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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Kefir is sort of like yogurt, but much better, drinking wise. Though it thickens up quite a bit when chilled. Kefir just has so much more goodness in it. Yield about 3-4 cups from it over night, and enough for wife & myself's daily intake.
  2. And yet, somehow I've eaten the same omelet and only been charged 60 baht ... That's the difference between actual personal experiences, and BS from people who haven't a clue what they are posting ... That's the best looking & tasting fake crabmeat I ever had They don't buy crabmeat, they catch it themselves. Funny how some fishing folks do that when they live surfside with their boats.
  3. You conveniently left out 1967 ... 'Six Day War' Where Israel was the aggressor, and even tried to sink the USS Liberty when they got caught being so, as against the US policy to supply 'defensive' military aid. And why I will never accept israil as a trusted ally. Killing those that supported you, just doesn't sit right with me, and why I hate ALL FOREIGN AID.
  4. hmm ... you want to be the kettle or the pot Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
  5. I don't think boats are allowed in the bay any more, and have to enter via the other side at Loh Samay Bay.
  6. I only got here a few years before you, 2000. You don't have tell me about censorship, as the only time I got audited by the IRS, is when I sent emails to WH, objected to their policies, Bush 2 & Obama. I even got audited for years I didn't have to file taxes Amazing how the audits stopped when the administration changed. Free Speech ain't free ... consequences to be paid if out spoken. Very effective censorship, worldwide. As they control most media in the west.
  7. the other in the English Channel area. Good to keep it close by apparently: source
  8. Didn't know they / UK, had a carrier that was sea worthy ... "With the HMS Queen Elizabeth sidelined, the navy may not be able to deploy an aircraft to the Red Sea — as armed forces minister James Heappey has suggested" And he's the Armed Forces Minister I think they could use a few more jets also.
  9. As told by Jews themselves I think more than a few other religious folks, races or labels may disagree with that notion. Just in case you forgot, there will be anther 10 movies made this year to remind you
  10. AN is definitely the slowest loading site I visit. But doesn't seem to slow down any others opening on Chrome. The rest open instantly.
  11. @sirineou She likes the sauerkraut so much, she's thinking to stop making kimchi, which she does, but gets eaten so slowly, that it gets too 'strong' before finished. Not a major problem, as just use in soup, though she enjoy as a separate side. Making smaller batches doesn't click with her at times.
  12. Also have a large jar of pickles in rotation. The sauerkraut is excellent, and easy to make. Same as pickles and not silly expensive, like store bought pickles. Natto is available at Makro, location dependent, but not for us locally. Also on LAZ & Shopee.
  13. She makes the sauerkraut herself, and we need to hit Makro today, since out of cabbage, as I've been having a few forks full with every meal of late, as a side dish, Along with my daily glasses, full of Kefir. Drink a batch, make a batch, ready in 24 hrs. Natto ... they suspect the reason why them pesky Japanese live so long. Waiting on my spores to arrive from LAZ. Although same as yogurt, you can make from. It's almost like a conspiracy, (@ 3:40 of vid), what they tell us not to eat, is actually good for us ... but would rather we be sick and then be dependent on their poison Seems I was healthier, when I didn't follow their healthy eating advice
  14. Agree, and I was busy in the kitchen yesterday, slicing pork steaks from a loin, , breaking down a pack of frozen salmon filets, and re-vacuum sealing. Making my daily Kefir, cooking cookies, and prepping my pasta salad, all before noon. Day before wife was on meat pies & sauerkraut. Me; loaf of bread, flatbread & sausage rolls. That's 2 hobbies we have in common, cooking & Restaurants ... want things done correctly, DIY My Natto cooker arrived yesterday (great, another appliance), OK, it's just yogurt/natto/sake cooker, but will make it easier, and frees up the other slow cooker for the 10/18/36 hrs it takes to make. Pumping up the K2 intake, good gut bacteria and cleaning those arteries up. Never too late to start: ... Natto ... Kefir ... Sauerkraut ... eggs ... Salmon ... salami ... cheese Big pharma can kiss my A$$
  15. A beach that you are not allowed to swim in, makes 3rd best in the world ... nuff said
  16. Have to make a correction, not damn close, but much better, as I like my omelet / eggs loose, not overcook, as I consider hers are: And having enough baht left over for lunch & dinner would be plus, in my world.
  17. Be careful, don't bring the USA (antifa) into the discussion. I'm told nobody cares Yes, selective criticism from selected bigots. Nothing like labels when criticizing a group, and simply points out ones bigotry. Agree, govts fair game, but citizens, usually have no control, and protest against govt policies, but that doesn't make the MSM news as much. More than a few Jews unhappy with israeli politics.
  18. And yet my photo of crab & eggs, is only 60 baht. Pretty sure 3 of those would have just as much crab & eggs as Jai Fai, and probably taste damn close ... it is only crab & eggs and some seasoning. And I wouldn't have to Q up for an hour or 3, and can gaze out across the street at the surf. We have choices ... UP2U But no crab & egg dish is worth 1000 baht or waiting for. "There's one born every minute" ... comes to mind.
  19. And here I thought the topic was about criticizing Jews now, and people's ability to exercise some freedom of expression, which apparently in some locations, they weren't comfortable doing. I just continued the discussion, adding the legality of it in some countries. Expand your mind and the discussion sometimes, and it might explain the lack of criticism in the past. Maybe one of us should reread the OP and I'm pretty sure it's not me. Hey, but thanks for your contribution to the discussion, always appreciated
  20. Apparently not, or they wouldn't have to pay at all On topic ... competition is a beautiful thing. Tesla, Ora Good Cat and selective MGs taking a back seat to BYD's line up.
  21. Guess you never been to Chinatown, as some of those ma/pa shophouses with a Q out front are charging some hefty prices for soup or noodles. Hear you can even pay 1000+ baht for a simple crap omelet at some hole in wall, but got one of those 'stars' on the wall. I get an excellent crab omelet down the road for 60 baht. I guess I could order 15 of them, and still have a Mojito and maybe still walk away with change. Pay what you want, but I can find good food anywhere, and chit chat with the chef if wanting ... quaint & homey. While looking at the surf across the street.
  22. Criticizing Jews ... not allowed. That must be a location dependent thing. Don't know where y'all from, but in USA, we have 'Freedom of Expression'. We get to criticize anyone, everyone, any where, any how. We want to hang a swastika on our front door, we can. Want give German salute, and sieg heil, we can do that to. Deny the holocaust, not a problem. Won't get arrested, won't get fined, won't go to jail. I couldn't live in UK, or the EU. Not that I would do any of those things, but if wanted to or did want to be an A-hole, it would be my right That goes with any race, sex, religion. Voltaire and others get credit for this little diddly, but I agree 100%
  23. I liked season 1 & 2. Haven't started 3 yet, as I'll wait till it's completed. Watching 'The Wire' now, and how that is a 9.3 is mind boggling. Season 1 was really slow going, with little to no action. Only stuck with it, as out of things to watch, and I do like a few of the actors. Wonder if it got such a high rating for being woke, as a male (gang bangers) and a female couple. along with 90% of cast are black, but really expected since location. Season 2 better step up the action.
  24. go online to the DLT office you plan on using, and all info should be there. I wouldn't just show up, 'to get' an appointment. It's changed since your last renewal.
  25. $15-20 million salary at Fox ... that's just stupid
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