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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. It's called the internet. You can find out who owns, where it's registered, flagged under, and if you really want, what it's carrying. When it left, where it's been, where it well be, even in real time if wanting. M/V Marlin Luanda
  2. Didn't say all, but I won't roll the dice any more, as more fail than not. I've always been able to prepare it better at home, and that's saying a lot, as if not Yank, Italian or Tex Mex, I've probably just learned how to. Italian, yet to think any is better than what I was raised on, even by Italians here in Thailand. Though that's really not too surprising, since S. Philly was all 1st & 2nd generations Italians (old school), with access to excellent ingredients. And simply what I'm used to, and many from Italy would probably think that's a corrupt version. Sad I do a better job in house, than they, most do at their restaurants here. UK & EU food (G20), doesn't do much for me. Except German/Amish, again, since very close to Lancaster, PA, and if not visiting out there, then that's how the Reading Terminal Market got started, as the Amish would bring their wares to town to sell. OMG ... though now, it's more tourist trap, though still a couple old vendors still there. Also if seen the 1st Rocky movie, I use tag along with me father every Sunday morning (the 60's) and hit the Italian market at S. Philly. I'm going to say I know ethnic food fairly well, except for Africa. Never got into Chinatown, back in USA either. Mexican, Caribbean, Creole/Cajun cuisine is amazing.
  3. Where ? ... the whole country. Excellent ? ... hasn't been my experiences. Best western food, usually was prepared by Thais, YMMV
  4. Not seeing the effect ... ... exports probably <10% ... imports probably way <10% Granted 2022 #s, but guessing if across the board, and probably generous with that, lucky if still even close to 2022's #s due to transport costs since, leading up to now. Closer is cheaper.
  5. I had a Thai wife went missing for the weekend, locally. Came back to the house and found herself locked out ... permanently Then I sold the house ...
  6. Whoa ... 36k a year. That's a nice CCTV security system. Times 10 years and don't think they can steal that much from the house, unless taking to ESSs with them Think the CCTV would have a better chance of recovering anything, vs, PoPo taking a report. Aside from most burglars, live nearby and usually know your routine and or, PoPo schedule for signing off their presence while making their rounds. Only novice get caught, and they usually only take what they can carry on their scooter
  7. Highly doubtful it will affect Thai economy. Although, they will surely use that or any excuse to jack up the price of fossil fuels/oil, petrol, diesel. Even though as most others, didn't have any real effect at all, hence the windfall profits of the thieving elites. Rinse & repeat
  8. I learned years ago, not to order western food while out, especially if at a farang managed restaurant, which I no longer bother with, as with few exceptions, simply the worst. Over salting & sugar is definitely an issue here, though you learn fast, where & what to order. Simply ask them to tweak it, less or none of either, if not made in advance. If they can't or won't, simply, don't order again or return to venue. Too spicy isn't a problem for me, as if unfamiliar with the vendor, I'll tell them nit noi or mai ow phet. I travel with Cayenne pepper since having ordered way too meals that I couldn't eat because too spicy. All that adds to why we don't eat out much when at home, just when needed, and while O&A. We have our local favorites, and stick with them.
  9. That's why I drive a MG ZS ... so nobody suspects that I sleep on a bed of 1000 baht bank notes.
  10. Haven't made this in awhile, since not having egg noodle, so used bow tie pasta. Just a ground beef, mushroom, onion gravy thingy. Sauce was a bit thinner, as I added a bit more broth at the end. Too impatient to let it reduce down & thicken, and was just fine ... rather tasty. The 'blur' is steam coming off ... The ground beef & mushroom had get used. So what ever is in the house, works. Not in mood for a burger plus no rolls in the house. Here's a vid for those needing a reminder (@ 4:40) on making gravy or sauce. Just skip the Salisbury steak part, (does look good thoug), and the rest is classic beef/veggie sauce. Tweak however floats you boat. He's has a good beef stroganoff recipe also.
  11. Hydrogen was being pushed 25 yrs ago along side BEVs. That one got developed and in is used worldwide, and the other did not ... well, nuff said. Agree w/ @JBChiangRai and hydrogen will have it's place, especially with heavy and or long haul transport companies, where time is money, and or weight simply is too much for EVs to be practical, at present.
  12. Did you ask to speak to higher ups at the PEA office until someone agree with you being current ?
  13. Impressive, as my ICEVs at best only got me 500+ kms, without running on vapors. With petrol tanks in the 40+L range, and 14 kpL. Seems range is a non issue moving forward. I still doubt if I want to drive more than 3+ hrs for any stretch of highway driving in TH. Compared to lower spec'd prices of imports from JP, ฿1.325M - ฿1.599M for the Seal is far from expensive. Over my 4 wheeled budget 🙄 thrifty shopper than I am, but same or cheaper than many cars we see on the roads. No wonder it's racking up the sales #s 👍
  14. Agree, especially if living in TH, as already posted, 30k a month for 30 yrs, and that's without any investing.
  15. E3 on x1337, and enjoyed it. Thanks for 'The Good Liar' recommend, as really like the leads. Trailer looks familiar, but the rest, not sure if I saw already on not 😂
  16. @Pappap sounds good ... just make sure your transfer in shows as an international transfer. You can verify this by asking for a 'Credit Advise' after you first transfer. That will track the transfer, point to point, home country to Thai bank account. As far as leaving 800 or 400k in after extension, simple ask when you extend. Might be good to have the 3 or 4 previous 'credit advises' to show the IO of your intent for next extension.
  17. Yanks ain't the smartest of international travelers, but most of those are just silly. Sharks ... definitely not a stretch. OZ, SA. USA; HA, CA & FL, well known for too man nibbles. The Carolinas aren't much of a surprise either.
  18. @H1w4yR1da Phahon Yothin 7 Near Ari BTS ... you find find many farangs here, but everything else you'd want is there. If alcohol isn't a requirement, there's some great Halal/Muslim/S TH fair around the Mosques. Some excellent massamans, curries & roti. Again, no farangs, as their bigotry won't allow it. Besides the requirement for alcohol to have an enjoyable time. As stated earlier, Krung Thep is a city of neighborhoods, and some excellent stuff out there, just leave the tourist ghettos. Big fan of the Khlong San area, and neighborhoods along the MRT Blue line; Phasi Charoen & Bang Khae, though a bit further than just over the river. There area SW of the Prannok Pier is quite nice. Options bound.
  19. That all air fryers, and the only disadvantage of not have dual heating elements. Other disadvantage is size, as we just had 2 going. Wife was using the larger 12L one, 2 layers of chicken, and I tested a chicken breast in the newer 4.5L one that stays on the counter. 4 mins one side, flip, 7 mins on skin side @180C .. damn tasty. Noticed wife was cooking @ 220C in the other. Top rack finished about the same as mine, bottom rack needed about 5 more minute. No flipping in that air fryer. Racks allow the air to actually circulate. Yea, we could have cooked them all in the 56L convection oven, but she already had it started. Thought I'd test a breast in the newer one, as have only done thighs before.
  20. That's why Gmap is my go to for research. Photos from customers. I'm rarely surprised. Unresearched restaurants, I've actually asked .. "is it going to look like the photo" and many times told, 'it's just a photo from internet'. Usually can tell by their reaction, how far off it will be. Always an added plus when a restaurant is busy, as many times I ordered what I saw someone else eating or what strolled by while I was deciding. Always take a slow stroll to your table and gaze around what's on the other tables.
  21. Making falafel, though the flavor is a bit off, from the only ones I ever had. Texture & crust is OK, need to tweak the spices. Maybe less parsley, (miscalculated dried vs fresh) more garlic & some sage, though think the sage isn't traditional. Think deep frying instead of air fryer will give them a better crust.
  22. I disagree ... far from disconnected or unorganized. It's a well oiled machine. Once they push digital currency through while everyone is talking about the woke, and never going to happen WW III, that will be the final straw, and total control will be all theirs.
  23. Interesting thread ... now I know who all the vocal Aussies are I find those claiming to be indigenous, only have a starting point involving themselves. USA & the Americas ... indigenous. Depends how far back you want to go and based on what flawed, unproven 'theory'. Early human migrations
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