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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. NRA is irrelevant, but politicians will take their money. People vote, and apparently, want the ability to own weapons to defend themselves. With or without the NRA, Americas like their firearms. More laws don't work either, since not enforced or long sentences given out when enforces. You'll never stop a nutter anyway. He would have killed them by other means if not have a gun, though yes, a bit harder, maybe, or not. Nothing to stop someone from plowing down a school yard full of kids with their car, if people really want to hurt kids. Raise your kids properly or solve the crime problem, and people may consider the need for guns isn't necessary. More laws & restrictions:
  2. Age & last full check up ? Might want to add 'cardiac' check up next time, sooner than later. I always explained it off as something else, until it wasn't. Requiring a bit of intervention by cardiac surgeon. A few simple tests for peace of mind, and a better, inexpensive options, if needed, than putting it off to find out your diagnosis was a bit off.
  3. I was looking forward to A2, won't be for A3 or 4. Wasted 3 hrs, and not even good as a 'time filler'. For months wife asked 'when when when' .... she fell asleep watching, and didn't ask me to save it. ... nuff said
  4. Is that before or after they accept it from the Americas & Europe? Being Asia has most of the population of the planet, and accepts other continents trash, where is the surprise. Mind boggling for a country that can't manage it's own trash, imports it. https://www.trvst.world/waste-recycling/which-countries-buy-garbage-a-look-at-global-waste-trading/#:~:text=China was the largest importer,33 million tonnes in 2021.
  5. That will never happen, as my legal name, on birth cert. is 'L' and since periods used, I guess I have a middle name 'A' as it shows up sometimes. 'L.A. M____' or 'L A M_____' Nuns at Catholic hospital I was born at said she, mom. couldn't do that, or at least throw a 'saint's' name in there as middle name, 'Joseph or John'. She told them to get the F out of her face, or she'll give me number as a name. Pennsylvania later changed the law, and can no longer name kids initials. So future IDs were LA, no periods. That actually caused a issue here recently as I wanted to change my last name again. Two different docs have it spaced and not space, so I'm now have to go to the embassy, get notarized statement saying it's me, gets translated, than have to go back to Udon Thani, to have one doc changed, to start process over again. Way to much hassle & money, so I'm now: LA P_______ aka LA S______
  6. Easily remember things from 5 or 6 years old, now. Probably more clear if 16 yrs old. Remember my parents telling me not to accept anything from 'black' people, not stranger per se, but black people. Easily remember this, as had a waking moment, when offered gum by black neighbor building his house in 1960, so I was 5 or 6. Pause, thought, 'screw them bigots' ... Juicyfruit ???? An never, let a black person use your comb, if they do, tell them to keep it "you have another", as they are dirty and full of lice ???? What bigots they were, and wonder where they hid the hoods. Mother told me not to date the neighborhood cutie I had my eye on ... as part Cuban, and might have black baby ... ???? That's how F'd up they were. Remember watching Clutch Cargo cartoons where lips barely moved, though not much else moved, smoothly. I guess before they perfected animation.
  7. Not getting my head around the benefit of TOU meter. We'll hit 700kWh this month (have already), and if say 500 was peak, and charge EV on off peak rate @ say 200 kWh, then it seems to be more expensive than our 'regular' meter.
  8. Inflation since we bought ours (top end) 125i. @1happykamper OP should seriously look at DECO models (linked earlier) for those top end ICE prices. Again, if not need top end speed or long distance.
  9. Dallas, 24 miles away ... ???? How hard is it to secure 1 stack of money 100k, I mean seriously. Stick it in your bra/underwear (if not wearing boxers), and just think if you planned ahead. People keep the phones dry during songkran, pouch around the neck, under your shirt/blouse. How people lose sh!t all the time is mind bogglingly stupid. Som naa na I lost a wallet ... once ... lesson learned, and only had a few $$$ in it, not even a DL as too young to have. Note to self: don't put wallet in back pocket while on a horse.
  10. if not on your contact list, simply delete, unless expecting something, then you should know that it is for you. Mouse over address will tell you who sent it.
  11. not much to know or compare wave 110i starts @ 37,100 wave 125i starts @ 54,800 Extras as always UP2U Mags Electric start Ours was 48k+ (125i/mags/elec start) but also 10+years ago If you don't need top end speed, or long distance. Want to avoid constant maintenance and buying petrol, you may want to consider Electric. DECO has assorted line up of bikes: https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/
  12. I've been renter and landlord, never lost a deposit to a landlord. Never asked for a deposit from a renter. Never a problem being either. What world do y'all live in ?
  13. You get a large amount (subjective) of funds in public view, but don't secure it. What is there to explain ? If you don't understand uncommon common sense, when it comes to that situation ... oh well, next news blip may be about you.
  14. 58 million people die every year, that they know about ... got to die of something. It nature, and expected, especially when old & unhealthy to begin with. The 58 million dying isn't a problem. The 146 million being born, now that's a problem.
  15. Interesting stuff ... ... research into why people don't show symptoms (maybe immune) to one of the mildest version of a virus on the planet, that other people have died from. Reads like a money grab to me. As if they haven't made enough billions of $$$ already. The only regret they have, is they didn't think of doing that with the common cold & flu or pneumonia already. Surely they'll make up for those loss opportunities.
  16. Have you ever been to Phuket ? IF so, when ? Timing is everything.
  17. don't want to victim blame, but a little uncommon common sense goes a long way.
  18. Same as every landlord in every country ... maybe why do people think TH is any different ? mind boggling ... OK, not really, if asking... ...nuff said apologies to OP, IF this is or will be the first place you've ever leased, worldwide.
  19. interesting numbers ... meaning a few more than the 4,728,632 reported case, which is more believable than <5 mill infected. 66 million X 80% = 52,800,000 cases Also, means, chance of dying from, far less than reported, also much more believable as chance of dying was very low anyway, unless already aged & having health issues. I practiced social distancing only, so may or may not have been infected. Did have a runny nose, and a symptom of one of the latest strains, and something I never have. Seems everyone has had covid, new badge of honor, even though masked & vax'd, that other badge of honor. and yet ... well, you figure it out, as wasted too many brain cells just with this reply to point out the obvious.
  20. Why you don't elect people with obvious, current, health issues: Reported in news outlets ... Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman has missed nearly 83% of Senate roll call votes
  21. I always plan for the future as ... ... no plan, is a plan to fail ????
  22. If you have the excess solar to charge a generator, why not just get another ESS if possible to parallel in. Unless wanting the portability of the generator. They are not inexpensive. EcoFlow seem to be a good manufacturer of. YTers do reviews of: https://www.youtube.com/@HOBOTECH https://www.youtube.com/@WillProwse
  23. At least she has 1 leg. This Aussie gal doesn't have a leg stand on ... ... sh!t happens ... worldwide. https://7news.com.au/news/world/austrian-surgeon-fined-after-accidentally-amputating-the-wrong-leg-c-4792394
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