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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Wasn't covid a peek into such silliness. First couple months people weren't suppose to leave your province. I couldn't do it and had to go Out & About. What idiot, brain dead, lifeless moron would subject themselves to incarceration with a 15 minute radius. Ankle bracelets and chips to follow. Maybe electronic money, with a perimeter fence build in.
  2. And yet, one made the news: "It’s understood two suspects were arrested at the bar on Bangla Road, where police discovered minors were being employed as sex workers."
  3. no kids to have sex with, so no customers ???? same as if McD ran out of burgers or StarCrap, out of coffee ... why bother going.
  4. "Villagers in Nakhon Phanom province flocked to close their suspected mule accounts" Or ... they're just Q'ing up, waiting for it to open on any given day. Especially pay days, beginning/end of or mid month.
  5. Really depends which chili and how much you use. Not a fan of Thai chilis myself (50,000-100,000 on Scoville), as a bit too acidic. Prefer to use only Cayenne, 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville. Also find it easier to control the amount/flavor/spiciness, as Thai chili vary widely, so inconsistent. And yes, I does add flavor: "The cayenne pepper is a type of Capsicum annuum. It is usually a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes" -wiki Again, depending on use. You can put too much of anything on or in any food.
  6. Yes & no, they had so many fake marriage, that now they actually have to go out, and take photos and interview neighbors if they suspect anything is off. IOs like it so much better when foreigners weren't aholes. Or, they enjoy the day out of the office, as just as bad sometimes. House visits may scare off some of the lasses from participating. Or at least the foreigner has to visit the house, once a year, but if neighbors say "hell no, we never see that farang" .. that could be a problem. Of course, we have the scammers to thank for that.
  7. If you use their charts, you'll be oversized, if GH is a quality build. We have a 13k in the bedroom (22.8m²), ceiling same, and could have easily went with a 9k BTU. Main room, same as your GH, open area, but larger (83.35m²), basically huge eat in kitchen & entrance way to house. The 24k BTU handles that with no problem, and we do a lot of home cooking.
  8. @poppysdad You could send to me, and I'll try to edit it. Software has saved me in the past: You want to look younger or slimmer, let me know ... ????
  9. Inverter & panels working a bit more than before. Now outside temp is 30+, so ACs not just coasting to maintain a comfy temp. Think we hit 34C today, as this was about 1630 hrs. Actually have to do something. Before they drew about 1/2kWh, now pulling almost 2kWh, most from the 24kBTU, as bedroom (13k) is freezing. Add 2.3kWh for the car, and doubt if 5kWh system could handle the house load without grid assistance. Shower is 3.5kWh and ovens+ 2.2kWh - 1.5kWh. So need to pay attention before using too much, when car is plugged in. Clear skies, so pulling in shy of 8kWh, this morning, just before batteries topped up. Nice blue skies, and think the pollution has been over for us, since last week's rain ???? Installation was in August, nothing but overcast & rain, longer season than usual, then right into cool season. Only 12-15-18kWh a day for a few months, and only broke 20kWh a day, Dec, Jan, Feb. Should be about the same this month. A good part of Dec, Jan, Feb was car use. Some local exploring. Not so much March, just everyday home use. Looks like the car just now finished. So far produced 41kWh today, and exceeds yesterday's 35kWh day.
  10. Yes, did the sky diving & parasailing in the states. Bungee, OK over water here, as vid show, unless 'unhooked' at the top, you're not hitting the water hard. Shark diving (no cage) was quality outfit in the Bahamas, well researched & reputation. My driving as a youngin' was more dangerous in reality, and amazing I didn't kill myself, and thankfully never hurt anyone. Zip Lining never interest me, but more than a few horror stories about Thai operations. That takes, needs way too much maintenance. If I was a bit younger, or bounced a bit better, might give paragliding or lite aircraft a try. But prefer to finish my years, wheelchair free.
  11. What's the point if you think I'm a liar and why would I continue, waste my time on a conversation with some who does. This or any conversation in the future.
  12. Easy to find quality, fair price food, just a better chance of, if not in an overpriced, watering down for tourist's palate area.
  13. Who doesn't like a good impalement after a good malfunction. Now that's just stupid, even I wouldn't do that. Rather swim with sharks, as they're a bit more predictable:
  14. Again ... ???? ... if I saw that, I wouldn't have a clue what that meant, along with most people here. Actually I'd think the printer got the colors wrong, and it was suppose to be some kind of "can't we all just get along" shirt failure. Why beat around the bush, just wear a shirt that says " F RU" Oh, never mind, I know why ... same reason people type on forums things they won't say to someone's face.
  15. Anything is better than white. As much as I like the white MG ZSs I've seen ... I know me and silver hides my lack of keeping a car clean, in this dusty, muddy wet season roads. White & black just look too dirty if not constantly cleaned. Black is just too hot, but white, they do look nice. Purple for it's uniqueness ???? I've warmed up to silver, since red wasn't available. Hated the ZS's front grill, in the beginning, as no contrast at all. Now I love it, for it's uniqueness. Not the same black oval with emblem in center that every car seems to have. You see the front of a ZS EV, you don't have to wonder what it is. And if you back in, easy to spot, if you remember what level you parked on ????
  16. With that .. no sense in continuing ... ... have a nice day
  17. Yes ... that's why you / I did it over a lake in Phuket. If you're going to do stupid sh!t (bungee in foreign country) you can minimize the risk of serious injury. I think I can fly ... maybe not ...
  18. Actually I have great respect for prostitutes, and I'm a firm believer, even endorse self employment, of any kind. I think people who work salaried jobs that they don't like for their whole life are total idiots. But to call themselves 'victims' is beyond a stretch. Anyone not acknowledging that, then the conversation is over. Victims they are not .... now, should the banks be held responsible for clients' moral or criminal (suspected or un-convicted, if applicable) behavior.
  19. BINGO ... we have a winner. When in a tourist area, 7-11 serves up better fare than some tourist venues ... ???? Why I avoid such areas
  20. Actually that might be 'Thai', pre annexed area of Ban Chang, Udon Thani, as having the earliest to date archeological discovery of the tools to 'slow cook' ... ???? "The site presents the earliest evidence of farming in the region and of the manufacture and use of metals" https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/575/ Actually had to rewrite the books on use of tools and metalworking migration. Instead of CH to TH, reversed to TH to CH. Yes ... Ban Chang the center of the Universe ????
  21. This may help people understand the basis of the lawsuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jes_Staley Should a bank be held responsible for a clients behavior and how did they directly benefit from that behavior. Did they receive a commission from every favor passed on to Epstein. Open that door, and you won't have enough jail cells to house all the criminals that do banking.
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