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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. KhunLA

    Cheap blueberries

    Frozen Mulberries are terrible @ Makro (ARO brand) Strawberries, just OK. Blueberries good. Eat the blueberries with my morning cereal also, added still frozen. Strawberries I usually add frozen to yogurt, or un, to pancakes or waffles. Yesterday's sweet tooth fix, adding more strawberries after that contractual photo ... ???? L' Cafe LA
  2. KhunLA

    Cheap blueberries

    Don't know about the tampon reference, but agree, the frozen Makro mulberries are terrible. And I like mulberries. If eating for nutritional value, the Mulberries have the edge. I just like blueberries better, and the ones available frozen at Makro are tasty.
  3. Have this one now, I think, for a few years, and no issues. Like that the freezer is on the bottom, where it should be, and has shelves. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1174332
  4. It's a little overkill for me, coming from suburbia Philly, PA, USA, and 20 min convenient train ride into the city. Philly pop. was 1.5 mill, 6 mill for metro area. But the other metro areas, really don't offer much in TH. Enjoy the rural life, but wish Krung Thep wasn't so polluted, or I'd be there, or closer to. Love being near the surf now, but we don't swim in it.
  5. Yep, does make you wonder. I spec shop before even walking into a showroom. If it gets past spec comparison (different sources), then hands on for anything I consider buying.
  6. I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies here, as they are really krap sometimes. Multi & vit C is more than enough. Never bothered in USA, as diet was much better, more balanced.
  7. Why I don't have, with few exceptions, as I've had to sue every insurance carrier when putting in a claim. Not just Thailand, USA also, as very young friend of mine's policy wouldn't cover his 'terminal' cancer, after few years of premiums. Luckily the test result were false, but certainly did open his eyes. He's suing for all his premiums he paid, and then some.
  8. Never hog the fast lane, and usually see people coming up behind me. Move well before they are close ... IF convenient. If I don't use cruise control, I'll be paying camera citations, as they are enforcing again. Not in a hurry.
  9. Patience is a virtue, you should have waited a second longer. As I as just about to ... ????
  10. Easy for me ... I'm too vain to be fat ????
  11. KhunLA

    Cheap blueberries

    @Hal65 Yea, damn expensive. I eat everyday in my cereal, and get frozen from Makro @ ฿229/kg last time, this week.
  12. Don't need a scale, as the whole wall/closet doors are one giant mirror. If that's not enough to tell me to ease off the pastries, then looking down and not being able to see my buddy should be a clue ????
  13. Just taking my dog as example, she's constantly thinking. If I get out of bed 3 times during the night, she doesn't move. If I put my robe on, she knows she's going out for a <deleted>. Jumps off the bed before I tell her.
  14. As you'd expect, since top 3 of 4 vehicles sold in TH are; Isuza D-Max Toyota Hilux Ford Ranger Love their Trucks Them speeders hate me, as I got the cruise control set @ 90 kms, and I'll move over, eventually, at my convenience, not theirs. You can stop flashing in your lights. I see you ... I just don't care.
  15. Still free, but God rations it out, as would hate to heat up the planet too fast. Give them damn humans time to wake up & stop using fossil fuels for everything. A work in progress, as you can only pull so any heads out of a$$holes without clogging the universal healthcare system.
  16. That's actually been proven on a biological level ... all living things have the same amino acids, or something like that, in their DNA strand, that binds us together and proves evolution. Pointed out to me one night will sipping beers with a more intelligent good friend @rickudon while solving the world's problem. I did a Ronny Reagan 'trust but verify' and damn if he wasn't spot on. Them Midichlorians from Star Wars ???? that bind everything in living things. May the Force be with Us.
  17. @georgegeorgia How much are you actually taking ? Seem to be taking a lot of the same, that's already in Berocca Daily 2 X vitamin B complex ... Water soluble, so you pass what you don't need 4 X 1000 iu vitamin D ... take a walk outside for 15-30 minutes, get all the vit D you need. You're taking the max recommended, and half probably isn't benefiting you. Too much is not good: 2 X Tribulas ... I X berrocca ... a bit redundant, watch your totals for the day. ... what's with all the vit B ? & it's a multi (krappy one), and what your are already taking. 2x vitamin C ... water soluble, so fine, and guess 2 X 1000 ... I take vit C myself 1x magnesium ... redundant again 2x zinc 1x vitamin E ... how much ? ... too much is very bad, research if haven't yet _______________ Myself I take vit C, mentioned already. Along with a Multi Vitamin. Actually alternate between 2 different multi vitamins, every other day, as 1 has Iron, and the other has Vit A. Too much of either isn't good. The rest of the multi is about identical.
  18. 14.5 kms/L ... nice Remember when I was doing the comparison, E85 vs 91 vs 95, and main concern was performance & cost per 100 kms. E85, since designed to take, gave just a wee bit better pep, off the line, and at the time, was 25+% less than the others. Memory serves, cost per 100 kms was about the same. So that pep, came at a cost, a bit thirsty. Lost kms but cost the same, even though using more. Now E85 is basically the same price, so cost per 100 kms, not good at all, so definitely would use 91. We racked up just shy of 40k kms in 2 yrs. Really hated selling it, loved the red ????
  19. 23 yrs of insurance premiums I didn't pay ... not sure they can rob us of that amount. Good reason to upgrade.
  20. Not giving advice, just stating facts. And insurance ... what a joke. Have you read some of those policies ... why bother.
  21. Any dog that barks, whether territorial, or scared of it's own shadow. Huge (you clean up after) or annoying little yappers. None will 'protect' the house. Steak with drugs or poison will handle any dog. They are alarms only, and don't expect them to protect you. Which is fine, a I'd hate to see one hurt/killed trying. Just make your house look more secure and more hassle than your neighbor's. They'll move on to the easiest target. We have wall & security cams, if that doesn't deter them ... oh well. As long as we're not home, it can all be replaced. I always leave a door or a window unlocked when not home. I'd rather them just walk in, instead of 'breaking' in. IF they are on the inside of the wall, they're coming in and got all day to do it, out of sight.
  22. It's a dream alright ... WAKE UP and give me some of that sh!t you're smokin' @thaibeachlovers I'll accept TBL's version, created and now running on auto pilot (hands off). At death, have to wait for the sequel. Religion's ... Heaven or Hell ... nah I'm thinking ... ashes to ashes/dust to dust. Return to God ... doubt it, but if so, we're having words.
  23. AND ... if you click on link in OP: ???? "by Tim Newton Don’t count on Russian tourists saving Phuket’s fragile tourism recovery any time soon. In fact it’s going to become increasingly difficult for Russians to travel as the war-related economic sanctions continue to bite and the battles in Ukraine drag on."
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