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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I think easier would be, maybe going to ebird site, and 'explore photos', putting in you location, to filter what has been photographed there, as they are the one you most likely will see. If see something familiar, hover mouse over and will tell what it is, or open, and give you all the details, what, where & when photo taken. I would think easier the flipping through pages of a book. Since over 1000 bird species here, and only about 5-600 photographed. Some difference in species are so slight, you wouldn't notice. Advantage of book might be, sectioned by beak/bill - diet/seed, insect, bit more carnivore. If you take a photo of said bird, then Glens will usually tell you what it is, or give you a couple options. Cross reference to see if it hangs out in your area. Won't take long before you'll remember the 50 of so species, that you'll probably notice the most. I'm surprised how quick I learned & remember so many. Even the wife can spot & ID them, and she just listens to me yakking about them, while driving around.
  2. Apparently not, as it didn't do much. Matter of fact, I might have killed my grains. Trying another batch w/DutchMill, but not looking good. Off topic... Yes, married and wife from Nong Bua Lamphu, with couple sisters living at Udon Thani. She worked at BKK as graphic designer at clothing company, so living away from family wasn't new. Returned to UT and worked at sis's restaurant at night market, and how we met. 8 siblings, half at NBLP, couple other elsewhere, 1 in USA. She's not the biggest fan of UT either, but did enjoy time with the 2 sisters. When daughter done school, I was leaving UT, with or without her, so up to her if she was coming. We bought the land 3 years prior to contracting to build on it, 2 years ago. Only did so after they opened a Makro here, as the Lotus's here isn't much better than a 7-11. I even joke with her, after I crap out, she can sell up, and move back to where the family is, and I get a .... HELL NO, what are nuts. She's not the usual needy Thai who wants/needs family & friends around her. We only have 1 family of friends here at PKK, one of her hometown friends married to someone stationed at RTAF Wing 5 here. Which is advantageous at times. I even had a yellow book from their house, on base, stating I lived there. How nobody didn't notice it was on the base at the Amphur office is amazing. A farang living on military base
  3. I think you need to get O&A more often, as they are fencing in the rail line, and building elevated U-turns all the way down the line, at least the southern line, as that's we live and see it being done. Even a few nice underpasses added already. Though not for anything taller than a pick up or SUV. Guessing, most or all have been completed between BKK & HH, or will be before anything operates in that 120-160 kph range. Most other crossings are near done, between HH and Chumphon. Elevated U-turns, and fencing. many crossings still open, but would only take couple days to fence in. This is just for the dual line. Not sure if those rails will even support a high speed train. Not that they are coming anytime soon. Emphasis of the article is, the confusion of people thinking the dual line is a high speed line. Still fairly obvious, the confusion, considering the replies after reading the article ... or not.
  4. How is it going to out anyone ? Only person going to see one's DL is the person YOU show it to. Usually a police officer. Who, if you are involved in an accident, and unresponsive, letting the hospital/ambulance know your 'sex' may help in saving your life. Crying about nothing ... AGAIN
  5. If the one in vid I posted above, then just as labeled ... Asian Koel
  6. They're joking right ... I remember it took 4 hrs, and that was 20+ years ago, and not an express train. "The recently inaugurated dual track train line, which includes the new elevated train station in Hua Hin, is a significant enhancement to the existing rail network.
  7. It would explain a lot to a lot of people ... ... although ignorance is BLISS, or so I read/hear. With that, we probably shouldn't discuss the subject in the future, if you don't understand the basics of the economics/profits of keeping ICEVs on the road as long as possible. And who that benefits, and it certainly isn't the end customer buying the ICEVs.
  8. Did you ever watch "Who killed the electric car?" It's eye opening. Should be mandatory viewing for anyone debating who controls, in part or whole, the auto industry.
  9. There's sharks in the Gulf ? It's a sculpture, not a documentary. No different that that Naga everywhere, or the guy hanging on that damn Cross. If this doesn't scare them out of the surf, nothing will: All the times I've been to HH, and didn't realize there was a statue there already
  10. Very nice ... shh ... don't tell anyone Pleasant change from 16/17 yr at Udon Thani. Never really warmed up to KK, though use to pop in when USA Embassy was visiting KK, years past for notary service/income affidavit. Was always a nice treat to stay at Sofitel, now Raja something. Lakeside area was OK, but the rest didn't do much for me. You do still have an very nice restaurant, out by the airport. Greenleaf Hydrofarm & Restaurant 👍👍
  11. FB Marketplace would be my 1st place to peek.
  12. I understand that distinction, but probably supply some of the parts, and get their franchise fee, so yes, profits all around.
  13. Didn't cook anything today ... but ... ... on a Kefir kick, and first batch turned out very good, and surprisingly, I like the flavor. Fermented milk doesn't have the best ring to it, but it's quite nice. Got the grains (20gr @ ฿616) from LAZ, let it ferment for 30 hrs @ room temp, 22-27C, and wrap with towel when AC on and overnight. Can be made with milk powder, and testing that with 2nd batch. Needs to be about 12gr Carbs/Lactose content, which it is (14gr ?). Actually more than DutchMill which I used for 1st batch.
  14. I'm way below KK, down at Amphur Muang, Prachuap Khiri Khan. You could always try making it. Like Mozzarella, it seems easy enough.
  15. I'm neither right nor left or support any candidate. I don't vote, as find it a total waste of time. But I can think for myself. Live life for me, the way I want, and what works for me. Might be within their laws ... or not. I don't care. I live with my decisions. To quote some famous person ... "If voting influenced anything, they wouldn't allow people to vote" ... or along those lines.
  16. All of them at the dealerships, and supplying the part. Come on, you're killing me here. I expect these kind of replies from 'transam'
  17. Yes I know, but amazingly, I've never had a car die from the inside out, rings and or piston wear, that the abrasive 'residue' would effect. Oil did its job just fine as dirty as it was. Now they want you to replace squeaky clean for no other reason than to sell it. And if not doing yourself, charge you for the privilege. It really is silly, especially to an old hand at maintaining my cars in the past, before coming to TH. I basically did everything and almost anything one could think of, including whole engine swap outs. Almost easier than replacing that starter or alternator where the last bolt just won't line up and go in
  18. Seriously ... we'll definitely have to agree to disagree on that. They make money on both, sale of the part, and labor to install it, above and beyond their actual cost.
  19. I would think any larger Tops, the one at Central Plaza would have. Our Makro has, and we're not exactly full of expats here, but restaurants need, that serve any Italian fare.
  20. Those #s only benefit the few vested in. The rest have to deal with the highest inflation that any recent administration has placed on the country with their failed policies. COLA adjustment are a great gauge of that, and what most have to live with. Biden's inflation ... BS low as they all are, but a good gauge:
  21. Profit on labor to replace your oil, spark plugs, filters, fluids, on just regular maintenance to keep it running. That's without labor to replace worn out parts, components that don't last, batteries, starter, generator/alternator. I take the EV in @ 10k kms, they plug in, change a filter, and tell us all is good. Same @ 20k .... and onward, for almost life of the car. ICEV ... @ 10K oil change, profit, @ 20k, another, profit, and every 10k kms onward. Then @ 40 or 50k, tune up (plugs +)_, profit & so on. That's without something malfunctioning. Timing belt every 70-90k if having. Exhaust system will fail eventually, and parts, muffler, cat converter, pipe will rust, and all needing replacement with added parts & labor profit. Yea, they hate the idea of EVs being almost maintenance free in comparison. Big money out the window. Aside from the weekly petrol stop to top up the tank, with a chemical fuel, that in itself, deteriorates the components when burned. Produces moisture within the exhaust that will rust out that system. Pure genius actually. Make a product that self destructs when used. Big savings for us
  22. Sadly, brain dead people listen to entertainment celebrities, and think they actually know what they are talking about. He, she, it, is a musical, acting, entertainment genius, so they have to be as smart about everything they state, outside of their work environment. Sadly elections & policy are won on the best PR.
  23. No product is perfect, or they wouldn't make money maintaining them. If you watched 'Who killed the electric car?' (highly recommend), it's pointed out, just how much auto makers & fossil fuel make on the imperfections of ICEVs that keeps the lobbyist working 24/7 delaying any new modes of transport. The constant maintenance (cost/profit) of just the basics oil changes & tune-ups is billion $$$ business, as much or much more, than earned with the sale of said ICEVs. How they shifted the simple advertisement for oil changes, shows it's all about selling oil. Use to be 'buy our oil, it last longer', now it's 'change every 10k kms to protect the engine'. What a scam. When I changed the oil decades past, it was 'black'. Now, I have a hard time reading the dip stick, it's so clean, and they want me to change it at the dealer, or it voids to warranty
  24. That's not good for the 'abortion rights' movement, giving her dismal handling of the border that she never had control of. And she's next in line, JIC, since VP, if Biden runs & gets elected Almost feel sorry for Yanks ... Som naa na UP THE REVOLUTION
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