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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Another false headline, as looking at menu, only one coffee comes close to minimum wage. The rest all in the <150 baht, and that is a rather large cup of coffee, 2-3X the size of some other shops. So not even silly priced ... aside from the terrible flavor. DISCLAIMER: only sampled in USA
  2. why complicate things. read the recommendations, go to Gmap, look at photos of. search Gmap, simply type in kebab. Not rocket science. Pics & reviews from more than 1 or 2 AN members. The more reviews the venue has, the better. Will it be authentic ... doubtful, you're in TH. Will they be tasty ... hell yea. Just watch when the put the sauces on the order before you, as I find the always OD on the sauces. I prefer to taste the meat & veggies.
  3. Certainly isn't skipping any meals ... so has a little jingle in his pocket, or is he stealing food also.
  4. A fan of just garlic sauce on my non Mexican wraps. Hard to call anything a doner kebab if wrapped in a tortilla. Just a kebab, and I'm a flatbread fan myself and even do my 'Mexican/tacos-ish' thingys, with flatbread when having available. Saying that, wife just made tortillas ... Guess we're have Mexican later today or tomorrow.
  5. Yanks don't make the news much here. Could be the reason. Now, since you mentioned, who has that axe to grind ? Google 'brit arrested thailand', then 'american' then 'russian' ... nuff said arrival #s up to and part of Nov 2023: RU ... 1.4M USA ... 1.1M UK ... didn't make the top 10, but get a bit more negative press Just an observation, but the anti RU, CH, USA, IN folks, may want to focus their bigotry / ire to different nationalities. Doubt will happen, as I suspect most vocal board members are British. I get along with, and avoid everyone equally
  6. I like the filter option, which PlugShare doesn't have. Then when O&A, easier to peek at that app, than each vendor app or plugshare, which has to be opened to see what vendor at CS. Charge Loma, filtered with fast conx plug only, and vendors we use, will find the next couple ahead of us easier. Then wife can look at the vendor app, make sure operational and not reserved. Gmap, still the least informative.
  7. A quick search found this tidbit of info posted on AN, Oct 2023:
  8. Use forum search, as surely someone posted on another thread. You'll probably receive before Manila answers the email. I'm assuming this isn't your first DD from SS.
  9. Mine also arrived on 3rd (TH time), @ BB. Always arrives on 4th or before.
  10. Not specific to EVs, but more about RooJai insurance & MG's body/repair shop. Aside from being an inexpensive ins. policy, compared to other policies, and MG's lower price point to buy in, we're receiving excellent service from both. So I had an oops, 100 kms away from home (upper Hua Hin). Won't say who's fault it was (too embarrassing), but got clipped in rear driver side quarter panel/door/wheel assembly. Emphasis on the wheel assembly, and not drivable afterwards. Jacked it up in an attempt to change the damaged rim/tire, and the car body was going up, but the tire wasn't leaving the ground PoPo comes, all sorted out, fairly quick fashion, considering it was the weekend, and PoPo station not busy at all. RooJai was excellent, and at the scene very quick, along with assisting at PoPo station. No problem having MG doing the repair, and thankfully, our local MG dealer (A. Muang PKK), a couple kms from our house, (but 100 kms from HH PoPo), and seems to be the area body repair shop/dealer. Hua Hin MG dealer is extremely small. Car transport to PoPo station (mandatory at Hua Hin), charge covered. Then transport to MG/PKK, again covered. MG does the repair estimate & submits to RooJai, and policy to approve, should be within 7 days, but took a couple more, since long weekend. MG called today, and repair cost approved, and without any hiccups, car should be ready in 15 ish days. Not sure if work days or total, as wife talked to them. But all in, ding to final repair should be about 1 month, so very happy with that. Comparison to living in Udon Thani, and very minor ding with T. Vios, still drivable, but Q at Toyota body shop was 2 months long, and paid extra to even get in that early, and took 2 weeks to complete a 1 or 2 day repair. Our baby will be back in couple weeks, hopefully. Does highlight how little we need 4 wheels. As the E-MB is filling in nicely, without much of any extra outings, as I drive by the markets during my daily park/surfside cruise anyway. Though we did make a couple fresh market runs. Even though passing on my daily routes, don't want to leave the dog in the basket that long unattended. Wife and myself did a few local cruises for a munch, as usually take the car. Actually a nice change, as weather has been nice. Dog is disappointed, as can't really go with us on the scooter. Not going to leave her in the basket while we munch. Scooter range is 75+ kms w/large reserve, so not limiting at all. Happy (safe) Travels
  11. I always mispronounced it, until I saw a YT'er from Germany doing a kebab vid, and good luck finding something similar here:
  12. Don't let you dogs/pets run free if you notice them spraying chemicals. My dog got a slight poisoning and thankfully recovered. Simply by the idiot a couple lots down spraying weed killer along the road, under the barbed wire fence. A warning sign would have been nice, as well known I walk my dog along there, for her evening Ps. Took her to the park for land mind dropping, this at a rental, to avoid land mines on neighbors front areas.
  13. and does anyone pronounce it correctly here? Actually it's called a spit, it's the motion/rotation that is called 'Döner'
  14. Yes, and when the rest of the car can't keep up with the battery pack, it would be a fine addition to our solar system. Phones have peaked on what they can do. Just a better camera, if willing to pay. Phones have peaked on new abilities so much, that now they make the battery not user friendly, so have to replace the phone, simply because the battery no longer holds a charge. Main reason I upgraded my last 2 phones. Couldn't find replacement batteries. AND ... give you a 'fast' charger, to kill the battery faster
  15. Another wait & see news-blip Anticipation builds like the next superhero movie ... not. Who cares ? Let's see the blackmail sex-tape collection. Even that wouldn't be interesting. Do you really want to see fat old men with young gals. Like it's not everywhere on the internet already. I'm still trying to get the image of bill, monica & cigars out of mind You're Welcome ...
  16. Yep, nothing but distractions for the bigots to contemplate, while their purchasing power along with their freedoms dwindle. On topic ... no savvy business is going to go too woke, as majority of customers, especially older non overly woke folks, still make up their customer base. That majority is also dwindling fast .... on paper anyway, as it's in style to identify as anything but white cis ? My issue would be avoiding companies that put diversity in front of experienced workers, such as the one airline announcing... Diversity being a priority in hiring pilots ... hmm, not sure I'd fly them. Best vs ethnic or gender quotas ... UP2U Don't care your politics, give me best quality for best price. Don't care who sells it, makes it or where it comes from.
  17. There profit margins increases greatly if ordering the meals. Which I never do, when I do indulge my Whopper fix. Better to spend the extra on the extra meat patty, then it tastes like a burger, instead of a salad w/meat.
  18. The weekly TAT challenge to increase #s. Followed by next weeks news- blip of increased tourist arrivals. Rinse & repeat ...
  19. Then don't complain when strolling around with hubby, and he looks like he slept in his clothes and just rolled out of bed. I don't have that problems, since I live in a magic house:
  20. Maybe the Russian tourist bashers, should direct their ire to the British tourist, as seem to make the headlines a bit more. A bit concerning considering they're supposedly out numbered here by them pesky Ruskies. Just an observation. On topic ... perp no too gun savvy. Or POS gun ... drop the mag out of it
  21. Good idea, but can't say I've ever noticed anyone taking advantage of them. Taking a break or grabbing a free bottle water while stretching the legs. Maybe if there was a toilet nearby. PTT Parks rock, and newer, larger Bangchak stations, trying to complete, who can squeeze in more vendors. I try to avoid long weekends, and weekends in general, as simply too much traffic on the main highways.
  22. For the curious, these are just the fast charging CS of just the 5 vendors we're registered to use. Yea ... if you can't find a CS, you're not looking very hard. This is an incomplete map, as vendor apps will show new ones, and ones under maintenance (which I filter out).
  23. EA Anywhere also at Bluport Mall/Hua Hin, and one of the first CS that I've noticed, beyond MG's network. Recent O&As and they've extended there network way beyond BKK area. Have yet to use one though EA Anywhere network on Charge Loma app
  24. After 30-40 yrs of working, some equity should have been built up. House paid off, if sold, should fund a nice 800k/oops fund in TH. Especially with housing prices today or last 5-10 yrs. Not so easy today starting out with inflation & housing prices, but we should have bought our houses in the 70s & 80s. Have you kids between 20-30 yrs old, and they are out of the house around 50 yrs. Gives you 15 ish years to plan your retirement. 800k = 18.3k GBP or 23.2 USD ... my car cost more. On topic ... BigMac meal must have been a promo, 160 is way too cheap, as just the price of the burger.
  25. When does flying to TH for a holiday = poor Poor people steal food, necessities. Scum steal anything.
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