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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. March 2022 ... 24.63kWh per day Higher daytime temps = more solar. April should match or exceed March's use. Depending if rains start before month is over. Add on the 37kwh from the grid, one day, to top up the EV, and we broke 800kWh for the month. 763kWh = ฿4183 PEA bill 739kWh = ฿4036 PEA bill for 37kWh = ฿155 March 14 ... day at the beach March 22 ... day after local O&A.
  2. Guess they need to do another reunion show for some self-flagellation to appease the masses and save their careers ????
  3. There's always that uncommon common sense ... ... don't leave marked trails ... if so, use your GPS on phone
  4. Really not seeing how they get lost, especially on these small islands. Simply go 1 direction, you hit the surf soon. If fell in a raving & hurt, OK, understandable, sh!t happens, but lost ????
  5. Went with both, as ethnicity isn't really a factor. Better luck, or maybe better choice this last time, TH wife, as living together 17 yrs, married for 9 of those. 23 yrs in TH Previous TH wife, married about 1 yr, maybe Previous USA wives, 1 yr & 2 yr marriages 2 USA live together relationships, 3 & 5 urs. I think So 35 yrs of being in relationships, and most quite enjoyable. Fairly mutual endings, w/no issues, regrets. Leaves about 13 yrs of playing single, since adulthood 18/19 yrs old, and quite enjoyable also. I'd say I've been quite lucky, compared to some of the stories here.
  6. BRICS = population 3.238 Billion = 40% of world population/economic markets, not counting control of precious elements/mineral resources needing for just about everything. RU friends with India + China, who controls the economies of most ASEAN countries. NATO ... please, don't make me laugh ????
  7. Correct 'guest house' and coincidently, just back from surfside ... the kids are back in town. Might let them ride with our club later ... ... Wonder Dogs Club ICEs allowed, but just stay behind us.
  8. Obviously, or I wouldn't know they were club members. Only arrive in small numbers 5-10, and usually on the low end. Probably pop down from Hua Hin. Couple times a month as regular visitors. Not sure if owner of GH is or was a member, but never seen him w/colors or a big scooter. Nice people.
  9. They even ride with other clubs .... O M G Saw a group the other day down our way, as a regular stop for them at our favorite GH for a chat and sipping. None were expats, unless Asian expats, but pretty sure they're all Thai that visit here. OK, not really 'another' club, but (wiki description), puppet club of the Bandidos. I guess they would be 'prospects' or what newbies of the Pagans & Warlocks were called in USA (East Coast). Which locally, where I lived (USA), it was hazardous to their health to wear their colors, as car driver would run them off the road, after a notorious incident, where the hospitalized an innocent person of the wrong family. "In 2001, the Bandidos were established in Thailand via a merger with the Diablos Motorcycle Club in Pattaya. The club further expanded to Malaysia and Singapore in 2006" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandidos_Motorcycle_Club https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablos_Motorcycle_Club_(founded_1999)#:~:text=The Diablos Motorcycle Club is,law enforcement) for the Bandidos.&text=The Diablos' colors are red and gold.
  10. DISTRACTION is what it's all about ... ... divide & conquer the ignorant Tyranny 101 ... better keep that 2nd Amendment, as suspect it may be needed in another decade or so. Founding Fathers of the Constitution were spot on ???? I left that sh!thole when they started justifying invading & occupying sovereign countries.
  11. Only thing left for the judge to do, is restrict him leaving the state. Make it impossible to hit the campaign trail.
  12. A new low for USA politics. 3rd world tactics. If you think you can't beat the opposition at election time, have them arrested. ????
  13. No need to cross party lines, for 2 yrs Rep have not had control of either house of Congress, w/Dem President, and VP as majority vote in Senate. Easily could have banned the manufacture and import of all firearms in the USA. And if not mistaken, would not violate the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Apparently politicians & citizens want their firearms. You can keep repeating 'majority don't want' but it's not true ... obviously. For 2 yrs, and how many more school murders, during that time, and they did nothing. Dems in control ... 2 yrs. They're politicians, they yell for change from their soapbox, that is all. If they wanted change ... ... nuff said Open your eyes, it's right in front of you and ... ... Just accept it.
  14. That's 1 opinion ... although past, present and probably the future voting, says different. American seem happy there are enough laws already, and are happy with the availability of firearms. There are 2 loopholes I'd like to see closed, but that's about it. Enforcing present laws would be more important than new laws. IMHO
  15. On 'events', remember JFK, at school, all of 8 yrs old and the commotion, but it didn't really sink in, or even while watching the funeral. We lived along the RR line, 100m away, and remember RFK's train going by with his body supposedly on it. People lined up to watch it go by. MLK Jr getting bumped off, and my father setting a rifle on the coffee table, and I'm (13 yrs old) and like W T F .... "they're going to riot" ... I started laughing, as what black person within 1/2 mile of the house didn't know me & friends, and within a few blocks we weren't friends with. Might go around the corner to the bar , get a 6 pack of Michelob and smoke doobies with them and talk about how F'd up that is. Didn't sink in his / MLK's importance to them, until later, when new neighbor moved in, and I use to stop at his house, and we'd walk to school together, as they had a framed photo of him on the living room wall.
  16. Notices still there yesterday, thinking I'd check in while wife doing something, with dog & myself in car waiting. Canned that idea after 3 pages of pop ups. Why bother anymore on the phone. Talk to the kid on FB, bother her at work instead.
  17. Those reflective storefront windows are quite telling ????
  18. Shameful, as she penned a couple of my favorite reads. Rather see and advisory on them, instead of edits: "IF you are a SnowFlake, please don't buy & F'Off"
  19. You're kind of young to be having heart/circulatory issues.
  20. They had that in one school, I believe he was more concerned about himself, than doing his job. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/15/fact-check-parkland-officer-who-failed-act-shooting-gets-job-back/5194831002/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/22/stoneman-douglas-shooting-armed-guard-did-not-go-in
  21. Party lines have nothing to do with owning or restricting firearms. Both parties have controlled Congress & Presidency, and nothing has changed. Can't blame, or you can blame both parties for the laws or lack of. You could ban the manufacture and importation of firearms, if you really wanted to. Very simple to do, and wouldn't violate the Constitution's 2nd Amendment. How come nobody suggests that ... oh that's right, being the largest arms dealing country would be a bit hypocritical and counter to corporate profits. Want to stop the killing, stop making, importing them, and give out death sentence when a criminal simply possesses them. Give it a year, and criminals will stop owning firearms, if the sentence fits the crime. Big IF ... close the revolving doors at prison. A murderer is usually repeat criminal ... not his, her, it's first crime... ... nuff said
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