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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Wish they would, (didn't read), state if the car fire was reported by the owner, or the police, after a 'stolen' car was found. 1500+ sounds extremely high. So do inspect your ICE for leaks. OK, did read it, (slight edit) and just another EV hit piece. ICE fires from crashes and poor maintenance, but the piece only talks about EVs. With higher number of ICE fires, you'd think it would discuss inspection of fuel lines for leaks.
  2. Looks like TH on any given day after a nice rain. Seems they have the same water management problems.
  3. Have you looked in the mirror lately ... is there a reason you're on Nana, assuming you have to P4P, and not just a people watching night out.
  4. That blackened sky photo above, is from 'greenpeace' .... ... notorious for fake news ... nuff said Most negative photo I could find, and what most you are seeing, is steam. Which most eco warriors post, when trying to make something look bad. Not saying coal burning is good, but it is what it is ... not what fake photos show. But until TH goes all solar/hydro, you get what you get.
  5. How to is quite easy ... cut the fuel, or cut the air. Didn't we learn that in high school ? again, it's not rocket science:
  6. I guess you never heard of 'photoshop' https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mae+Moh+Power+Plant/@18.29415,99.7555909,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipM4q5fBjSxRiAq9gg-URZvU8BoT7Br8fDKNUnjN!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipM4q5fBjSxRiAq9gg-URZvU8BoT7Br8fDKNUnjN%3Dw152-h86-k-no!7i1435!8i807!4m6!3m5!1s0x30d91a4107f2be7d:0xa6ae446b648ff034!8m2!3d18.29415!4d99.7555909!16s%2Fg%2F124yp1ct5
  7. You better turn off all your electric appliances or move out of TH, as you wouldn't want to support that type of energy production. But please, keep polluting with you ICE, and hope you're not one to complain about the smog you generate. For clarification, 2 of the 4, are generators, to be added to the 10 generators already at Mae Moh, coal plant/mine area. The other 2, yet to be approved, or location decided on. Don't give them much hope of being built. But hey ... 4 new coal fired plants sounds better, for your spin. Troll On ...
  8. CSs per EVs on the road, and TH is way ahead of most western countries, and most countries burn coal, so I guess you'll never own. TH's energy mostly comes from natural gas. Try again ... after you research, for a better excuse: Only a blind person can't find a CS in TH and hopefully, they aren't driving:
  9. That's why we bought an EV using LFP batteries, and same with our solar system's ESSs. Even my E-MB & ebike use them. I always wait till new tech works the kinks out, and newer tech is too far away to wait for. Just a wee bit of research points these things out. Or, you can be the first to experiment. Linked article above points out, a wee bit of common sense, 'keep your batteries dry' ???? goes a long way. Put that down to 'user error', as most things are. This isn't rocket science. I wouldn't park in or drive my ICE through flood water either.
  10. Physically unable to leave, and forced under duress is about the same thing. If not an extremely mature 15 yr old (think about were we are), then she definitely falls under definition of 'forced child sex worker'. As stated ... does show your character to even think that is acceptable. Laws are there to protect kids, not mature enough to make those decisions. Most under 20 surely are not, or even want to have sex with some old smelly, alcohol breath farang (assuming customer base on bangla). Bad enough those in financial despair go down that road. Hopefully they get the counseling and assistance they need, though unfortunately, I doubt it.
  11. And the non independent rational thinkers mentality is exactly why I retired early. Keep believing what they tell you. BTW ... Thank you
  12. Not really, mid priced, if that, $7-8 appetizer, $20-25 main, $5-7 dessert X 2, and throw in a few cocktails each, or couple bottles of wine, depending on mood, and hitting $100 is easy + that $20+ tip.
  13. But they are exactly what they seem to be, and play out exactly as I expect. Sod so many others can't think for themselves and believe what they are told. Past 3 yrs have proved that, along with basically every military conflict story they are fed, since WWII. Ignorance is Bliss ... great for the savvy investor. Think outside the box, and you get to retire 20 yrs earlier than most. If not a LPOS, having too much fun, then maybe 30-40 yrs earlier than most ????
  14. If not ignorance, an attempt at humor ... hmm. Hope so, as the former would be embarrassing. PH does have a reading comprehension issue, I noticed from past discussions. Almost on topic. As suggested, surely RU knows all it needs about the Reaper. Maybe just want intel from drone to show how the USA is waging the proxy war against them. If RU wants a better drone, just buy from CH, as theirs are far superior.
  15. Would think answers to those questions would all be quite obvious. Why one would need to ask, is a bit telling.
  16. Does anyone not think that RU already has all the info about reaper drones they could possibly need. Retrieved from downed or simply crashed during Iraq, Afghan, Iran or other operation fields. Wanted to down it, so UA has less information about their ground and sea operations. Retrieving would be nice, could always sell or give to one of their allies.
  17. A nice piece of flying by the Russian pilot ... well done ???? No surprise RU was quick to the crash site, considering their permanent placement of ships there.
  18. I don't. Never even heard of sunscreen or skin cancer, until they started marketing sunscreens intensely. Then it seems nothing but skin cancer in the news, with more sunscreen marketing. Always seem to find a carcinogen substance in sunscreen every couple years. Kind of a chicken & egg scenario ... ????
  19. Social Life ... ... I'm still waiting to come out of my shell. My dog/therapist is the only one that understands and accepts me. All the social life I need, or want.
  20. I hope nobody actually thinks that is fast ????
  21. If this Climate Change, Global Warming, MM or not ... ... I'm lovin' it. Rained 3 times already this dry season month ☂️
  22. That's not good, and one expert predicted they were in trouble. Hope the life line works .... or not, as really don't care. Popped into the bank the other day. Pillow cases are full up ... ????
  23. I bought a spare for the MG ZS ICE, but instead of the donut, simply got the real tire on a mag, and only cost 1000 baht more. Figured when time for new tires, I'd just keep the best on replaced as the spare, and only have to buy 3. In the EV trunk now. Means the shelf has to be on top tier, but we don't need the space anyway.
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