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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not a Cipro fan, and I would avoid also, as it does give me a mild headache. Amoxy & Doxy fan when needing, and rare, as I just let the body do it's thing without meds. All infections in most people, clear within 2 weeks, why docs simply give out antibodies and say, 'if not better in 2 weeks, come back in' If viral infection, they don't work anyway. If bacterial, then might clear up a bit earlier. I prefer my healthy immune system, and simply don't get sick. OP ... yea, hope he/she saw a doc.
  2. No person intelligent enough to be President would want to take the pay cut, not matter how much he/she/it loves their country. Aside from your invasion of privacy the rest of your life. A job perfectly suited for narcissist and or criminals, as that seems to be the only qualifications needed.
  3. Wow ... your PTT has a BK ... lucky you, as can't beat a double Whopper. We have an air compressor at the house, as most stations seem to not have air any more, or at least the hoses. I avoid the petrol pump area, as depression and frustration could be contagious. Too much rage in that area, and I might be a trigger while laughing at them. The larger PTT here is a special trip involving U-turns, and was extra effort to top up the ICEV when owning, aside from Q'ing up every week to hand over my 1000-1500 baht for that fuel that contributes to the self destruction of the engine & exhaust system
  4. In OP's case (last year) I'd see a doc also, as pissing blood would necessitate testing for me. But if just a tingle in the jingle, I'd go with Doxy, and if not relief in a day, then go the culture route. Apparently cipro has been found to not affect tendons, which I also believed, till googled before posting. From the link I posted:
  5. I'm more of a spiteful person, and detest monopolies. Especially when they cost my money. Big oil vs charging at home, just a no brainer for me. Big oil is the only reason EVs weren't available before in the USA. Add solar to the equation, and nothing gives me as much pleasure as driving by PTT every week, or getting our PEA bill every month. Add the savings and pure BLISS Aside from the fact, now I can complain about the low level air pollution, since not contributing as much to it.
  6. I rarely touch my brakes, as the regen, once use to, will slow me down for most of my driving. Only when coming to a complete stop, if cruise control is not engaged. Regen when timed right, will bring you down to an rolling idle. Takes a while to get used to. First week or so and I was almost stopping 20m before intersections. Now I rarely touch the brakes and all that energy goes back to the battery pack.
  7. Minimal service, compared to ICEVs. Buying in is location dependent ... in TH, Tesla is overpriced and BYD is the flavor of the day, specifically the Seal, if not wanting SUV.
  8. No additional 'fee' needed at non corrupt land offices. Usufruct fee cost <100 baht to register. I've done 8 at two different LOs (6 @ UT / 2 @ PKK).
  9. Don't think BYD owners have anything to worry about. Same as if CATL started producing cars. If you make the most expensive component of the EV yourself, you control the cost of the end product, and can price competitively.
  10. Depending how long you put off treatment. I would just buy some Doxy or Cipro for UTI. Avoid Levofloxacin as not good if you exercise/stress tendons & ligaments. By the time any culture came back, you'd be cured. Might even feel relief, while waiting to be seen at a govt hosp, is you took it early enough in the morning.
  11. You do realize, what criminal activity the whistleblowers expose. Unless you don't mind the gov't agencies spying on you without your permission, or legal processes guaranteed in the 4th Amendment. The gov't criminals have a different definition for breaking the law, and a nice loophole, by simply labeling something 'classified'. Kind of null and voids the 'whistleblower law/protection'. Just another form of censorship and control.
  12. One should know the basics, and just convenient when interacting with the locals, especially shopping. If they think you are a long term expat, they'll be less likely to overcharge you, if they are that sort of vendor.
  13. Christians believe in forgiveness (not forgetting), and everyone deserves a second chance in life. If all else fails ... there a 2nd Amendment for reason
  14. Ao Tho Li Viewpoint, nearby has raised their price, to 50 baht per person, maybe, up from 50 baht per car. Which you can drive any vehicle up there. It is steep though, and the MG ZS ICE made it with no problem. They have a different definition of 360°, and 500 baht, that's a bit hefty.
  15. Not really seeing the point of it myself, a bit redundant, as more than a couple great viewpoints of the bay. A snap, from 2 years ago, not from that hotel:
  16. The rest of the world must have to sh!t in the past 20 yrs, as I wouldn't put Patts in any 100 best of anything.
  17. That makes sense, as usually your fruits & veggies, and cold cases are on the out exteriors of the market. Meaning fresher foods. When in the crappy, loaded with preservative sections, try to avoid the food on the shelves from waist high to eye level, as easiest to see and pick out. Usually the least healthy and high profit items. With exception of the high sugar cereals, as they like to put them a bit lower, at the kids eye level, so they pick the ones with the most sugar & best commercials. Avoid precooked meats, as again, worst choice, since usually old, closer to or expired already. That rotisserie chicken was probably a day or so from the bin. Season & cook it, people will never know
  18. Interesting & informative vid. I drink dark roasted/filtered coffee, so apparently (unplanned) a healthy choice:
  19. One reason we went with MG (SAIC), as excellent track record building auto, along with with being 'state owned'.
  20. Hard to criticize any vendor for feeding someone, who says they're hungry and or don't have money. The backpacker on the other hand, deserves nothing but criticism. Why'd you even come here, and go the F home. Hopefully Imm will catch the news-blip and point her in the right direction. They'll give here free room & board
  21. Quite like this YT'er, both informative, and full of practical ideas for simple cooking. If bored and or experimental, wanting to change things up a bit, but still like what you eat, this may give you some ideas. Or just some healthier options, giving what you enjoy eating now a tweak:
  22. 10 yrs old (1964) and yea, remember the Zombies. My father's ex-boss (mafia - when he played bookie), were the rich folks in the neighbor with all the new toys & monthly pool parties for adult & kids. With everything & anything new. Along with my father working at record company, I think at Glen Mills. Plus my brother was 7 years old, and into Bandstand & Jerry Blavat/Geator with the Heater, and him & buddy were regulars. So I got exposed to all the very early stuff.
  23. Don't know about the beauty aspect; skin, moles, whitening, tats. Daughter had hair removal done, and loved it. No more shaving, legs mainly, as she has a bit more testosterone than most I guess. Considering the state and expense of razors here, more than paid for itself.
  24. Apparently, no much at all. I agree & think the dual line, is just making up for the increased number of trains, passenger and or freight. Why no real amount of time is actually saved. Don't know where they get 3-3.5 hr estimate, when the schedules are mostly 4 hrs +/-. Only advantage of taking the train, is it's cheaper than driving. Definitely not faster. Used the train line a few times, but not a fan, and can't see myself ever using again.
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