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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Toyota, at the show. Elsewhere, Tesla ... by a huge margin https://aseannow.com/topic/1257405-electric-vehicles-in-thailand/page/40/#comment-17777820
  2. I did, as I already owned the ICE version. Did get a chance finally to sit in one, and get hands on, passed on the test drive, about a month before ours was delivered, 4 months after ordered. Would I do the same for a different brand / model ... Hell NO, that's crazy.
  3. Starts when I ask the IO to do the report, then all I care about is the date for the next 90 day report. Better to argue sex, drugs, R&R, religion, politics or sports. And who is paying for the next round ??? Much more important ... ????
  4. Don't know about court challenge, but do you really want to finish out your years, living in a house with 3-10 people who don't want you there, or like you. Eventually your safety may become on issue.
  5. Because that's the rule for 'their' country. As with every country ... ... LOVE IT or LEAVE IT ... door swings both ways Seriously ... if you can't afford, or don't have 400k in savings for emergencies, you probably shouldn't be living internationally, and stay in home country with their useless safety nets. Go bankrupt there, it's safer, as at least they'll admit you to a hospital.
  6. Lease & usufruct are a bit useless, if they don't want you there. At lease you know your pecking order in advance ... ... Plan B
  7. EV competitive of the 'many' manufacturers and models available is stiff in CH. Not so much here, so it's priced for the TH market. Don't think it will change much, especially since the demand for Tesla is extremely high. Surpassed everything else in the price range, I think, with just the first round of orders. Impressive.
  8. There may be some merit to mask wearing at public toilets ... ???? Think I'll wait till I get home ... I wonder if that vendor washed their hands, though just imagine all the krap on the faucets.
  9. Universal replacement knob ...
  10. Whoever she designates in the will ... ... that is what they are for. If no will, goes to children ... and they can fight over it. Do you have a Plan B ... ???? NO plan, is a plan to FAIL ... why no will registered, or trustworthy kid on the chanote.
  11. Type in address bar: facebook: bicycle shop bangkok Using Gmaps, the individual listings, may have 'website' listed in description: https://www.google.co.th/maps/search/bicycle+shops/@13.7492971,100.4714449,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m7!2m6!3m5!2sBangkok!3s0x311d6032280d61f3:0x10100b25de24820!4m2!1d100.5017651!2d13.7563309
  12. If the fossil fuel conglomerates allow it to progress as they have the other alternative solution ... ... not in ours, our children's or their grandchildren's lifetime ????
  13. Not familiar with the 'TPBI' product, but are biodegradable really as they advertise in the real world usage of: "Biodegradable plastic bags To put it simply, something is biodegradable when living things, like fungi or bacteria, can break it down. Biodegradable bags are made from plant-based materials like corn and wheat starch rather than petroleum. However when it comes to this kind of plastic, there are certain conditions required for the bag to begin to biodegrade. Firstly, temperatures need to reach 50 degrees Celsius. Secondly, the bag needs to be exposed to UV light. In an oceanic environment, you'd be hard pressed to meet either of these criteria. Plus, if biodegradable bags are sent to landfill, they break down without oxygen to produce methane, a greenhouse gas with a warming capacity 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide." https://www.1millionwomen.com.au/blog/plastic-bags-whats-difference-between-degradable-compostable-and-biodegradable/
  14. They will never replenish at the same rate, non farmed trees are harvested. Farmed harvesting is fine, but there should be a worldwide moratorium/ban on any other cutting down of trees.
  15. One of the great pluses of living in TH ... NOT celebrating Christian based holidays. If not for mentioning in news or an AN, I'd not even know when they are. BLISS
  16. Free market & competition is a beautiful thing. Capitalisms works if you let it.
  17. Nothing wrong with plastic, for now. How it is disposed of, along with everything else in TH is the problem. Nothing eco friendly about cutting down trees for paper or for any reason, quite the opposite IMHO
  18. Depends on the car, if 'designed' to use, as the ZS was. I tested all 3, and got about the same kpL, and a bit more pep with E85,surprisingly, though barely noticeable. Originally 25+% cheaper than 91, back in Sept 2020.
  19. Disgustingly dirty creatures in high numbers. Almost killed my brother with respiratory infection. He used to race them, and one specialist figured out it was the pigeons as the source of infection. Sad the others didn't as I thought it was a bit obvious. But who listens to me ... ????
  20. Lived just outside Udon Thani. 15 ish kms (BanTad & Ban Nong Kae) for 16 ish years. Though do have to plead ignorance on your area. Been down there a few times, but nothing of interest to encourage more exploring of the area. Be Safe
  21. More fake news from CNN ... ... Musk no longer richest person, as CNN themselves reported earlier, but hey, why not add more falsehood the their reputation. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/07/business/elon-musk-wealth/index.html
  22. Talk about a 'wired' crowd walking around ... ???? YaBa sales down that down.
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