't know many people that remained in the Amphur they were raised or went to school at. Actually a problem for the farming villages, and many don't return back, for planting & harvesting season as the did years past.
  14. Food for thought, and listing is actually true, googled, although the house is only 22.8k sq ft
  15. https://aseannow.com/topic/1319843-greenland-has-lost-ice-36-times-the-size-of-new-york-that’s-a-huge-problem-for-the-planet/page/3/#comment-18704240
  16. Yep, either that or adapting EV battery packs to solar systems.
  17. They must be funded by the fossil fuel folks, wanting you to use more. 15.6 to 20C is damn chilly. I let the dog out for midnight 'P', and it's chilly out there. Yet they recommend people to stay out of water at those temps (60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit 15.6 to 20 degrees Celsius), as it may cause hypothermia. If you need blankets on to feel comfy, then the temp is too low. And yes, I understand emersion in water is different than ambient air temp, but <20C is chilly.
  18. Have you seeked counseling and couldn't find ? Seems to more than a few:
  19. Whoa, even I would be cold, and wife would have to sleep with a parka on. We keep around 26/27.
  20. You can repeat it as much as you want, it's never going to make it true. So you didn't read the links I posted ... big surprise.
  21. Science doesn't tell us anything. Humans do, and humans are corrupt IMHO Remember, follow the science: ... safe & effective ... if vaccinated, can't get covid ... if vaccinated, can't spread covid .... masks work ... coldest winter ever ... hottest temps ever ... oh wait, we only have records for few couple hundred year, and the planet has been here how long ? ... the ice caps will melt ... give them guys a noble, the science was so good ... science says eggs are bad for you .... science says oops, eggs are good for you ... AZT will protect you from HIV ... margarine is better for you than butter ... oops again, enjoy your butter ... a little bit of alcohol is good for you ... oh wait, any alcohol is bad for you ... let's not even mention tobacco products, as how F'g stupid can anyone to believe that BS ... 1973, the world is running out of oil, and apparently everything else ... Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter ... there's just not enough bandwidth, as the list is endless Science doesn't lie ........... but humans do, and that's who is telling you ... IMHO
  22. Agree, and I did most of that stuff before I got here/TH. Still took me a few years to 'mature' after I got here The kid slowed me down quite a bit, but that is a whole other adventure, and one of the longest & best. Not allowed to kill yourself, when you're suppose to be a responsible person, and a whole other person depends on you.
  23. 1 cycle is 1 full battery charge to zero. So if you run your battery down to 50%, two times and top it up, two times, that 1 cycle. So 1 full discharge and charge back up. We get about 360 kms every full charge (46.3 kWh), hence the #s in red, and 900k kms ball park #. That's not a dead battery, just one that no longer holds full capacity. They estimate 80%, but I think that's a bit positive thinking, though hope I'm wrong. I did calculate <5% at the 160k kms mark, so 80% @ 500 kms would be real nice. We average about 300 kms at highway speeds, which is usually an average 80 kph over a 3 hr period, if lucky. Driving 90-110 kph, when possible. So after about 3+ hrs, and 250 kms, we usually top back up to 90-95%, as the last 5% goes in a bit slow. 900k kms is a negative #, and if she gets 500k kms, that should last her forever, as she would rack up the kms that much after I'm gone. Lucky if she'll put on 10k kms a year.
  24. Not a 'dream' but sleeping in every Thai province, which I manage to do at most of them. Use to dream about hitting the PowerBall, but stopped playing, Living the Dream now, so just another O&A will do, and about as adventurous as I'm going to get. All the adventure and or thrill seeking stuff was done days past. Aside from a location or 2, which I'm too lazy to bother with, I think I checked off most of that 'bucket list'.
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