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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. We used the AAC block throughout, and rolled steel roof. Why the same price for a build 10 yrs after the previous ? That was an 'open', unfinished, 2 story house with raised roof. Throw up some walls, and you doubled your living space. Basically one large veranda (flat roof), with raised rolled steel roof above, JIC needing a 2nd floor. Extra concrete and steel of potentially added a 2nd floor. I think current house builder, wanted like 500k more, to make present house 2 story.
  2. We've been lucky enough to keep it around 10k per m² ... present house build (2021) 120m², contracted at ฿1.1M. ... previous build (2011) 160m², contracted at ฿1.7M Just the main build, with a few add-ons later, and not including land price. Or any appliances. I would expect to pay about ฿15k m², if building another, any time soon. Reference to vid, 2.3M and used krap red block... ... no thanks OK, had to peek... Noticed 2 other 'titles' of his vids ... ... 'HH World's best place to retire' ... 'HH the Jewel of TH' He needs to get out more.
  3. #3 to inform me of that tidbit ???? Kind of makes me wonder if people are reading the thread, or just my replies.
  4. Unlike the forecasted La Niña, pending dry, drought year, it's been heavily overcast and raining almost everyday. Meaning production is same as August 2022, when installed, and we were being conservative. Yesterday, overcast & some rain, basically no sun, but produced more than enough. Although, minimal use, as ACs not needed, and no cooking. Today, still overcast, and wee bit of rain, though sun did pop out a bit, on & off. So EV (car) topped up, only 10%, and ACs on, since sun warming things up, along with baking bread. Producing up to 6.5kWh at times, though consuming 5-6kWk at times. Today, already produced 20kWh and consumed 16.5kWh. Yesterday, only produced 14kWh, since needing only 13kWh. Matching the average daily use for end of rainy season last year, or 15-12-15kWh a day, for Aug-Sept-Oct. Beginning 5 days of this month, June, before rainy season kicking in, and producing/consuming 30+kWh a day. So no real surprises with the pending La Niña, good or bad. We'll be out & about a bit this rainy season, so daily/monthly averages will be kind of useless. S last week, headed N this week.
  5. NO ... EV owners have choices, solar at home. Have a nice day ... BYE
  6. I concur, as my brother (major motorhead), put his Jag down to the worst car he ever owned.
  7. It's the 'American War', there, and their version of it, is probably closer to the actual truth...IMHO No advice, as haven't been and no desire. Suspect same same, not that different, except infrastructure not as good as TH's. Some lovely landscape, as I followed 'Paddy Doyle' on YT, his first few days there. https://www.youtube.com/@PaddyDoyle./search?query=vietnam
  8. Reading comprehension, already pointed out, but thanks for repeating. Sorry cannot resist ???? 'we're ... were' Proofread before posting ????
  9. As stated ... the 'law' ???? Really, you have to ask ? Think before posting. Have a nice day #8 https://www.tourismthailand.org/Articles/10-things-tourists-need-to-know-about-cannabis-in-thailand
  10. 1st mistake, violating law in foreign country 2nd mistake, accepting unknown drugs from stranger ... ... som nam naa I suspect it wasn't, or a bit more than just weed ... IMHO
  11. 1. Everyone spies on everyone, and you certainly wouldn't use balloons to do that...IMHO 2. Not in CH's interest, since they hold part of the public debt*** 3. mute subject, 'One China', neither the USA nor UN recognizes Taiwan as an independent country. Just something to rattle the sabers at for increased defense contractor budgets... IMHO *** https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2023/05/the-federal-government-has-borrowed-trillions-but-who-owns-all-that-debt#:~:text=Investors in Japan and China,purchases of U.S. Treasury securities.
  12. The food 'pyramid' seems to change with every new study. Along with every year's new study of some food, that was good, is now bad, or now good, after being bad. Uncommon common sense would dictate eating a balanced diet, and in moderation of all the stuff they imply is bad. The obvious, processed, trans fats, excess sugar, excess salt if already having high BP. Think all agree no alcohol is better than a wee bit, so ease up on that, or simply stop. Family history, genetics of possible food related issues; diabetes or heart disease, as two easy ones to know about. You need carbs, simple & complex, protein & fats. They all compliment each other with the absorption of nutrients they all supply. Naturally, there are better versions of each. If you don't burn off the excess intake of any, then all should know, that will be a problem as you age. Diets simply don't work, why people gain weight when dieting stopped. Eating lifestyles work, with some moderate cheating, works for me anyway. All diets recommend exercise, big surprise, and why most people lose weight, and may not be from the diet. Lose more weight of course, if exercising a bit of will power with your eating habits. If wanting to lose weight, simply, burn more than you take in. Nobody disagrees with that. Some hints; ... stop watching fast food commercials ... learn how to cook ... tea spoon of sugar in your coffee isn't going to give you diabetes. A liter a day of corn syrup soda pop probably will. ... any oil instead of palm oil, and I think all agree, Olive is excellent (we only use olive & peanut) ... good dark chocolate vs that Snickers bar ... roasted veggies instead of tempura ... ease up whole milk & other dairies/cheese (mozzarella & parmesan ????) They should all be common sense by now. If you don't do a balance diet, (I lack proper intake of fruits & veggies) take a multivitamin. Kirkland (tested) has what the label states it does, our preference. LEARN HOW TO COOK, it's fun, (failures of funny) easy (YT), taste better and healthier, as you control the ingredients. Don't want sugar in your bread, don't add it, it's not needed to make. Eating healthy is easy, stop overthinking & complicating it. Enjoy your treats in moderation.
  13. ICEs with extremely flammable fuel might be the reason. Worldwide issue, not just TH. USA as an example (ins. stats kept): ICE vehicles caught fire substantially less often, at 1,530 incidents per 100,000 vehicles. https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/are-electric-vehicles-more-likely-to-catch-on-fire/#:~:text=ICE vehicles caught fire substantially,a 1%2C000 will catch fire.
  14. You'd think looking in the mirror or seeing those group photos would be enough motivation.
  15. It's only a cleanse, not an eating lifestyle. Probably better than induced by other, pharmaceutics methods. Tourist subject themselves to 'cleanses' all the time, unknowingly. 'OMG this fruit, lets get a bunch more' .... then wonder why they're stuck on the toilet the next day and scared to fart. Agree, a balance diet makes so much more sense, than OD'ing on one 1 food group. Not sure your body was designed for that. Know mine isn't.
  16. Could always try just 'eating' more protein in your food intake, damn tasty also. Some of my favorite sources, just happen to have higher contents of: Protein foods: lean meats – beef, pork poultry – chicken & eggs fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, scallops dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek yoghurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)
  17. OP posted why I was typing, so OP can disregard, as obviously, you are just being scammed. Maybe others can find the info useful if found this thread and made it this far down. _______________________ Unless serious symptoms, just go buy some Amoxy & SARA (paracetamol) or flavored liquid version if available, as that's all a clinic is going to give you, if that. Tiffy if stuffy nose, but that also has paramedical in it. And a lot, so watch dosage. You're just treating symptoms for comfort, and the Amoxy may be a waste, if not bacterial. Or it may help clear things up in a day or 2. If so, then it was bacterial, then continue taking for about 10 days. They'll also tell you to come back in 2 weeks, if symptoms don't go away. Why .... because most bacterial & viral symptoms will go away by themselves in 2 weeks. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, just a parent of a little one, that came home once a month sick from school (kindergarten), until I took her out of, as other parents kept sending their kid to school sick.
  18. Guilty as charged ... but after having solar & EVs, it really does expose the reality of how silly, the concept of using fossil fuel has been for at least the last 50 yrs. There really is no reason, that we, well, you are still dependent on it today, in most cases, except for the control the industry has exerted on politicians & govts. Yes, it just like that, religion. Some Christian thumping wacko telling you there is a God. Then it happens and you're now a believer, and think to yourself, how could I not see that before. So ... install solar, get an EV, and join the cult, and you'll wonder ... W T F, my eyes are open now, how could I have been so blinded & ignorant. Get back to us when you do, or not. Just keep giving your money away to those guys, as they'll keep taking it. Ignorance is Bliss ... for them.
  19. The redundancy of using energy, to produce hydrogen, for fuel cells, to produce energy. Along with if & when, the energy to produce hydrogen, comes from renewables. But until that happens, decades away, you once again, are catering to the fossil fuel conglomerates, for the energy, to produce a fuel, to produce energy. And then, same as fossil fuels now, the energy/fuel used to transport, store & pump it. You're not seeing the hamster wheel here, simply going around and around, with no real progress, except more profits for, yea ... those guys, again. I think the time and money, can be better spent, simply upgrading the grid to capture the renewable energy that is already available, but simply not be collected & used, since not as profitable. Hard to justify silly prices for energy, that is provided free from nature, by simply collecting it. Wind, solar, hydro, thermal, simply collect it, use it to generate electric, and send it on it's way by wire.
  20. A fruit cleanse is fine, but anyone on a fruit diet, their body would have adjusted to the higher intake of fruit, and a cleanse probably wouldn't work that well. So you talking a cleanse & fast, or a lifestyle diet. Can't agree with the latter, as not a balanced diet IMHO Your body needs protein & fats.
  21. Edit/deleted ... commercial use, so my reply is useless to OP. Quoted below, so may be useful for a home building project.
  22. Just prepping for the 'sequel' and the next DC embarrassment. Sadly, never ending. Plenty of scripts to be 'inspired' by true events.
  23. Thanks ... now you ruined the ending???????????? ????
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