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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Agree, though I'm a bit too old to wait, and really happy with what we bought/ZS. Really like what's available now, though only the Atto 3 would interest me. Really like them. Like the SIVs, especially the small ones. Me & sedans don't get along any more. Wife won't go back either. Along with no desire to spend >1M for any 4 wheels. As nice as they are, don't think we would spring for anything new coming to market. Love the options & competition presented though.
  2. They are, all men & women are, not matter what gender you want to call yourself. Marriage is not a human right. Frankly, they should count their blessings I wish I wasn't allowed to marry a few of my past partners.
  3. @Espanol both are easy, both are same price. Different financial requirement, which may matter to some. Retirement easier, less paperwork, instantly approved. Marriage takes 30 days for approval. I prefer and do retirement & extensions now.
  4. I'm waiting for my helping Elves to pop over and assist ...
  5. OP ... always check the AQI/PM2.5 before heading out. We headed over to Chanthaburi next week, I think, and getting a bit of rain now, so hopefully not too bad after the weekend.
  6. Here's a different meter reading for HH ... YIKES PM2.5 is > 2X the previous one posted source Chumphon .... better
  7. Unless OP & family enjoy breathing moderate to unhealthy air, the safer bet would be head South, and below Hua Hun, possibly below us at PKK, and best Chumphon and points beyond. My experience anyway. And the AQI rating isn't the most concerning, as if in the moderate to unhealthy range, then the PM2.5 is usually anywhere between 3 to 10X+ healthy limits. Present Hua Hin reading @ 1400 hrs, and it's only Dec 1st
  8. Just re-read what I posted, and can't see how that got misunderstood. As with all social issues, that is the right of the locals to decide what they want. Same as TH or USA. Free expression is the right to say or do, what ever you please, within the law. By entitled, I'm referring to men using woman's restrooms, insisting on the meaning of words to be change, and all must use, whether agreeing or not to their meaning. Having genders taught in school, to young children against parents wishes. School is for the 3 R's, sciences, not family social issues. Forcing business to provide separate restrooms, or allow men or ladies to use the one not aligned with their birth sex. Forced pronoun use, redefined and confusing as hell. There are 2 sexes; male & female. Genders, that's up to you, and anything you want to call yourself, but don't force everyone to conform to your lifestyle. In my world there's 3, heterosexual, bisexual & homosexual ... pick one. Feel free to call yourself something else, just don't expect me to agree with you.
  9. As long as he apologies for trying to set a fire on a flight, and putting everyone life in jeopardy, then all forgiven. Until next time, he may actually succeed and crash a flight, hopefully Lufthansa, and any survivors sue the sh!t out of them. No wonder all these silly incidents on aircrafts are on the rise, as no consequence for bad behavior any more.
  10. A few assumptions, all wrong, since not knowing me. Apparently you didn't understand my post. Have a nice day.
  11. I use 1 per sausage, so 12 if buying these:
  12. International ban on all public trans along with revoking passport would seem appropriate. Make him walk home from India
  13. NO Same worldwide, the lazy poor will stay poor. The driven middle class will grow, the elite will prosper more and more. Where TH is losing low end manufacturing to neighbors, since they've recovered from wars and in country conflicts, they are gaining in the auto industry; EVs & battery, energy & tech manufacturing. Though a lot will be automated. Which leaves the rest of the working class, to continue being service oriented, and providing all things to the middle and HiSo folks. Again, same worldwide. More so for those western countries that outsource their manufacturing.
  14. Elon's the man. It's called free expression, and now allowed on X. Prior corrupt censorship, proven over & over is gone. A good thing. The elite left are pissed they lost their propaganda machine. Probably why all MSM about him has a negative bias now. I'm awaiting the false sexual harassment lawsuits others faced for going against the elite left, for exposing them.
  15. Mixed thoughts on that. Believe in free expression, but special interest groups definitely go way too far, thinking they are entitled. As far as the definition of marriage, that's a local issue to be decided by the people. Whether that is fairly done anywhere is a big question mark. Some with any social issue in any country.
  16. Christ mas ... about as Christian as one can get, followed by Good Friday & Easter, and the basis of the Christian faith. Santa & the Bunny are commercial fabrications, not that the Christian belief isn't, but UP2them (plural use)
  17. February ... definitely S, and Chumphon or below. Phuket if don't mind tourist, as high season and popular for a reason.
  18. Leaning towards kite alsp: https://ebird.org/species/blakit1 Gray-faced buzzard wouldn't be a stretch https://ebird.org/species/gyfbuz1
  19. Midnight +/- ... Sunrise +/- Usually sleep < 6 hrs a night
  20. Don't listen to radio, or even of TV/cable service (do torrents), Don't do or look at IG, tik tok, X, or any other. Been watching FB Reels lately, but think I've seen most relative, as seem to be repeating themselves. Read on other local forum, and that usual takes less the 3 minutes, if that. Watch a bit of YT, usually for my hobbies, drones (days past), photography (can't gain anything new now). Just bought an air fryer, so been peeking at those. Some cooking YTs, I follow, and actually make some recipes, but few. More technique learning. Stay current with news, but not MSM, and even that with large grain of salt. Rely more on my past education & knowledge, as they really are trying to rewrite everything. Main thing, and hasn't changed in over 50 yrs, is simply driving around, exploring. Did all the thrill seeking, trying to kill myself thingys, when I use to bounce a lot better, and thankfully failed miserably. Damn fun though....and still alive. Back to weekly exploring, coffee shops/food, viewpoints & nature/photography (usually from the car ) or with drone, rare of late. Daily, me & dog, at the park or surfside, when cooperating.
  21. That's about it. Original has a bit of history, but nothing that would impress anyone who isn't Thai.
  22. 200k sounds extremely expensive, unless they are the listing/selling agent. I wrote my own, FREE. Only advise, from experience, is have 3 POAs signed and witnesses/notarized for you. 2 of which, being 'blank', and hope you trust the agent. I sold house at Udon Thani w/POA, but.... Land office officer didn't like the wording and refused it. We asked, 'what do you want it to state?' ... walked outside, filled in one of my signed blanks, the ex-wife signed months before, and submitted that one. All good, and strangely, he didn't even question it. Not that he could, as signed & witnessed, so official. My RE agent was impressed with my foresight
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