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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That's not going to help their sales
  2. Moral to story ... If you haven't RE experience, and don't know what you are doing ... then hire a reputable RE lawyer. Building a house on land you don't own yet, wasn't the best idea. Ignorance is not always BLISS
  3. Obviously it's location dependent, from reading other threads. I only need yellow book Ior Cert. of Residence, if not having), and my Passport to get ID, along with address changes to it. I got mine at 60+ yrs old, so would expect same paperwork to renew. Why not just pop into local office and ask ? Would have been answered by now, especially since 'location dependent'. Really can't answer what your amphur office might require.
  4. Have wife, but asking about single life ... hmm
  5. FB Marketplace should have some with low prices. Probably by my first source for MB shopping
  6. Note to self ... stay clear of BlueTech if future plans for more solar THANKS
  7. Anywhere in TH would work for me, if single, and or looking for a relationship. Avoiding smog is a priority for myself, so it would be probably be Chumphon or lower. Happy where we are, North of Chumphon, but South of Hua Hin, and close enough to Bangkok, to visit daughter. Only real considerations are, if you're a fan of P4P, then that limits your choices, on a convenience level. Or if having a lot of western food options is a priority, especially if you don't cook at home. You want metro, urban or rural living, no prob. You want hills or surf, no prob. TH has it all. Didn't you leave already ???
  8. Kickin' A$$ ... THANKS ... Rock On ... ❤️
  9. With our purifiers on, we keep the PM2.5 <5 most of the time. Sometimes need the ACs to assist with that, sometimes not. Only have 2 Xiaomi purifiers, and they handle 105m² with no problem. House is fairly new build and pretty airtight. Have a PM2.5 stand alone meter, and fairly accurate. The air purifiers will auto cycle up & down at times, when happy with PM2.5.
  10. Since most (ethanol, hydrogen, propane, LPG, and methano) have been around for decades, and not progressed much, except for hydrogen, and that is just a Toyota distraction tactic, as impractical for personal vehicles. Been pushed for a bout 20+ yrs and gotten nowhere. Where as BEV are being mass produced and taking over the market, with improvements every year.
  11. I prefer my tax dollars / baht, not to be used to support unhealthy activity, that may eventually lead to health problems, which again, will cost tax money to treat. I know making people sick and the making profit treating them is big business, but prefer my dollars / baht is spent doing both. You want to kill yourself, do it away from me, and on you one dime, sip baht.
  12. Sunlight will affect the color, dulling, bleaching as it does to most plastics. Where we live, it hits 40C and up often, so prefer aluminum, and not a cheap build or installation. Like things to work hassle free.
  13. Here's a link / site that may help you find out how healthy or not, your diet is. You can track all your intake, or like me, just input some foods now and then, to see how healthy, or if fitting in or reaching my desired intake, more proportional, of fats / protein / carbs, which I prefer to be F-75 / P-20 / C-5 % of my diet. More features to the site, than my occasional inputs: https://www.fatsecret.com/Default.aspx?pa=m Which I kind of fail at, as seems always a bit more carbs than I want. Here's a sample, as I put in today's food. My usual coffee @ 0600, first meal around 1200 noon, had a burger around 1530, then dinner at 1700. If I eat anything else before 2000 hrs, probably be blueberries w/whip cream. The fat from the heavy cream should offset the sugar in the blueberries a bit, slowing digestion. Then next meal won't be till about 12 noon tomorrow. Out the door now, for my evening walk with the dog. Didn't really weigh anything, but this should be ball park enough. Wish everyday was this good:
  14. As long as not exposed to the sun, this is the tropic, and why I don't use UPVC. And 'cheap' anything, will eventually need to be replaced.
  15. If you can't make the financials for an 0 non immigrant visa, then one should think hard, if it's a good decision to live overseas without the safety nets of home country. 400k & 800k is the minimum for a reason, so 'you' have enough to live on, even in case of an oops. When a single person can live on 20k a month, or 40k comfortably, that leaves quite a bit every year to save for an oops, if not having an oops fund already, or health insurance. Married person has the advantage of universal healthcare for the wife & kids, so again 40k should be enough.
  16. yea ... sometimes they work, sometimes not. Haven't figure out how to tell the difference. Sometimes, after you enter the link, and hit enter/return, then it sets as a clickable link. Happens a lot with YT or FB shorts, sometimes opens, or not.
  17. https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/11-barriers-voting/ highlight - right click - go to
  18. I google that, and I'm not seeing anything restrictive of preventative from voting. Some folks, like convicted felons, need to do a bit more paperwork, in some states.
  19. Best way is for them to leave the country, then join the Q to enter legally
  20. Every US citizen can vote it they want. There is nothing to stop them. Don't know why people imply it's difficult for some people to vote. Everyone has that right, to vote, simply have to exercise it. Really is too simple. If can't make it to the registry office, they will come to you, one way or another. That it's difficult to vote, is a false narrative IMHO. I only voted on local level, in hometown when living there, as those elections are basically the only ones that would directly affect me. Learned a long time ago, state and US politicians (lying scum) usually say anything to get elected, and do anything after elected, so I never bothered.
  21. They were bought for her to sell if she needs to, once she puts my butt in the ground. Much better investment than any safe interest earned in USA or TH. For me .. they were bought to avoid any new neighbors. Will buy the rest of the land around us, IF & when it becomes available. And same, she can do what she wants with them after I'm gone. But with my usufructs on the chanotes, they won't be sold while I'm alive, unless I want them sold. I'm actually in more control than she is, while I'm alive. More money is something we don't need, while I'm alive. Or we wouldn't have bought them. Being 20+ years younger, more is better for her, when I'm pushing up lilies.
  22. Hopefully joking, about the joy of smelling the smoke from the burning. As I was joking, hence the emojis, stating you may be off your rocker .. or not There's days west of the house, where if not knowing they are there, you wouldn't know the hills are there, barely seeing the outline of the top of the ridge. That's only 10 kms away. I can tell what the AQI is, by looking at the limestone headlands of the bay from the back veranda. Clear or blurry, and how blurry.
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