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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends on the IOs at your Imm Office, though I found them to be very accommodation, with the very few incidents that I know of. I would get a Dr note & show you have the finances for whatever, and simply ask. They are not the cold hearted folks many make them out to be.
  2. https://www.windy.com/-PM2-5-pm2p5?cams,pm2p5,16.521,103.149,7
  3. Might look nice during the day, but all the lights at night ... no thanks. Put those on something ugly to enhance. Some ground lighting to see the tree at night would be nice, but they aren't Xmas trees.
  4. If you plan on moving to the area, get use to it. Almost 6 months a year. May want to consider that before leaving Utah on a permanent basis. I endured 16 yrs of it in Udon Thani, 1/4 of my life, and surely affected my lungs, even if slightly. Add that to a smoker (I'm not) and it adds to later health issues. I can't stay in the house with air purifiers on all day ???? Moved south, below Hua Hin, still an issue a few months a year, but not nearly as bad as the NE, Actually been quite nice lately and had all the doors & windows open most of yesterday. Crop burning, trash burning (which we actually contribute to ????), and locals keeping warm, during Global Warming ???? You damn ICE drivers ... oh yea, and a wee bit blowing over from Laos & Nam.
  5. Don't do phone apps, but if on PC, just right click and 'translate to English' I have English as language on site that give choice, sometimes doesn't work, and Chrome auto translate to English, which also doesn't work half the time.
  6. If you lived down south, you could compromise, and go with ???? Shrew-faced squirrel - Rhinosciurus laticaudatus
  7. MG ZS ... only 2 months, but really like it. Had the ICE version just prior for 2 years/38k kms. So no real surprises, nicer fit & finish, along with performance. Nice upgrade all around.
  8. @BritManToo Agree ... Tulsa King is excellent. Watched all available last night. Highly recommend. Oh yea, for others ... the trailer sucks, as had no desire to watch after viewing the trailer, and nothing what I expected, thankfully. Without B2's recommendation, I would have given it a pass, and a missed opportunity.
  9. Monthly breakdown for the year, only 5 months. For those curious, but too lazy to start at page 1. Note the title of thread is wrong, as '8kW hybrid' now having 20kW of ESS. Second 10kW ESS was added early Sept, as late Aug, they replaced our temp meter, with a digital, so no feeding the grid. Easy to tell which days (8) that we did feed the grid in August, along with heavier AC use. Very conservative use/consumption, since only 10kW ESS during Aug, and first 2 weeks of Sept. Picked up the BEV on 30 Oct, so easy to tell which days we were charging the car, along with which days we were out all day exploring locally, since no petrol cost to do so. Happy New Year Have a Safe & Healthy 2023
  10. Anxious to get on the road again ourselves. Got a couple projects at the house, trying to finish up on, but may pause them, as want to take advantage of the weather.
  11. That would pretty much guarantee another Dem president. No matter what idiot they run. Can you imagine another 4 yrs of Biden, or even Harris as president. Biden or Harris vs Desantis (or Cruz, Rubio) vs Trump = Dem win I actually prefer things to remain as they are, or even get worse in the USA. I know, selfish, by my friends & family have nothing to worry about, all self sufficient in their finances. COLA is about all I care about, and has been excellent with Dems in charge, along with exchange rate.
  12. Not sure I understand the questions. Most everything produced is used, why numbers are so close. Only time they were noticeably different, was when feeding the grid a few days, and anywhere from 5-15kW a day produced, went out of the house to the grid. That only a few days, the first few weeks having, till new digital meter replaced spinning meter. I notice the inverter itself, uses from 30-80w an hour, so fairly minimal. From memory, think the promo info on panels & inverter were high 80 to high 90% efficiency, but TBH, haven't a clue how I could test or verify that info. Especially since with no export, only what's used passes through the inverter. 18 X 540w panels should have potential to produce 9.72kW an hour at max, and promo states inverter will handle 10kW in, and 8.8kW out. With full on sun, and charging the ESSs, production rarely touched 8kW, and only once was knocking on 9kW. I based the size of the system on our rental use, of 1 small, old AC in the bedroom, and we used 600-700kW/PEA units a month. So actually expected to use 700-1000kW at this house, running 2 larger AC units a lot longer. The quality build & inverter ACs certainly made a difference, and much more than expected. Along with more electric appliance use in the kitchen. Surprised the ACs run as efficient as they do. Part of the low usage also can be attributed to the weather. Longer rainy season, more overcast skies, and nice temps since installed. Feb, Mar, Apr may be much different, and a better test of both, house & ACs. Neither stressed since installed. Our most produced day, still 18Aug, but 15kW of that went to the grid, along with knocking on 9kW being produced. But since partly clouding, as shown by peaks & valleys, hard to tell if full on sun would have maxed out production potential. Very happy with 8kW+, as 6 hr day or full on sunshine, and close to 50kW potential, which we'll never use.: I doubt if a 5kW system would have been enough, especially since having a digital meter, and the EV. 8kW system, at present seems to be overkill, and we can't use it's potential. A good thing, as longevity of components should be extended, since not stressed. Adding the 2nd ESS made a huge difference for no stress overnight use during rainy season. Some days producing < 10kW, and using 5kW overnight. So 20kW ESS vs 10kW means we don't have to pay attention at all. A couple times, I turned the grid on, when just having a 10kW ESS, so not to go below 35% reserve. Now I plug in the EV, at 0600 before sunrise, knowing with have 4-6kW to play with, before hitting 50% of ESSs, and before producing enough to cover the house load (<1kW) & EV (2.3kW). Usually by 0830 hrs, production matches consumption. You can tell by the shaded red, until the blue is visible, thus excess going to batteries. Once topped up, it simply produces, accepts from the panels what is needed.
  13. Do expect the govt to add a few more days, to create long weekends when possible. Bring happiness to the people. Soon it will be like the USA, and people will forget what the holiday is actually for, aside from 3 days off of work. Though I think TH is almost already there.
  14. I see the racist are out in force ... shameful really. Chinese can't be trusted ... what gov't can be ? Chinese vaccine doesn't work to prevent ... What vaccine does ? Chinese make junk .. yet most countries use their manufacturing.
  15. Just commented, didn't vote, as would be a bit silly, since never been, lived or visited the UK. Don't know the issues before or after Brexit, though suspect most UK'ers don't really know either. But reading the news, and some of the 'rules' the EU forces on countries of, I don't think I'd want to live under their thumb.
  16. So far, no real down side, with our BEV (MG ZS). Really don't mind stops at CS after a few hours, as we stopped also with the ICE. Though usually a bit shorter time, though extra 15ish minutes for the savings and performance of the EV is well worth it. Considering it's only when O&A. No desire to travel during holidays, so until EVs numbers increase dramatically, not expecting the need to Q up anywhere soon. EVs aren't for everyone ... nice to have options. Be Safe Not sure what issue in the UK have to do with "EVs in TH"
  17. Nice report ... and yea, I didn't do road trips with the ICE during holidays. On our 1 over the road outing, the wife called ahead, to make sure CS were operational. The only 1 she didn't call, wasn't ????, but another just down the road. We only used MG CSs on that trip, 900 kms. Not being a patient person, need to get our O&As in the next couple years, before the EVs catch up to the number of CSs.
  18. If the roads aren't clear, you won't be using the car, any car anyway. And hope you got 4X4. If no electric, will the petrol stations be pumping petrol. IF having solar ... really can't be that hard to keep the snow off your panels. If installing solar in a 'snow' region, one would hope there was some fore thought & planning. If I lived in snow region, definitely have a solar generator or diesel generator as back up. That uncommon common sense. Certainly not rely on govt or utility companies that fail yearly with any inclement weather. No different than here, as we made sure nothing casting shade on the panels, during any time of the year. Though dust is a bit easier than snow when maintaining clean panels.???? No plan is always the best plan ... for failure
  19. Yes, just plug the 'emergency' (MG's description) / granny charger into any outlet, and shouldn't have a problem. As stated, 2.3kW, and about the same as any high power appliance. Even less than hot water heaters for the shower, though they only run for 5 to 20 mins, depending who using. The MG Wall Charger (my 'emergency' charger), already had a line available, as an AC unit was going to be put on same wall. Installer did run his own line, (wisely, no trust in the world), and did use the same breaker we had set aside for that. Wall Charger is on a separate line to the grid. Which is a good thing, as if we use it, it would probably be overnight, due to miscalculation on my part or unplanned trip in the AM by us. If overnight, would only have about 10kW of solar battery available anyway, so grid would be necessary. Being on grid, simply saves me the need to reprogram solar inverter to use grid. Yea, I'm that lazy. Have 20kW of ESS, need 5kW overnight for house load, and 5kW for reserve, leaving 10kW for EV, so not much, but would take it from 80-100%, if no miscalculation by myself, and actually needed. As stated, 3 trips to Hua Hin this past week, and no problem topping up EV and running the house with solar. Plenty of sunshine. Rainy season may dictate Wall Charger use. This is Thursday & yesterday, as I took daughter back to Mazda/HH to pick up her car, Got back @ 30%, I think, and plugged in around noon, then ran some errands, then again prior to sunset. Yesterday at 0600 AM, so took a while to get back to 80%. Easy enough as not needing the car. Thursday, topped up last 5% to 100% ... went to HH, very early AM, wanting to be there when open @ 0830 hrs ... back home, plugged in ... ran errands ... plugged in again. Yesterday, topped back to 80% Of course I could have simply used the wall charger, and sprung for the ฿200 to PEA ... oh Hell NO. Yea, I'm a spiteful ol' basstard. Would think most BEV owners do the same, or use their wall charger, no matter EV brand, if not as anal/anti PEA as myself. Simply because having solar. You park, you plug in, not a whole lot of thought, effort or stress involved. Do it every time, or plan every couple of days.
  20. Brits blame Brexit, Torys, Labor etc etc Yanks blame Trump or Biden, Obama, Bush s Should blame themselves for allowing politicians, they elected to office, to screw them over & over, again & again.
  21. Comes down to basic economics: ... Can you feed yourself, or need to import ... Do you manufacture anything, for local or export, or again, rely on imports. ... or simply surviving to provide services to the elite. ... is tax money spent on military for UK security, or simply providing corporate security worldwide, with no return to the public, just the corporate bottom line. Apparently serfdom hasn't change in centuries, except now they allow you to own a few things, at a price w/interest.
  22. As stated, depends when & what you are going for. "Beach" holiday, Phuket, at least part of the year the water is clean enough to swim in ... maybe. Choose your beach wisely though, for swimming, and not the big 3; Patong Karon Kata If just chillin' surfside, then doesn't matter, they all look lovely, most of the time. Can't think of any reason for me to visit Pattaya.
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