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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. That's why I don't tip here, I leave it to the wife. I had a hard time spending less than $100 at a restaurant, for two, in the United States and that was 25 years ago. Two or three times a week, and my dining budget was probably my highest monthly expenditure. Looking back, I find that really strange because now, 1000 baht at a restaurant seems expensive. I think I've come full circle, kind of wish I had all that money from the states eating out. Didn't have kids or expensive hobbies, so I guess that was my pastime.
  2. Yeah I'm a open book sometimes. There's nothing I wouldn't say on the forum, that I wouldn't say in life or to someone's face. I don't hide behind the keyboard. If anyone wanted to find me, I posted enough pictures and maps that I'd be easy to track down.
  3. Free trade agreement between Vietnam and the EU ... that's about as irrelevant to my life as you can get ????
  4. Is that a tax, or just price gouging ? Though suspect a tax also, as imported TH craft beer is silly priced. Big 2 controlling the market. At least my liver is happy ????
  5. Yes, the photos look like would I expect pizza to be ???? Wish Pizza Co would put their NY Pizza back on the menu.
  6. It's a prison, not a resort. Personally think all western prisons afford to many luxuries to the inmates. They should be subsistence work farms with minimal housing luxuries.
  7. After meeting some of the aholes here, yes. I became more anti social than ever. TH does attract them. Met a few like minded folks also, though TBH, time spent together, can't really say I know them. Not like childhood friends, or long time coworkers that socialized together. Always been a loner ... but here, I fall into the recluse category ???? DISCLAIMER: didn't watch the vid, as I rarely do from these posts.
  8. NO THANKS ... FTA will make things more expensive. Besides, there is nothing I want or need from EU. Or the USA, for that matter. FTA = more rules & regulations BRICS & ASEAN rock ????
  9. "Can you imagine such blood thirsty despots as: Adolf Hitler; Saddam Hussein; or Pol Pot presiding over the U.N. Security Council, charged with preserving global peace and harmony?" Are people really this ignorant. The 5 permanent members of the UNSC are some of the top arms dealers of the world. UK slipping a bit ???? Nothing but a terrorist organization as far as I'm concerned ... IMHO IMHO IMHO IMHO Want stop stop wars, the killing of innocents, stop making and selling the means to commit mass murder on a world wide scale. Who holds the gavel is a bit irrelevant. 2022 - wiki:
  10. That's an issue also, and seems a bit to close to 'grooming', I think is the word. To be a 'mature' teen, 15+ or even younger, and know exactly where you lean, then you're kind of screwed and need to be patient for a few yrs, till adulthood. I had a pretty good idea, who I was 13-14-15, though can't say others were as confident or not subject to outside influence, and make decisions they may regret in the future. It's OK being 'confused', but leave the life changing meds and or surgery till adulthood. Confess to ignorance, about the timeline of hormone therapy, prior, during or after puberty sets in or is over. And effects of starting late, if any, or too early, then change of mind.
  11. Of all the ones nominated, only saw 2, Top Gun & Avatar, and 5/10 at best for both, unimpressed. Tried watching the big winner ... lost interest. Didn't even peek at the others, as no interest at all.
  12. OP's got the right idea .. southward. Was going to say south of us, but the international school is going to be the deciding factor. Plenty of beach side & cleaner air, though nowhere seems to be AQI <50 year round, so still not good. Surat Thani, NST, Trang, Krabi ... less populated, local pollution, and maybe decent schools. Ruled out lower, violence ridden 3 or 4.
  13. That's not too surprising, as stated, helmet law is enforced a bit more, and unless on the highway, which small scooters aren't allowed on, then hard to build up any speed in gridlock half the day to do much damage. Aside from any accident injury, I'd hate to drive around in the exhaust, as that's nauseating.
  14. Yea, that's everywhere, but bkk. I don't think I would use 2 wheels of anyone in bkk, unless on very very back streets. I don't even like driving the car there, and I consider myself an excellent, confident driver. Would hate to have on oops, out of province, while out & about. Aside from no parking, usually use public trans at bkk, unless going to a mall, and off hrs.
  15. Just a head shot, as I'd have to dig up the original, non digital in a folder, in a box, somewhere. Hair teased out, make up professionally applied, no facial hair (minus full beard) and my girlfriend didn't even recognize me, and I was talking to her. 1987 vs non drag (1990), and one of only times I didn't have facial hair, before coming to TH:
  16. Guess it sucks living in USA, if your physical body doesn't match what you mentally want to be. No answer/solution from me on that one. I accept what I was born with, and get to do whatever I want with it. Sometimes thought it would be a lot better to be born a female, but that's a lot a slicing & dicing, taking & adding to accomplish, and if I changed my mind ... ... oh krap I'm a handsome man, can't say I'd be a cute chickie after surgery. I've gone drag, and I wouldn't date me ????
  17. Since I agree with them, didn't see the need to comment. As you didn't comment on my '2nd shift' comment. So assume you agree. It's like complete opposites, night & day, helmet use. 90% wear during PoPo hrs, 90% don't, when they are not working.
  18. If that's the case, then that's a tough one. Not sure a minor should be making the decision to have a life altering surgery. I'm going to have to plead ignorance on the hormone therapy, but if not a permanent thing, and just postpones puberty, of whatever, then possibly should be allowed. At most, maybe 8 yrs of meds, and if not a danger to organs, if stopped, then don't see a problem. But surgery, lopping off one's little buddy ... you might want to think a little longer about that.
  19. Went with 'think they are better, but incompetent' ... not me of course. Based on per capita to what I see. So many expats without helmets. Along with so many inconsiderate, poor driving on the highways. And per capita, I should hardly notice any are expats. but far too many are.
  20. In TH, they are 'traffic' police, that is their assignment, so it takes them away from nothing. Am I to assume you don't like here or understand that ? That TH police dept don't budget a full time 2nd shift for traffic police is a bit of an issue. Or maybe they do, and they simply don't work rush hour, and understandable.
  21. Far from echoing the majority of voters. OK, now I have to read the OP ???? So he's generalizing 'anti trans' laws, with a mention to FL, to discredit a possible presidential opponent. So politics as usual, and just a sound bite, and should be ignored. Parents decide the fate of their children, and medical service they receive, till they are adults, not schools, not legislatures. If that is the laws he is referring to. I don't think transgenders, again, whatever they are, need special treatment about discrimination. Think there's enough protected, discrimination laws already on the books. What imaginary discrimination are they talking about now ?
  22. Is it just me, as I find the need to even ask this question is sad, and maybe the OP should use public trans.
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