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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. No prob ... come back as a fish, Great White works for me. Where is your inland house, that will be beachfront soon, so I can cruise by. I hear surfing is a great hobby .... ????
  2. Wow, you all sure are expecting a lot from the 'dual track' line .... ... not high speed line. Bang Su to Hua Hin is 200+ kms, (230 if driven), and the duel line is expected, hoped, to cut the travel time only in half. Depending where leaving from, at Krung Thep, and considering, getting to/from the station, check in/out time, it will still be faster to simple drive. 200 kms, in 2.5 hrs ... whoa ... slow down ... ???? "The new dual track trains are expected to travel at approximately 160 km/h meaning people can easily reach Bangkok between two and three hours," 84 kms ??? hmm ... it does not state, it will be dual lines from Bang Su to Hua Hin. "double track railway will span 84 kilometers" https://www.huahintoday.com/local-news/new-dual-track-train-line-in-hua-hin-to-open-this-year-2-5-hour-journey-time-to-bangkok/#:~:text=Once opened%2C the train line,on Monday (Sept 20).
  3. NO...where's he going to sleep. I always bought houses for my GFs in the USA ... ... sure he does also. LET THAT SINK IN .... take as long as you need, don't hurt yourself.
  4. Pretty sure I could beat or at least match that time, if ganga/papers at the ready.
  5. One does wonder, though they do have a couple underpasses, certainly not for trucks much higher than standard pick up / SUV. Many U-turns are completed, between HH & Chumphon, as been using more than a few. The 'main' one at PKK is not, and hasn't seen any progress in a long time ???? Probably the heaviest traveled crossing below Pranburi, till getting to Chumphon. Until done, I wouldn't expect much to be going further south than PKK municipality.
  6. I only do one at a time, and in no hurry for another, as that would mean my best friend & therapist has passed on. Something I try not to even think about. Last one that passed suddenly, threw me for a loop, though did have 2 yrs of S, D & RR to get through it.
  7. @kwilco @Yellowtail Agree and have seen a couple studies countering the MMGW/CC thing, and always seems to be funded by fossil fuel profiteers. Have to admit, simply gives the MMGW/CC thingy a lot more credibility, as they continue to discredit it ???? Is, has and will the planet get warmer.... ... yes, till the next ice age. Now that is scary. Is it MM ... maybe Is it causing CC ... maybe Do I care ... NO ... just trolling, I'm bored I'd care if I thought I might live to be 2 or 300 yrs older.
  8. I find you receive what you project ... ... nuff said
  9. That's why I pretty much ignore everybody ... they're all wacked. I find most people to be total hypocrites anyway. Live & let live, just don't mess with me.
  10. THANKS ... as I may have said one or 10 times ... ... you really don't want to live Hua Hin or above all year long. We're an hour below HH, and amazingly different AQI/PM2.5 #s Though we still have a good solid 2 months of bad air AQI 75-100 average. Definitely beats 4-6 months of 100+
  11. If using the whole shark, then usual fishing common sense. But killing for fins is horrendous trade. Hard to believe any intelligent person would eat shark fin soup. Think killing steers, and only using the liver, and discarding the rest. Who would would ever eat beef again ?
  12. No surprise, and who didn't see that coming. Make it hard to implement, so they have to cower to fossil fuel industry.
  13. Always been a painless, care free process with me, but then, I simply provide the info requested. Not rocket science. A smooth & simple process. Can't imagine it being much easier. Prove where you live, and your income. If that's too complicated, stay away.
  14. They also may interact with other nutrients, and or meds, and hindering their digestion.
  15. Need to go back a little be further .... and surprise surprise. Another failed regime change orchestrated by UK & USA ... oops And once again ... all about the oil From, 'Shah of Iran' - wiki ... " Following the 1950 Iranian legislative election, Mohammad Mosaddegh was appointed prime minister in 1951. He was committed to nationalising the Iranian petroleum industry controlled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) (as Anglo-Persian Oil Company, or APOC, had become).[84] Under the leadership of Mosaddegh and his nationalist movement, the Iranian parliament unanimously voted to nationalise the oil industry—thus shutting out the immensely profitable AIOC, which was a pillar of Britain's economy and provided it political clout in the region. At the start of the confrontation, American political sympathy was forthcoming from the Truman Administration.[86] In particular, Mosaddegh was buoyed by the advice and counsel he was receiving from the American Ambassador in Tehran, Henry F. Grady. However, eventually American decision-makers lost their patience, and by the time the Republican administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower entered office, fears that communists were poised to overthrow the government became an all-consuming concern; these concerns were later dismissed as "paranoid" in retrospective commentary on the coup from U.S. government officials. Shortly prior to the 1952 presidential election in the United States, the British government invited Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Kermit Roosevelt Jr., to London to propose collaboration on a secret plan to force Mosaddegh from office. This would be the first of three "regime change" operations led by Allen Dulles (the other two being the successful CIA-instigated 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état and the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba). ???? Under the direction of Kermit Roosevelt Jr., a senior CIA officer and grandson of former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, the American CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) funded and led a covert operation to depose Mosaddegh with the help of military forces disloyal to the government. Referred to as Operation Ajax, the plot hinged on orders signed by Mohammad Reza to dismiss Mosaddegh as prime minister and replace him with General Fazlollah Zahedi, a choice agreed on by the British and Americans. Despite the high-level coordination and planning, the coup initially failed, causing the Shah to flee to Baghdad, and then to Rome. "
  16. Elsewhere (not AN) someone stated "but after 10 years, how much is that hybrid worth" in a discussion. Let's see ... Not seeing a lot of difference myself ... except, how much did it cost to operate & maintain that Accord ? 2013 Toyota Prius (MSRP) of $24,960 ... Prius Five coming in just under $31,000. 2013 Honda Accord LX (MSRP) starting slightly over $22,000, ... top-level reaches about $34,000. Aside from MSRP /USA, I think, but aren't both imports here, so all things being equal, after 10 yrs, seem they are just about equal. Google for MSRA This site for 2nd hand: https://www.taladrod.com/w40/isch/schc.aspx?fno:all+mk:29+md:130+gr:b+y1:2012+gs:n
  17. KhunLA


    What .. you don't want to go to Hong Kong ? ???? Popped on AN on phone while wife took dog for quick walk ... 2 mins maybe, then turned off. Every new tab a new full page ad .. W T H
  18. @connda Had a bread machine in USA, it was excellent. Bought 1 here, and have yet to get 1 good loaf out of it. I make excellent bread (pat my own back), and you don't need a machine, any machine. I do use a stand mixer now, as easier to clean than the food processor. Bread is one of the simplest things to bake, and no sugar required if anti simple carbs. I don't put sugar in mine, not that a tbsp on sugar is going to kill you. Loaf pans are iffy here, and I have 3 different version, and 2 suck .... really suck. I make it now in my spring form pan, as bottom & side crust turn out just right. Here's the basic recipe I use, for loaf or rolls. @ 07:20 of this vid: Also do my own peanut butter, process just before the bread recipe. Buy roasted peanuts @ Makro, 500gr/50 baht, and make 250gr batches at a time. Don't need food processor or stand mixer, and can simply make in a bowl, just takes longer, and a bit more elbow grease. Use bread flour, not all purpose. Makro 1kg/41 baht. I don't do moisture in over, or dampen top of bread, as makes crust too hard for my liking. Time wise, start to finish, less than 2 hrs: 15 min mix 15-20 min proof deflate/30-45 mins proof <30 mins, two/13 ish mins temps, as in vid. Done @ 190F/88C
  19. After 6 months, just noticed the MG ZS EV 2022 doesn't have a navigation app ???? No loss, as wasn't a fan of the TomTom app in the ICE version. Guess that's obvious, since a couple road trips and just now noticed it not there ????
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