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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. If you can't attack the message, then the messenger is open game for many, on both sides of any issues. Does take away from any argument they may present, whether valid or not.
  2. From your link, another one of those 'safe & effective' vaccines. "A local doctor diagnosed Atfan with measles – while rare, children can still become infected even after receiving the first of two injections."
  3. It's a choice parents need to make, as not all agree with all vaccinations. One study puts the negative incidents of MMR vaccinations at 5.3 per 100k. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11144371/ Along with, many countries, the disease is no longer endemic, almost: "According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 42% of the countries in the world and more than half of the European countries, including Switzerland since 2018, no longer have endemic measles circulations in 2019. This means that only rare imported or import-related cases were recorded." https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/krankheiten-im-ueberblick/masern.html If these are the top 10, then not much of a threat in TH, just something to be aware of, JIC, symptoms appear and get early treatment. https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/measles/data/global-measles-outbreaks.html
  4. Not TH, and nobody has died from yet this year. Most recover with no lasting symptoms at all. Along with most Thais are vaccinated against it.
  5. Free thinking, having an opinion, and worst of all ... ... expressing it publicly. The nerve of some people ???? I guess he didn't have an approved link to support his opinion ... ????
  6. TBH ... on the fence now, if 'history' is needed. I'm glad I was taught and learned many things about the world history & such. Seems not so much of it is taught today in USA schools. BUT ... since it is being rewritten in my life time, one has to wonder how much was rewritten before what I was told, and wasn't almost accurate, to be kind. 'Reefer Madness' a fine example of propaganda, and now all of the sudden, there are UFOs, as if they never existed. Along with the lies that led to wars in just my lifetime. Since nobody learns from history ... is it needed ? Would have rather had more sciences (ex: computer), or applicable trades taught, without electing one or another direction when given the choice. Our High School, at 8th grade, you decided which: Business; secretarial skills College Prep; self explanatory Trades; carpentry, welding, bricklaying, electrical, cooking, etc. I could have done without the more History, English Lit, Latin, Spanish, POD, French and Social science, Art & Music, and added something that could prep me for a job, instead of college, which I didn't attend anyway. Teaching investing, RE, stocks, commodities would have saved me time & money, along with wasting a decade of 'salaried jobs' and given me earlier retirement. Along with, IF the world goes to sh!t, then I prefer to be right here. Most Thai ladies can live off the land. Yank chickies well starve or pimp themselves out to whoever has the most firearms ... ????
  7. Anyone who can put their thoughts together in a sentence without fumbling over them. Amazing he got appointed, and still there, although the alternative, if removed is even scarier. Although .... hope he wins in 2024, inflation stays high, and THB strong (35+/-) against the USD. My income has increased 30% in 2 yrs since his appointed ???? 3 previous administrations, it was flat, or worse, went down.
  8. Agree, as so many seem to go from one barstool / expat tourist ghetto to the next in another city, province, and think they are seeing TH. Been around the country more than a few times, and still find something of interest to peek out. Whether nature or man made. I hear the rumblings of rainy season kicking in today, so we'll be O&A ourselves shortly. Have a Nong Bua Lamphu trip (family thing) lined up, along with Chiang Mai/Rai, then our usual Southern coasts loop, E to W, and all points in between, though giving the bottom Muzzy provinces a pass.
  9. Hope they're charged with attempted murder, along with the animal deaths.
  10. Windy is fairly accurate, most times. I go by our local weather/AQI station, and vastly different from most other sites, sometimes. But always agrees with my meter +/-. No surprise since only couple kms away from house: Now ... local: IQair:
  11. Yes, one item that hasn't gone crazy in price, still 35-39/kg. Tried to get 7-11 CheeseCake, out as usually, though had the other varieties, Which are just sweet tooth satisfiers, and little 'cheese' in them. Although, the one, a blueberry cheescake 'swirl' isn't bad at all. But not the blueberry topped, or other offerings.
  12. Ok Krap .... I'm going to church Sunday. Atheism might not be the way to go ... might miss my family and friends in the great beyond. OK, maybe the 1 or 2, I actually want to see again. Seeing the Angels would be cool. Back to church .... or demons & Hell's fire for all eternity. Oh wait, almost forgot, HE/SHE/IT is all forgiving ... I can put church off then.
  13. I read as the opposite, as states 'location' is Patts. Must be my ingrained mindset of 'avoid' ???? OP ???
  14. If using AdBlocker, no access to link, although, just use Gmaps, would be a simple solution if want to visit. Here's the 3 mentioned in OP: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Payaq+Gallery+Cafe+%26+Bar+พยัคฆ์+แกลเลอรี+คาเฟ่+แอนด์+บาร์/@13.7543385,100.5006302,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30e299ccc8dab393:0x9cdd6be86cc87847!8m2!3d13.7543385!4d100.5006302!16s%2Fg%2F11sbpgwggb https://www.google.com/maps/place/KICHgallery/@13.7366671,100.5508779,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30e29f9c74e60715:0x1151e6e3541d4580!8m2!3d13.7366671!4d100.5508779!16s%2Fg%2F11s69svz5r https://www.google.com/maps/place/Placemak+BKK/@13.7173671,100.5905737,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x30e29f89025d16f9:0x88816bf761595e9a!8m2!3d13.7173671!4d100.5905737!16s%2Fg%2F11k9gs0kj1 @jchfriis If you go to 'Time Out' site (Google), you be abe to get the details of above, and probably the others you can see in the OP's link, along with a couple others. I'd link it, but guessing not allowed. Just Google '5 new art galleries in bangkok'
  15. Agree, and expected, but simply avoided by us, as more pleasurable off season, with savings. The luxury of choice, that many don't have. Most travels the cusp of hi/low season, so almost as nice as high season, with less tourist.
  16. Agree, as I've never heard anyone speak good about PP crossing. Officers on both sides not known to be the friendliest. Overworked & stressed out. I used to use Nong Khai/Vientiane. Laos for overnights or turn arounds & Ranong/Myanmar, my preferred turn around point, and would plan my to or from Phuket around that 90 day pulse check. As you state, does explain a lot now, though (assuming) staying on covid extension for so long, didn't help his case. Only strange thing is, stamped using 'insufficient funds' clause. Oh well ....
  17. Maybe OP's dog is well behaved, or he wants to hold it while in the water, just to cool off. But I've found dogs in water, swimming can be a PITA, get close to you and can scratch you. In TH waters ... easily lead to infection. Considering how many locals watch their kids here, and their dogs, then a dog could easily terrify other swimmers. Agree with poster ... posted, so why even ask, if not just wanting to stir the pot.
  18. 6 weeks is a little thin on time to decide & organize. Especially for low income, and paying for it, unless free on Medicaid coverage, which it should be, if it isn't all ready. One less kid has got to be cheaper for the healthcare system's bottom line. Guess people will finally start to be responsible with the sex life ... ???? ... or not. Homosexual #s may rise ... ????
  19. Reads like he simply wants to avoid the high numbers of tourist. One of the main reasons we rarely traveled during high season (except during covid), Along with higher cost and more pollution. 20 people on the beach is too much for me, let alone a few 100. Qs at better restaurants, some with high season prices. Hotels not an issue for him since living in Patts, but usually 2X as much vs low season, at better place. Making their jacked up weekend rate during low season, a bargain in comparison. Using Phuket, Hua Hin & Bangkok for my reference. Some silly pricing during high season.
  20. Same with the overprice 'made in TH' cars. With lower labor & electric cost, in TH, how does the same car cost less to import or be made in the USA. TH excise tax makes up 20+% of car price alone. At the time we bought 2nd Vios, cost almost $20k USD, but only 14k in USA, sold as Varis. Mazda 2 excise tax rebate was 100k baht. Same with some of my Sony camera gear, 'made in TH', but lucky if we get the USA price.
  21. 'Painless360' ... wow, flashback, as he walked me through my 1st build with his vids ... 12 yrs ago ???? I never even soldered anything before, and it still flies today.
  22. Wouldn't this be part of his research. Already has 800k for visa. Obviously been here before, maybe just not in a while, or lived an expat existence, instead of holidaying, as different mode & expenses. I've been here 20+yrs, and I picked a pointer or 2, insurance wise, and reconfirms to me, glad I never I bothered with. Got a good consensus, living, feeding one self for 10k is easy enough, and beer & insurance would be his other expenses, and 25k left for that. Health ins. or not would be the big ?????? Beer, depends on intake, where purchased, assuming he knows that. Doesn't come off as ill prepared at to me. When others, definitely didn't have a clue or never been here.
  23. Something like Alaska to Florida/Keys or Hawaii, or NYC to Yellowstone Nat Park. Want mountain, deserts, anything in between. That's not diverse enough. Music, Art, Plays, too many theme parks. Not diverse enough, plenty of munchies: Russian neighborhood for some borsch Cubans for some Salsa and Cuban sandwich & coffee Mexican ... plenty of Real cowboys on horse vs Silicon yuppies in porches, to the Amish in horse buggies. Only 500+ yrs old, but plenty of history.
  24. I think you & another gave the burger ???????? I'm thinkin' 'what, no way' ... oh yea 'way' ... damn tasty, and yea, a bargain. The CheeseCake, dark blue sealing adhesive, label 'Baked CheeseCake', partial to the 'Black Forest' cakes also.
  25. 51 & 29 ... we were so young And 17 yrs later and all is good, still not thinking too much about getting older, since we're already there. Reading AN, with folks knocking on, or in their 80s ... I'm feeling younger every day. Till the day I don't wake up, which I won't even notice ... hopefully.
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